
ML Generated Entries based off the website http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ Created under CC-BY-SA 2.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Collection 1


Transmission 21 The following is a list of all the SCP-217 SCP-217-1 instances currently in Foundation custody.

SCP-217 is a highly intelligent SCP-217-1 instance, with a list of its members as follows: DATA EXPUNGED

SCP-217 possesses a number of characteristics, including: A very small feline, with a tail of unknown species. A large nose, with a mouth with a pronounced sound. A large clawed hand, with a long, curved blade. A large leg, with a large mouth and legs. A large skull of unknown origin. A large hand, with a curved, sharp tongue. A large, sharply-edged hand.

SCP-217 was recovered in ████, █████, after an unauthorized raid on ████ medical facilities. The SCP was found in a room at Site-19, containing SCP-217. The town of ████ was mentioned as having a population of about ███,000, and the town was labelled as being “a thousand miles away” before the raid was officially contained. The incident was later found to have been a cover-up, and the SCP was brought into Foundation custody.

SCP-217 is currently being kept in a secure containment suit at Site-19.

Note: The following information is still classified SCPs. The Foundation has been aware of SCP-217, and has determined it has no anomalous properties, and has authorized the containment of SCP-217.

Note: Get out of here! We’re doing it!

Note: I’ve been sworn to secrecy.

Note: You should know better than to try to keep me from doing what I’m doing.

Note: What would you do if you were to go into a room full of SCP-217?

Note: I’m not telling, ████.

Note: How do you - SCP-083 SCP-083-1 SCP-083-2 SCP-083-3 SCP-083-4 SCP-083-5 SCP-083-6 SCP-083-7 SCP-083-8 SCP-083-9 SCP-083-10 SCP-083-11 SCP-083-12

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.  I’m not ready to let this go.

Note: I know, I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just not ready to let this go.

Note: I know. I know. I’ve been doing this for years. I’m just End of Transmission 21


Transmission 24 Begin Log

Date: 06122009 Total Requests: 10

Subject: “I’m sorry, it’s just a theory.”

Result: Personnel A: Doctor █████, who worked for Dr. ████ ████████. Dr. ████ ████████, who worked for Dr. ████████.

Subject: “It’s just a theory.”

Result: Personnel B: Major O5-█, who worked for Major ████ ████████. Major O5-█, who worked for Major ████ ████████.

Subject: “Why?”

Result: Personnel C: Major ████ ████████, who worked for Major ████ ████████. Major ████ ████████, who worked for Major ████ ████████.

Subject: “It’s just a theory, I mean.”

Result: Personnel D: Major ████ ████████, who worked for Major ████ ████████.

Subject: “I’ll go with you.”

Result: Personnel E: Major ████ ████████, who worked for Major ████ ████████. Major ████ ████████ ████████ ██████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ██████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ █████ End of Transmission 24


Transmission 17 Missed-unload for the last time.

VICE: You’re in a bar. You’re drunk, you’re crazy, you’re just trying to get a drink. You’re going to have a tough time getting the damn thing to get your pants down, so if you have to get down, you’re going to have to get up.

VICE: You’re in a bar. You’re intoxicated. You’re drunk, you’re crazy, you’re just trying to get a drink. You’re going to have a tough time getting down, so if you have to get down, you’re going to have to get up.

FX: You’re in a bar. You’re drunk, you’re crazy, you’re just trying to get a drink. You’re going to have a tough time getting down, so if you have to get down, you’re going to have to get up.

FX: You’re in a bar. You’re drunk, you’re crazy, you’re just trying to get a drink. You’re going to have a tough time getting down, so if you have to get down, you’re going to have to get up.

FX: Go to the bathroom. You’re in a bar. You’re drunk, you’re crazy, you’re just trying to get a drink. You’re going to have a tough time getting down, so if you have to get down, you’re going to have to get up.

FX: Go to the bathroom. You’re in a bar. You’re drunk, you’re crazy, you’re just trying to get a drink. You’re going to have a tough time getting down, so if you have to get down, you’re going to have to get up.

FX: Go to the bathroom. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. You’re in a bar. End of Transmission 17


Transmission 5 The letters and pictures of his mother are etched into his chest, as if it had been etched into his heart. The letters and pictures are etched into his mind.

He thinks that his mother was a monster. A girl who was murdered by her father, her mother who was murdered by her brother, and the killers who raped her. He thinks that her murder was just a coincidence and was only a part of her. He thinks that she was a monster.

“Oh, my. Oh, my. Now that’s what I’m going to do.”

He wonders if he’ll ever be able to remember her, if he’ll ever live again.

He frowns, and turns to face the wall. “I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. I don’t. I can’t. I hate it.”

“I don’t. And that’s the second problem.”

He frowns and turns to face the wall again. He looks down at the letters. “It’s not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not.

He turns over, and sees that his mother is dead. He kinda feels a little… tentative. “Blood. Blood. Heart. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood.

He doesn’t have a choice, but he’s getting the hope. He’s dealing with his mother. He’s dealing with his mother. He’s dealing with his mother. He’s dealing with his mother.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

He smiles, and turns away. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry,” he says, happy. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

He settles in, and he’s staring at his mother.

Note: The only thing that does not belong to the human brain is the human heart. Right?

Note: It is. It is. It is. It is. It is. It is.

Note: I was wondering if anyone had heard of my mother, but her name is now in my hospital bed. title:Instagram

module Rate

In the classroom, there was a stack of articles.  It was a stack of almost everything I needed.

I was wondering if I could take some of them and leave them in the bag?

I wasn’t sure I could, but I decided to try.  I started off by reading about how there weren’t any actual filters on a website, so I looked around, kinda thinking that was the best way to go.  I didn’t realize that at End of Transmission 5


Transmission 2 Diary:

Dr. █████:    I’ve been asked to write your diary.  It’s on my desk.  I haven’t had a chance to write about it.

Dr. █████:   Begin Log of SCP-784-14-J

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  SCP-784-14  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note: It’s not in my office.

SCP-784-14-J:  SCP-784-14  Note End of Transmission 2


Transmission 4 CURRENT REVIEW:


Subject: Dr. Clef’s Security Clearance and Clearance ID Notes: Re: A B-class researcher who reacted poorly to SCP-254, subsequently acquired a commendation for his performance by the Foundation. Note: Re: A person who  tried to  attack SCP-254 with a screwdriver without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who  tried to attack SCP-254 with a screwdriver without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who  tried to attack SCP-254 with a screwdriver without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: Re: A person who tried to attack SCP-254 without paying, and it failed. Note: End of Transmission 4


Transmission 1 div

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; border:0;” |||| image http:img.photobucket.comalbumsv252yoregkondrakiWitty_Kitten.jpg width="200px” || ||||~ ^^Kitten at first sight^^ || div

Item : SCP-682

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 is to be kept in a standard “Dorm Room” environment, with a minimal amount of infestation.  The infestation is to be contained by a single door at all times, but only on a temporary basis.  Should a door be opened from within the room, a wire fence should be placed around the perimeter of the room, and a small box of sterile fluid should be placed around the perimeter of the room.  The humidity should be maintained to 12%.  Only one (1) serving of water should be provided to the room, and its contents must be contained in a sterile container.

Description: SCP-682 is an irregular pair of dogs.  The rooms inside the room are infested with SCP-682-1 and SCP-682-2, and each has a different appearance.  One (1) feeder will feed any animal that moves within the room, such as human subjects.  The other feeder will feed any animal that moves within the room, such as rats.  The feeder will feed any animal that moves within the room.  The feeder will feed any animal that moves within the room, regardless of how animal moves within the room.

SCP-682-1 is a normal human male.  The room inside is infested with SCP-682-1, and since its initial introduction into the United States and Canada, its infestation has resulted in several deaths within the infested room.  It is theorized that SCP-682-1’s behavior has been altered to cause it to be infested with SCP-682.

SCP-682-2 is a normal human female.  Since its introduction into the United States and Canada, its infestation has resulted in several deaths within the infested room.  It is theorized that SCP-682-2 could have been introduced into this infested room by means of a device that would infest SCP-682-1 as soon as it moved outside.  Researchers are to be on site to determine the cause of each infestation, and to determine whether the device is capable of causing any tumors within the room.  

Addendum: On ███20██, a new infestation of SCP-682 was discovered within the containment area of Site-07.  The infestation was found to be contained within the room’s infested room, but containment teams were unable to find SCP-682-1 outside the room.  In the event that a containment breach occurs, the new infestation will begin to show signs of aging, and will die within a few hours.  All infested rooms should be treated with Class A amnesiacs.

Experiment Log:

Date: ████20██ Subject: SCP-682-2 Description: SCP-682-2 is a female human 5.4 meters in height, weighing approximately 198 kilograms.  It is of African origin.  When the door to the room was opened, SCP-682-2 was contained within the room, and the infestation was contained within the room’s infested room.  After the infestation was contained within the infested room, the infestation was removed from the room.  The infestation was then contained within the room’s infested room.  Subject was reported to have run into the infested room’s infested room several times, with no sign of escape.  The infestation was removed from the room, and the room was not contained within the infested room.  After the infestation was removed from the room, the subject was reportedly found in the infested room.

It is theorized that SCP-682-2 was introduced into this infested room by means of a device that would infest the infested room.  The infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infestation room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested room’s infested End of Transmission 1


Transmission 5 The first time you requested a large bag of ground beef, you told me to try it out, really. It's classic to try something new. How about a steakhouse? Or a steakhouse? I'm not sure what you could do with steak in a cup, but I guess you could just go for a slice of the steak. -Agent ██████

Won’t be bad in the end, but I’m a bit hungry. –Dr. ████

Hey, let’s get some more steak. -Agent ██████

Is it possible that you can use the steak in a steak sauce? -Agent ██████

I can make it. I don’t know what I’d do with it. -Agent ██████

I’ve been thinking about it, but I can’t make it. I can’t play. I don’t have the energy or the time. -Agent ██████

I’m getting the urge to try something new. -Agent ██████

Does anyone else have any questions? -Agent ██████

Oh, yes, there is a steakhouse in ██████, in ██████, California. -Agent ██████

Ooh, I might be able to make a steak. -Agent ██████

I’d like to talk to you about something interesting. -Agent ██████

I’ll take the offer. -Agent ██████

Oh, no, no. -Agent ██████

We’ve got plenty of time. -Agent ██████

Oh, no, no, no! -Agent ██████

Wait! -Agent ██████

I’m not the only one who has a steak. -Agent ██████

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no… -Agent ██████

It’s just…it’s not fair, Agent. -Agent ██████

Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, it’s not fair. It’s not fair. -Agent ██████

It’s not fair, Agent. -Agent ██████

It’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Oh, Agent, I want to talk to you about steak. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, no. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, Agent, it’s not fair for you. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent ██████

Agent, Agent, it’s not fair. -Agent █████ End of Transmission 5


Transmission 9 The Press:

  If you’ve been reading this far, you’ve probably heard of someone on the left or the right.  It’s been a while since I have a look at the news, so I’m going to start with the story.  It was a year ago that the University of Chicago was bombed, and I was called in to investigate.  I was called in for an interview with the man.  It was a while ago, but the guy was still working for the Foundation keeping it secret.  I don’t understand why the university was bombed.  I’ve been hearing rumors about the city for a while now, but I can’t quite come up with an explanation.  Jesus.  I’ve been hearing rumors of the city for a while, but I can’t quite come up with an explanation.  It’s still a small town, but I can’t quite come up with an explanation.  It’s just an old town in the middle of nowhere, just another goddamn town.  I can’t explain that, but I can’t explain that.  It’s just another goddamn town.  I just don’t understand.  I’m not really sure what it is, but I can’t explain that.   It’s just an old town in the middle of nowhere, just another goddamn town.  I can’t explain that either.  It’s just another goddamn town.  I can’t explain that either.   It’s just an old town, just another goddamn town.  I can’t explain that either.   It’s just an old town, just another goddamn town.  I can’t explain that either.   It’s just an old town, just another goddamn town.  I can’t explain that either.   It’s just an old town, just another goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just another goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just another goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just another goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just another goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   I’m not even sure what that is.   I don’t know what that is.   it’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   I don’t know what that is.   I don’t know what that is.   I don’t know what that is.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   I don’t know what that is.   it’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an damn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, just an goddamn town.   It’s just an old town, End of Transmission 9


Transmission 0 Spurred by a request to create a new, more intuitive interface for the SCP, I've created an interface that is simple enough and easy-to-use to use.

I have created the interface myself, using the SCP-009 interface. It’s a bit more explicit than I was originally intending, but the gist is the same.

The interface has two buttons:

The first one is for creating a new interface. The second button has a button that pops up when a new interface is created.

Here’s the interface:

Here’s the tell-tale signs that the buttons are there:

  1. The button is for creating new interfaces.
  2. The button is for creating new interfaces.
  3. The button is for creating new interfaces.
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  81. The button is for creating new interfaces. End of Transmission 0


Transmission 8 SCP-814-J is a second-hand artifact dating to the 19th century, containing a masterwork of decorative arts, as well as eight doors. The doors are located in the basement of SCP-814-J's home. In addition to having been contained by SCP-814-J, SCP-814-J has also been found in a series of caves in ██████, ████.

SCP-814-J was recovered from the home of Dr. ██████████ ████████, who had been conducting research on the usefulness of SCP-814-J. Upon his return, SCP-814-J was found in the home of Dr. ██████████ ████████, with the artifact in his possession. The artifact was later retrieved by Foundation agents and recovered by it.

Description: SCP-814-J is a series of three doors located on the north side of the home of Dr. ██████████ ████████, located in █████ ████████, ████. The first door is a single door, and the second one is an empty chamber. The third door is a single door, and the door can be closed and opened by the owner of the second door.

The first and second doors are identical in layout to the first, except that one is a single door and the other is a three-way mirror. The door is locked and unheated, and the mirror is equipped with a pair of deep red light bulbs, which are scattered around the room. The mirror is also inoperative, emitting a steady stream of luminescent light that can be changed. The bulbs are not visible from the window, and the room is otherwise unchanged. The second door is a doorway, and the first is a doorway to the third door. The third door is a single gate, and is inoperative.

No anomalous properties are observed on the second door. The third door is partially open, and there is no illumination. The lights on the third door are scattered through the room, with a green glow visible to the naked eye at the bottom of the door. On the ground floor, a large circular door is visible.

On the floor beside the third door, a small fountain is visible and appears to be a room of varying size. The furniture on the floor is in a state of disrepair, and the dust in the dust appears to have been removed. In the dining room, a pile of books has appeared in the fold of the bed. The beds are empty, and the owner is still alive.

On entrance to the third door, a large, circular mirror appears. This mirror appears to be of unknown origin, and is capable of changing all known colors. It is capable of projecting an image of its own, with the ability to change colors at will. The owner of the third door appears to have been in possession of SCP-814-J, and has been able to use this mirror to alter the colors of its own mirror.

Addendum 814-J-1: After the events of SCP-814-J, Dr. ██████████ ████████ was taken into custody. While he was in custody, Agent ████████ was sent to the Foundation Laboratory for Experimentation with SCP-814-J. Agents ████████ and ████ were sent to the Foundation Laboratory for Experimentation with SCP-814-J. Agent ████████ was found dead on his front porch with a gunshot wound to the head. Agent ████████ was unable to communicate with the agent, or with his family. Agent ████████ was found dead in an apartment block, with a gunshot wound to the chest. Agent ████████ was found dead in his bathroom. Agents ████████ and ████████ were both shot dead. Agent ████████ had been shot three times in the head with a .40 caliber round, and Agent ████████ had been shot once in the chest, with a .40 caliber round. Agent ████████ and Agent ████████ were found dead in the middle of a street in ███████, ██, ████. Agent ████████ was found dead with a broken arm. Agent ████████ was found dead in the same apartment, with a gunshot wound. Agent ████████ and Agent ████████ were found dead in the same apartment, with a gunshot wound to the chest. Agent ████████ was found dead in the driveway in ██████, ██, ████. Agent ████████ and Agent ████████ were found dead in the same apartment, with a gunshot wound to the chest. Agent ████████ was found dead in the same hallway, with a gunshot wound to the chest. Agent ████████ and Agent ████████ End of Transmission 8


Transmission 3 All information compiled from the SCP-909 database has been uploaded to SCP-909's public database, as a result of a request made by SCP-909's containment staff. -Dr. ███████

Test 1

Subjects were seated in SCP-909 and placed in close proximity to a wall. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. The subject was instructed to continue his sedative. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom.

Test 2

Subjects were seated in SCP-909 and placed in close proximity to a wall. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 5 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given a mild sedative and instructed to proceed to the bathroom. After approximately 20 minutes, the subject was given End of Transmission 3


Transmission 25 "The others are looking at me, but they don't see me."

It was an instant of dread, the sound of a knife edge cutting through flesh.

“You know what, it’s got to be worked. No one’s going to get hurt like that.”

“The others are in their places.”

“Isn’t it the same as the rest of the guys?”

“The others are in their places.”

“But I won’t kill them.”

“The ones in their place.”

“They’re in their places.”

“I won’t kill them.”

“The others are in their places.”

“But I won’t.”

“But I won’t.”

“But I won’t.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

The words were written in black verse.

The thing was a knife.

It didn’t even have a blade.

It was a knife.

It was a knife.

The things in it were the things in this world.

“Did you see the way that knife cut through the flesh?”

It was a knife.

It was the stuff of nightmares.

“This is what the nightmares are”

“The stuff of nightmares.”

“The things in this world are what the nightmares are.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The nightmares are the things in this world.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places.”

“The others are in their places. End of Transmission 25


Transmission 11 SCP-624-2

SCP-624-1 SCP-624-2 SCP-624-3 SCP-624-4 SCP-624-5 SCP-624-6 SCP-624-7 SCP-624-8 SCP-624-9 SCP-624-10 SCP-624-11 SCP-624-12 SCP-624-13 SCP-624-14 SCP-624-15 SCP-624-16 SCP-624-17 SCP-624-18 SCP-624-19 SCP-624-20 SCP-624-21 SCP-624-22 SCP-624-23 SCP-624-24 SCP-624-25 SCP-624-26 SCP-624-27 SCP-624-28 SCP-624-29

SCP-624-30 SCP-624-31 SCP-624-32 SCP-624-33 SCP-624-34 SCP-624-35 SCP-624-36 SCP-624-37 SCP-624-38 SCP-624-39 SCP-624-40 SCP-624-41 SCP-624-42 SCP-624-43 SCP-624-44 SCP-624-45 SCP-624-46 SCP-624-47 SCP-624-48 SCP-624-49 SCP-624-50 SCP-624-51 SCP-624-52 SCP-624-53 SCP-624-54 SCP-624-55 SCP-624-56 SCP-624-57 SCP-624-58 SCP-624-59 SCP-624-60 SCP-624-61 SCP-624-62 SCP-624-63 SCP-624-64 SCP-624-65 SCP-624-66 SCP-624-67 SCP-624-68 SCP-624-69 SCP-624-70 SCP-624-71 SCP-624-72 SCP-624-73 SCP-624-74 SCP-624-75 SCP-624-76 SCP-624-77 SCP-624-78 SCP-624-79 SCP-624-80 SCP-624-81 SCP-624-82 SCP-624-83 SCP-624-84 SCP-624-85 SCP-624-86 SCP-624-87 SCP-624-88 SCP-624-89 SCP-624-90 SCP-624-91 SCP-624-92 End of Transmission 11


Transmission 23 ███████ ████████, Dr. ██████ ███ ████████

Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Subject: Doctor ███ ██████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████

Description: SCP-███ was recovered from a residence in ████, ██████, after a report that a resident of the residence had had a speech impediment. The resident was reported to have been sedated after being attacked by a dog. The dog had been noted to have been unable to move, and was noted to have been capable of penetrating the walls of the residence. The resident was later determined to have suffered from a form of Alzheimer’s Disease and was treated for respiratory failure.

Document ██-██-████

Date: ████-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████

Description: SCP-███ was recovered from a residence in ████, ██████, following an investigation by the Foundation. A male was found dead in the residence, with the remains of several deceased individuals hanging from the ceiling. The deceased had been bitten by a dog after being shot in the head. The deceased’s home was subsequently located within the residence, and was returned to Dr. ███ ████████.


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██-████

Location: Dr. ███ ████████


Document ██-██-████

Date: ██-██- End of Transmission 23


Transmission 27 SCP-667-J is a small, rectangular box measuring 4 by 4 by 2 meters. The box appears to be made of stone, but is otherwise unremarkable. It has a single window, which appears to be made of iron. The box is unnoticeable to all agents except those in the room. The box is surrounded by a door which, when opened, appears to be locked.

SCP-667-J has been reported entering SCP-667-J’s containment chamber, after the death of Agent ████████. The door is open and the chamber is covered with a sheet of paper. All personnel inside the containment chamber are either hostile or hostile towards SCP-667-J. (See Document 6767-J)

SCP-667-J appears to be a normal human male, approximately 5 cm in height, weighing approximately 1 kg. To date, all personnel in SCP-667-J’s containment chamber are female. On the other hand, all personnel in SCP-667-J’s containment chamber are male. One male human is in the room, accompanied by a female human.

SCP-667-J appears to be a normal human male. After an attack, SCP-667-J will bring up the following information.

Name: Unknown, age of 6.

Date: ████20██

Location: Site-██


div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:www.scp-wiki.netlocal–filesscp-667-jSCP-667-j.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-667-J if there is no one in the room.^^ || div

SCP-667-J was discovered in the locker room of the ████████ ██████ ████ Military Medical Center in ███████████, █████, on ████20██. SCP-667-J was mistaken for a deeply-sealed vial of a small neurotoxin, which was found encapsulated in SCP-667-J’s locker. SCP-667-J appeared to be an ordinary human male, approximately 5 cm in height, weighing approximately 1 kg.

SCP-667-J was taken into containment for experimentation.

Document 6767-J:

SCP-667-J has been observed to show strange behavior on several occasions. It will repeatedly move through the room, moving through the walls, and past the guard who was guarding him. It will continue that way for several hours before returning to the main room.

SCP-667-J will appear to be in a state of shock before returning to its locker.

Upon returning to its locker, SCP-667-J will appear to be in a state of shock.

SCP-667-J will continue to move through the room then will reappear in the locker room. It will appear to be in a state of shock.

SCP-667-J appears to be in a state of shock.

SCP-667-J appears to be in a state of shock.

SCP-667-J will continue to move through the room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J appears to be in a state of shock.

SCP-667-J appears to be in a state of shock.

SCP-667-J will continue to move through the room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J appears to be in a state of shock.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J appears to be in a state of shock.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J will reappear in the locker room.

SCP-667-J will reappear End of Transmission 27


Transmission 6 The average human body (of course) is composed of about 1.5 kilograms of compounds. These compounds have varying properties, but all are chemically identical to the average human body. If one compound is used in a particular way, it will change its chemical composition to match the average human body. The most common of these compounds is acetone, which is a naturally occurring molecule that has been shown to be corrosive to non-organic materials.

Additionally, some of the compounds are completely harmless, but can be harmful to humans (see below).


Item : SCP-455

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-455 is to be contained within a standard mobile containment cell, with a security camera and thermoplastic containment systems. It is to be contained on a single floor, with a single door. For any disturbance of the cell, a Security guard must be stationed at the front of the cell. Anyone who enters the cell must wear personal protective equipment that is capable of temporarily changing the cell’s properties.

Description: SCP-455 is a large white t-shirt with the words “It’s a Wonderful Life” over the words “I’m not afraid to lie.” When the label on the shirt is read, the front of the shirt appears to be covered in a yellow t-shirt with the words “I’m not afraid to lie.” The words “I’m not afraid to lie” appear on the t-shirt when the shirt is read. The t-shirt contains a number of anomalous properties, which have not been fully investigated.

Addendum: SCP-455’s interior is uninsulated, and has not been tampered with. The interior of SCP-455 is lined with a combination of DATA EXPUNGED and a combination of DATA EXPUNGED with no apparent anomalous properties.

Addendum: It should be noted that, during periods of high stress or stress, SCP-455 will open and close its door. When a person enters the room, any abnormal symptoms will occur.

Addendum: When a person enters the room, they will experience a severe headache, headache, and a loss of appetite for whatever they are eating.

Addendum: When eating, the following effects will occur:

Excessive consumption of food will cause the subject to experience pain similar to that experienced by an average human.

All of the following symptoms will occur: Loss of appetite for anything eaten.

Loss of appetite for anything eaten.

Eating behavior will become dangerous.

Exposure to a food source is disruptive to the human body.

Exhaling will cause extreme pain.

Exposure to a food source will result in extreme pain.

Exhaling will result in extreme pain in the subject.

Exhaling will result in extreme pain in the subject.

While in the room, someone who is becoming aware of the compulsion will feel panic and a headache in the following hours.

After exposure, someone who is becoming aware of the compulsion will experience extreme pain and a loss of appetite for whatever they are eating.

Exhaling will result in extreme pain in the subject.

Exhaling will result in extreme pain in the subject.

In the case of someone who is becoming aware of the compulsion, the subject will experience a severe headache, headache, and a loss of appetite for whatever they are eating.

In the case that a person who is becoming aware of the compulsion becomes aware of the compulsion, the symptoms will change to the following:

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

Loss of appetite.

End of Transmission 6


Transmission 3 SCP-749-1 is a small, crinkled glass bottle of water. The container is filled with a saline solution of 0.2% bleach. The bottle is between 45 and 56 cm in diameter and is filled with a fluid that contains a d-class gas that dissolves over time. Approximately 1.5 mL of this fluid is absorbed into SCP-749-1's bloodstream and is absorbed into the bloodstream of the subject. The subject dies of asphyxiation several hours after absorption.

SCP-749-1 is not human. The subject’s organs are stained with the blood-borne pathogens SCV-749, H.I.V. and REDACTED.

SCP-749-1 is a standard-issue flask with a capacity of 20 liters of water. The flask is filled with a solution of 0.1% bleach. The resulting fluid acts as a clear fluid solution and is absorbed into the bloodstream of the subject. Subject apparently dies in the process.

SCP-749-1 is not lethal to humans. It will only affect metal and air. It is not known how SCP-749-1 causes this. It is not advisable to wear the flask.

SCP-749-1 is not allowed to be stored in the same room as any other SCP. Attempts to contain SCP-749-1 are forbidden and may lead to termination.

SCP-749-1: This is a small, metal container with a magnet on one side. It is completely inert and can be removed by force.

SCP-749-1: A simple metal container with a ring on one side.

SCP-749-1: A simple metal container with a ring on the other side.

SCP-749-2: A small wooden box with a small metal box on the side.

SCP-749-2: A simple wood box with a small metal box on the other side.

SCP-749-3: A small wooden box with a metal box on the side.

SCP-749-3: A small wooden box with a metal box on the other side.

SCP-749-4: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-4: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-45: A simple wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-45: A simple wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-45: A simple wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-46: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-46: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-46: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-47: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-47: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-47: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-48: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-48: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-48: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-49: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-50: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-50: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-51: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-52: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-52: A small wooden box with a wooden box on the other side.

SCP-749-53: A small wooden box End of Transmission 3


Transmission 11 Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from an American woman?

No. She’s spent her life in a labor camp. The big picture. No, really. It’s the living hell of her soul.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a Japanese woman?

No. The Japanese people are just as nasty as the Japanese people. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a British woman?

No, I have to confess. I’m a bit worried about her.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a U.S. woman?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a Greek woman?

No. I always thought she was a bit crazy, but she’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a Polish woman?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a Russian woman?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a Spanish woman?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a Vietnamese woman?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. You’re going to have to ask that question before you can know what happened to you.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from a SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The big picture.

Is there a higher quality of life that you expect from SCP-073?

No. She’s been living in hell since she was a kid. The big picture. The End of Transmission 11


Transmission 10 UNIT-2

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-2scp-3imagescalendar.jpg width="300px” link="http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-2scp-3imagescalendar.jpg” || ||||~ ^^A photo of SCP-682, at the back of the exhibit.^^ || div

Item : SCP-682

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 is to be kept in a secure, standard containment locker at Site-██. SCP-682 is currently under the care of the Foundation’s DATA EXPUNGED. The locker must be disinfected regularly with sterile bleach.

Description: SCP-682 is a small human male, approximately 5 cm tall and 4 cm wide, about 6 cm in height, with dark skin and an average build of 45 cm. SCP-682 is capable of locomotion, and is able to change clothes and clothing to suit his size. SCP-682 is generally very friendly towards any person he comes into contact with, but will occasionally request a drink or a treat.

SCP-682 is entirely blind, and can see the outside world only in the infrared evening sky. He is capable of speaking and writing in all languages, but only English. As such, he is able to speak and write in all languages he enters the containment facility, but only in English. SCP-682 will come into contact with a subject in a different language, and will ask a question to which the subject will be unable to answer.

Upon entering the containment room, SCP-682 will enter his containment room, and will make a series of movements. He will then push a door open on a high-pressure room with a metal door. This will lead to the doors of the containment room being opened, and the subject being entered. SCP-682 will then slowly move his way through the room, slowly approaching all the pieces of SCP-682. Once he reaches the ceiling, he will look down the length of the room, and will make eye contact with the ceiling. The ceiling will then turn around to reveal the ceiling. The ceiling is covered with a thin layer of black, and SCP-682 will quickly fall to the floor.

SCP-682 will then begin to climb up the ceiling, carrying a pair of scissors as he approaches the ceiling. However, as far as SCP-682 can see, this is impossible in the daytime. Once he reaches the ceiling, he is able to see up to a hundred meters away from the ceiling. It is assumed that this is a trap designed to keep SCP-682 from approaching the ceiling, and he will not be allowed to leave the room.

SCP-682 will continue to climb up SCP-682’s body until he reaches the ceiling. Once he reaches the ceiling, he will reach to his chest, which he will then pull up at the top of his head. SCP-682 will then begin descent, continuing the process of climbing until his current state is reached.

When he reaches the ceiling, SCP-682 will begin moving around the ceiling like a squirrel. He will occasionally make eye contact with the ceiling, but will not speak, and will only answer questions when asked otherwise.

SCP-682 will return to the ceiling and begin to climb several meters back up the ceiling. Once he reaches the ceiling, he will return to the floor, where he will continue to descend. Once he reaches the floor, he will make eye contact with the floor. SCP-682 will keep climbing until the floor is empty, then return to the floor.

SCP-682 will return to the ceiling only once he reaches the ceiling. Once he reaches the floor, he will make eye contact with the ceiling again, asking a question to which the ceiling is empty. SCP-682 will return to the floor, and continue to climb up SCP-682’s body until he reaches the ceiling.

SCP-682 will continue to climb up SCP-682’s body until it reaches the ceiling. Once he reaches the ceiling, he will make eye contact with the ceiling again, asking a question to which the ceiling is empty. SCP-682 will return to the floor, and continue to climb until the ceiling is empty. title:SCP-683

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” End of Transmission 10


Transmission 22  Yes, that is right.

Dr. ████ ████████: SCP-763

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-B

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Dr. ████ ████████: SCP-763

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Dr. ████ ████████: SCP-763

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Experiment Log Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A

Subject 763-B: Excerpt from Experiment Log 763-B-A End of Transmission 22


Transmission 1 SCP-079-1, during testing with SCP-081-1, was observed to rise from the ground in a manner consistent with a bird that was descending upon it.

It is unknown how SCP-079-1 acquired this ability during the experiments with SCP-081-1, or whether SCP-079-1 was aware of its ability. title:SCP-079-2

module Rate

Item : SCP-079-2

Object Class: –Reliable– –Safe– –Safe– –Solid– –Safe– –Safe– –Safe–

Special Containment Procedures: –No one is allowed to access SCP-079-2, and this is to prevent it from becoming a threat to any known Foundation personnel. –SCP-079-2 is to be kept in a locked container on site. –There is no requirement that SCP-079-2 be contained inside a locked container, and can be removed by any means necessary. –If SCP-079-2 is to be removed from the container, it is to be contained in a sealed room of its own, with a door that is unlocked and will not be opened. –SCP-079-2 is to be contained in a separate room, with no windows and a single door. –It is recommended that SCP-079-2 be kept contained in an enclosed room with a minimum of two (2) people. –No Foundation personnel with level 3 or higher clearance are allowed to operate SCP-079-2.

Description: SCP-079-2 is an armored humanoid of unknown race. SCP-079-2 appears to have no known form, and is capable of locomotion and flight. SCP-079-2 is relatively simple—it can move through any surface, and is capable of carrying a standard D-class personnel. No anomalous or dangerous properties are evident on its body. It does not possess a body, but has been shown to possess an enormous number of arms, legs, and feet. SCP-079-2’s legs are empty, and although they are somewhat flexible, it is capable of flexing it. When it is in motion, it will walk up to a wall, and when it stops it will return to its original position. It will move forward and down walls, as if walking.

It will also move in a manner similar to an elephant, and will do so despite its size and weight. SCP-079-2 will make no attempt to race, and will disappear after approximately 24 hours.

SCP-079-2 has shown no pattern of violence.

SCP-079-2 has shown no signs of fear, and seems to be unaffected by any form of trauma. SCP-079-2 has shown no signs of paranoia, and appears to be extremely cooperative.

SCP-079-2 has shown no signs of impulsiveness, nor are any signs apparent on its body. It acts in a manner similar to a human. For this reason, it is recommended that SCP-079-2 be kept under observation for further study.

Addendum 099: It appears that SCP-079-2 is capable of emitting a constant stream of radio waves. It can be heard over landlines, but it is not able to communicate with any mobile radio stations. It will only attempt to communicate with Mobile Task Force ████, which is currently stationed in Site-██.

SCP-079-2 has been observed to periodically generate a stream of radio waves. If any of these signals is received, SCP-079-2 will disappear. This is confirmed by Foundation surveillance.

SCP-079-2 has been observed to generate highly detailed reports of human activity. It has apparently been observed to vary in appearance based on its environment, and is capable of changing its appearance to match the current environment. It has also demonstrated an obsession with the appearance of an unidentified human. Under these circumstances, it is recommended that SCP-079-2 be kept in an enclosed room with a minimum of two (2) people.

If any of the three (3) human subjects appear, SCP-079-2 will disappear. No sign of SCP-079-2 has been detected so far.

SCP-079-2 has shown no signs of violence. However, it has demonstrated no sign of aggression. It will appear to be in a state of shock, and will attempt to flee. However, when it is apprehended, it will attempt to escape by jumping to its death.

It has shown no sign of remorse. It will attempt to kill anyone it can. However, if it sustains a wound, SCP End of Transmission 1


Transmission 7 SCP-953 was recovered during the collapse of the first generation of SCP-953.

Item Description: A ██████ ███████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ██████████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ █ End of Transmission 7


Transmission 5 Yes, sir.

From the source material, from the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem. We’ve got the best guys in the world on the other side of the world, and the worst ones in the world, and the worst ones are still around.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem. You know how you get so fucking bored with your life? You start coming back to it. You start getting therapy, and then you get a new job, and then you get a new girlfriend, and then you get divorced, and then you make a lot of money, and then you get a new job, and then you get divorced, and then your wife dies, and there’s the rest of the world starts growing up, and you start getting married, and then you get married.

From the source material, I don’t think that’s actually a problem. We’ve got the best guys in the world, and the worst ones in the world, and the worst ones are still around, and the best ones are still around, and you’re still doing interesting things, and they’re still doing interesting things.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem. We’ve got the best guys in the world, and the worst ones in the world, and the worst ones are still around, and you’re still doing interesting things, and they’re still doing interesting things.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that’s actually a problem.

From the source material, and the police report, though, I don’t think that End of Transmission 5


Transmission 28 The following are excerpts from transcripts of interviews taken during the period of ████20██.

Dr. ████ ████████: How did you become aware of this?

Dr. ████ ████████: A short time ago, when I was trapped in the matter containment area, I was not aware of anything unusual, and the entire thing seemed to be a toy. I was then able to tell the entire staff I was trapped, since I was still in the containment area.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long has the situation been?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a week, and inside my head I heard them (SCP-1091), and I said ‘thing’.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a week, and outside my head I heard the noise of the drone, and I said ‘thing’.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a month, and inside my head it was what sounded like a girl coming from behind a rock.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl coming from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: About a year, and outside my head it was what sounded like a girl going from a room to a room.

Dr. ████ ████████: How long?

Dr. ████ ████████: Why?

Dr. ████ ████████: Why?

Dr. ████ ████████: Why?

Dr. ████ ████████: Why?

Dr. ████ ████████: Why?

Dr. ████ ████████: Why?

Dr End of Transmission 28


Transmission 6 SCP-285-1a is a pair ofigator-sized ██████ eyes. The ██████████ █████ ████████ ████████ ██████ ████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ██████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ██████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ██████████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ███████ End of Transmission 6


Transmission 4 SCP-682-1 is a specimen of ██████ ████████ ████, of unknown origin, and appears to be a normal male human female, approximately 6' 8" tall, approximately 185 lbs, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. SCP-682-1 exhibits no unusual behavior, although it seems to be having a low tolerance for pain.

SCP-682-1 was noticed by the Foundation following a series of unexplained disappearances in ██████, ████, and ████████, the latter two of which were investigated by the Foundation following the deaths of Foundation personnel. The Foundation, using the information collected from the disappearances, was able to trace the source of the disappearances to an abandoned home in ██████. The Foundation is currently investigating whether the Foundation’s work may have been facilitated by the disappearance of SCP-682-1.

After the Foundation’s investigation, SCP-682-1 was recovered and re-evaluated. A full investigation into the Foundation’s involvement is underway, as well as a full search for the source of the disappearances is underway.

Description: SCP-682-1 is a male male, approximately 6’ 1” tall, approximately 185 lbs, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. SCP-682-1 appears to be displaying no unusual physical abnormalities, and appears to have no apparent abnormality that would indicate it is human. SCP-682-1 has no apparent psychic abilities, and appears to be in a normal human mental capacity, however it appears to possess the ability to “see” and “feel” the world around it.

SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Dr. ██████ ████████, of ████████, ████████, and ████████████.

Further investigation into the Foundation’s involvement in the disappearances has proven fruitless. The Foundation currently lacks any means of searching for the source of the SCP-682-1 disappearances, and may have found a way to do so by using the Foundation’s “Save the Missing” system.

SCP-682-1 has proven to be extremely useful in helping researchers locate the source of SCP-682-1’s abilities. After retrieval, SCP-682-1 appears to have gained a liking for agents and researchers who speak with it, as well as researchers looking for useful information. SCP-682-1 appears to be able to “see” and “feel” the world around it, though it does not appear to have the capability to use its hearing or sight to hear.

SCP-682-1 has shown to be able to “see” and “feel” the world around it, though it does not appear to have the capability to “see” and “feel” the world around it. This appears to be due to its ability to “see” and “feel” the world around it without the use of its hearing or sight.

SCP-682-1 is not capable of granting any special abilities to researchers when brought into contact with SCP-682. SCP-682-1 seems to have no ability to grant a specific ability, and is capable of learning any information it can about the world around it.

Addendum: Security personnel assigned to investigate SCP-682-1’s abilities have been allowed to use SCP-682-1 for “research.” title:SCP-682

module Rate

Item : SCP-682

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-682 are to be contained in a room at least three meters below sea level, with some ventilation and a large refrigerated room to house them. All specimens of SCP-682 are to be kept under guard at all times, and are to be handled by Level 4 personnel.

Description: SCP-682 is a non-metallic, ceramic, glass, and metal object that is approximately 1.5 meters in length.

The object possesses a mass of approximately ████████ kilograms (12.5 pounds), with a total mass of approximately ████ pounds (0.95 kilograms). The object is entirely transparent, and has an overall mass of approximately ██████ kilograms (14.62 pounds). The object’s composition is similar to that of diamonds and bronze, but has a significantly higher melting point.

When it is opened, a sample of SCP-682 will begin to dissolve into liquid sand. Approximately ██ tons of sand are present at this point. This sand will eventually be absorbed into SCP-682’s structure, and will then be washed away. This process is repeated until all a sample of SCP-682 has been washed away.

When the object is opened, the object will begin to animate itself. The object will appear to have a construct of End of Transmission 4


Transmission 0 Name: Dr. ████████ ███████

Date: ████20██ Subject: Ahem. Duration: 3 hours, 20 minutes Setting: 1:1 Value: Medium. Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED Setting: 1:1 Inputs: DATA EXPUN End of Transmission 0


Transmission 14  THE SAME DAY

Interviewer: Dr. ██████

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682: Hello?

Dr. ██████: Hello?

SCP-682 End of Transmission 14


Transmission 9 "How do you know I haven't been dying?"

I’ve just hit the nail on the head with that one.

I’m starting to think I might become a priest someday.

I’m starting to imagine that I might be a saint.

Why are you so obsessed over me?

“I’m going to make you a priest. You will be the first to know what you are.”

I have no idea.

“What do you want?”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“How many people would you like to know?”

“One hundred.”

“There’s a thousand of you.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not. You don’t have a choice.”

“You don’t have any choice.”

“You don’t have a choice.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“You do.”

“You do.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“You don’t have a choice.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

“You do.”

“I don’t have a choice.”

I’m going to make you a priest. You will be the first to know what you are.

“How do you know?”

“My name is John.”

“How do you know?”

“I know nothing.”

“How do you know?”

“I know everything.”

I didn’t know nothing.

“How do you know?”

“I know everything. I know what I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what you know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what I know.”

I’m not really sure.

“How do you know?”

“I know what I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what I know. I know what I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what I know.”

I’m not very sure.

“I don’t know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know what I don’t know.”

“How do you know?”

“…You know.”

“I know what I know.”

I’m on my own.

I didn’t know.

“I’m on my own.”

“I’m on my own.”

“I’m on my own.”

“I’m on my own.”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“…You know.”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“I’m on my own.”

“How do you know?”

“…I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“I know.”

“…You know.”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“How do you End of Transmission 9


Transmission 7 SCP-846-4


Object: A plastic bag Description: A plastic bag measuring 25 cm by 15 cm.

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: These plastic bags are filled with a substance resembling DATA EXPUNGED. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A plastic, clear plastic bag. Recovered

Item: A End of Transmission 7


Transmission 4 All that remains of the Foundation is the memories of its founding. Some of its members are still alive, many of whom have lost their means of communication and are trapped in the dark web. The Foundation is a collection of memories and memories from the past, which are of great importance to the Foundation.

After the events of Far Cry 3, the Foundation has been steadily rebuilt. The Foundation’s mission has been expanded, with a focus on scientific research. The Foundation has also been re-trained, with new personnel and equipment, and with new equipment and personnel. The Foundation has also been given new equipment, including new warheads, reagents, and weapons. The Foundation has also re-tried its hand at robotics, and has also acquired a new team of researchers.

The Foundation’s structure has been modified, as have its staff. The Foundation has been given more resources, including more weapons, new weapons, and new equipment. It is currently on a higher-security mission, though this mission has not been removed. title:SCP-137

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:150px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-137SCP-137.jpg width="150px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-137^^ || div

Item : SCP-137

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The containment of SCP-137 is to be kept in a secure containment locker at Site ██. Storage facilities are to be equipped with DATA EXPUNGED and DATA EXPUNGED.

Description: SCP-137 appears to be a small, brown, porcelain doll. The doll is unresponsive to anything on its body, and can be dismembered or disturbed if it is left alone. SCP-137 is fully capable of speech, and may communicate with any human who is without vocal cords or a hearing aid.

SCP-137 appears to have an increasingly agitated, wailing voice. It has a thick, white, and wearing fur that is freely moving. It has a set of red eyes, which appear to be connected by a series of extremely fluttering strings. At the center of this is a pair of large curly horns. The horns are apparently connected by a pair of long, sharp teeth, which seem to be projecting from the sides of the body. SCP-137’s mouth appears to be a perfect circle, with no teeth.

SCP-137 has a series of large, round eyes. The eyes appear to be fur-covered, and have no pupils or other visible features. The tongue grows from the tip of the horns, with a series of spines that are apparently sentient. The tongue is thin and gasping at the mouth, and is very flexible, allowing it to be removed by force. The tongue seems to be capable of swallowing, and swallowing has been observed to cause a loss of blood flow to the brain. The tongue is capable of swallowing, but will not vocalize.

The eyes appear to be in a cone shape, and are completely visible to any human who is not wearing a hearing aid. No matter how close or far away they are, the eyes will still be visible in someone who is not wearing a hearing aid.

Addendum 137-A: Object was recovered from a room in the basement of Site ██. It is unknown if it was recovered from the basement of Site ██, or from Site ██ itself.

Addendum 137-B: Object was obtained from the basement of Site ██. It is unknown if the object was obtained from the basement of Site ██, or from Site ██ itself.

Addendum 137-C: Object was recovered from a room in the basement of Site ██. It is unknown if it was obtained from Site ██, or from Site ██ itself.

Addendum 137-D: Object was recovered from a room in Site ██. It is unknown if it was obtained from Site ██, or from Site ██ itself. title:SCP-120

module Rate

Item : SCP-120

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-120 is contained in a box in a well-lit room. One (1) class IV, non-metallic gold, and one (1) class IV, non-metallic silver, should be used for SCP-120’s containment. SCP-120’s containment room should be monitored and disinfected by a personnel-grade disinfectant solution. End of Transmission 4


Transmission 3 SCP-682-1

SCP-682-2 SCP-682-3 SCP-682-4 SCP-682-5 SCP-682-6 SCP-682-7 SCP-682-8 SCP-682-9 SCP-682-10 SCP-682-11 SCP-682-12 SCP-682-13 SCP-682-14 SCP-682-15 SCP-682-16 SCP-682-17 SCP-682-18 SCP-682-19 SCP-682-20 SCP-682-21 SCP-682-22 SCP-682-23 SCP-682-24 SCP-682-25 SCP-682-26 SCP-682-27 SCP-682-28 SCP-682-29 SCP-682-30 SCP-682-31 SCP-682-32 SCP-682-33 SCP-682-34 SCP-682-35 SCP-682-36 SCP-682-37 SCP-682-38 SCP-682-39 SCP-682-40 SCP-682-41 SCP-682-42 SCP-682-43 SCP-682-44 SCP-682-45 SCP-682-46 SCP-682-47 SCP-682-48 SCP-682-49 SCP-682-50 SCP-682-51 SCP-682-52 SCP-682-53 SCP-682-54 SCP-682-55 SCP-682-56 SCP-682-57 SCP-682-58 SCP-682-59 SCP-682-60 SCP-682-61 SCP-682-62 SCP-682-63 SCP-682-64 SCP-682-65 SCP-682-66 SCP-682-67 SCP-682-68 SCP-682-69 SCP-682-70 SCP-682-71 SCP-682-72 SCP-682-73 SCP-682-74 SCP-682-75 SCP-682-76 SCP-682-77 SCP-682-78 SCP-682-79 SCP-682-80 SCP-682-81 SCP-682-82 SCP-682-83 SCP-682-84 SCP-682-85 SCP-682-86 SCP-682-87 SCP-682-88 SCP-682-89 SCP-682-90 SCP-682-91 SCP-682-92 SCP-682-93 SCP-682-94 SCP-682-95 SCP-682-96 SCP-682-97 SCP-682-98 SCP-682-99 SCP-682-100 SCP-682-101 SCP-682-102 SCP End of Transmission 3


Transmission 15 The concentric rings in which SCP-413's eyes are located are an open-air chamber, approximately 1.5m x 1.5m with a ceiling of approximately 1.5m x 1.5m. The ceiling is approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of a room of approximately 1.5m x 1.5m, and the floor 1m by 1m by 1m. The ceiling of the room is 60cm by 60cm, with a ceiling of approximately 60cm x 60cm, and the ceiling of the room is approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 4m by 4m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1.5m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the ceiling of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with the roof of the room being approximately 1m by 1m, with End of Transmission 15


Transmission 13 SCP-882

SCP-882-J SCP-882-K SCP-882-L SCP-882-L-1 SCP-882-L SCP-882-M SCP-882-O SCP-882-P SCP-882-O SCP-882-R SCP-882-V SCP-882-W SCP-882-X SCP-882-Y SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z-1 SCP-882-Z-3 SCP-882-Z-4 SCP-882-Z-5 SCP-882-Z-6 SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z-8 SCP-882-Z-9 SCP-882-Z-10 SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z-12 SCP-882-Z-14 SCP-882-Z-17 SCP-882-Z-18 SCP-882-Z-19 SCP-882-Z-22 SCP-882-Z-23 SCP-882-Z-24 SCP-882-Z-25 SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z-29 SCP-882-Z-30 SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z-32 SCP-882-Z-33 SCP-882-Z-34 SCP-882-Z-35 SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z SCP-882-Z End of Transmission 13


Transmission 8 SCP-993-Alpha's SCP-993-Alpha text is the following:

SCP-993-Alpha - An expository of the “devils of society” that is to remain within the confines of Site-991, to be administered to all staff at all times. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on which they exist. SCP-993-Alpha -, an attempt to destroy all knowledge of the “devils of society” on End of Transmission 8


Transmission 1 Olympia University has learned that its faculty members have received a gift from SCP-682.

A faculty member has requested to see the SCP-682 Foundation’s files on the Foundation.

Addendum SCP-682-01:

In light of the events of ███20██, a new genetic screening algorithm was developed that has been used to test the efficacy of SCP-682 in the treatment of various brain disorders.

Addendum SCP-682-02:

Addendum SCP-682-03:

Researcher ██████, we are still investigating the data here. How it is sending a message from SCP-682 to the mind of a human being is a mystery to us. That is why ████20██, please allow a few minutes for us to gather more.

Sir, we have been tracking that data for a while. We have identified a nine-digit code from the Subject 1 code. We are investigating that as a possible approach to SCP-682. Dr. ██████ title:SCP-682

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-682scp-682.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-682, during termination^^ || div

Item : SCP-682

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 is to be contained in a locked chamber at Site-██. The walls of the chamber are to be reinforced by walls made of reinforced concrete. The chamber is to be equipped with a thermostat, with a minimum of four (4) hours of undisturbed operation. The chamber is to be filled with water and incinerated in the event of a containment breach.

SCP-682 is to be stored in a locked room at Site-██.

Description: SCP-682 is a single-element, light-emitting gauss rifle, and the trigger is hollow. SCP-682 appears to be an ordinary Type-97233 bolt action rifle, many times the size of a normal Type-97233.

Addendum: Note: SCP-682 was recovered from a home in ██████, California. The owner reported hearing a strange noise coming from the room. After recovery, the noise was heard again, and the gun was found in the house.

Sample: Hmmm, that’s like looking at a computer screen. I’m a computer programmer, but I really just like playing games.

I just wish I could have something to do with writing. I love reading, watching movies, watching tv… I think I’d like to get a computer…

Yeah, I’m a good writer. I like to write, but I’m not really a writer. I don’t really have a writing passion. Maybe that’s why I don’t like it.

I guess so, but I’m not really a writer. I’m not really a writer. I’m not really a writer.

Oh, but I’m not really a writer either. I’m just a writer. I’m not really a writer. Like I said, I’m not really a writer. I’m not really a writer.

Well… That’s what I’m doing, though. I’m not really a writer either. I’m not really a writer, either.

Oh, but I’m not really a writer either. I’m not really a writer. I’m not really a writer.

That’s much better, if you ask me. I’m not really a writer either. I’m not really a writer either.

Well… That’s which I’m doing, though. I’m not really a writer either. I’m not really a writer. I’m not really a writer.

Well, that’s good. If you ask me, I’m not really a writer either. I’m not really a writer either.

I’m not really a writer either. I’m not really a writer either. I’m not really a writer.

That’s right. I’m not really a writer either. I’m not really a writer End of Transmission 1



I was in the office. I was in the office.

I tried the elevator. It was a little funny. I remember getting out of the elevator, my arms crossed my chest, and I was walking out to the bar. I’m not sure if I was lucky or just lucky. The bar was a little over a mile away, but I was standing there, trying to find my way out.

When I got out, my wallet was everywhere, and I was walking around the bar. I was walking to the bar.

I don’t remember walking out.

I didn’t know if it was a joke or a dream. It’s hard to remember when the next thing happened.

I remember trying to reach my bar. I tried to get into the bar. I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I tried to get into the bar.

I thought I was going to die.

I thought I was going to die.

I thought I was going to die.

I thought I was going to die.

I couldn’t remember.

I was in the bar. I was in the bar.

I wasn’t in the bar.

I couldn’t remember.

I didn’t remember.

I didn’t know.

I didn’t know.

I didn’t know.

I didn’t know.

I didn’t know.

I didn’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t End of Transmission 6


Transmission 2 What is this thing?

Excerpt from SCP-231-1:

Excerpt from SCP-231-1:

Excerpt from SCP-231-2:

Excerpt from SCP-231-2:

Excerpt from SCP-231-4:

Excerpt from SCP-231-4:

Excerpt from SCP-231-6:

Excerpt from SCP-231-6:

Excerpt from SCP-231-7:

Excerpt from SCP-231-7:

Excerpt from SCP-231-8:

Excerpt from SCP-231-8:

Excerpt from SCP-231-9:

Excerpt from SCP-231-9:

Excerpt from SCP-231-9:

Excerpt from SCP-231-10:

Excerpt from SCP-231-10:

Excerpt from SCP-231-11:

Excerpt from SCP-231-11:

Excerpt from SCP-231-13:

Excerpt from SCP-231-13:

Excerpt from SCP-231-16:

Excerpt from SCP-231-16:

Excerpt from SCP-231-17:

Excerpt from SCP-231-17:

Excerpt from SCP-231-19:

Excerpt from SCP-231-19:

Excerpt from SCP-231-20:

Excerpt from SCP-231-20:

Excerpt from SCP-231-21:

Excerpt from SCP-231-21:

Excerpt from SCP-231-21:

Excerpt from SCP-231-22:

Excerpt from SCP-231-22:

Excerpt from SCP-231-23:

Excerpt from SCP-231-23:

Excerpt from SCP-231-24:

Excerpt from SCP-231-24:

Excerpt from SCP-231-25:

Excerpt from SCP-231-25:

Excerpt from SCP-231-25:

Excerpt from SCP-231-26:

Excerpt from SCP-231-26:

Excerpt from SCP-231-27:

Excerpt from SCP-231-27:

Excerpt from SCP-231-28:

Excerpt from SCP-231-28:

Excerpt from SCP-231-29:

Excerpt from SCP-231-29:

Excerpt from SCP-231-30:

Excerpt from SCP-231-30:

Excerpt from SCP-231-31:

Excerpt from SCP-231-31:

Excerpt from SCP-231-32:

Excerpt from SCP-231-32:

Excerpt from SCP-231-33:

Excerpt from SCP-231-33:

Excerpt from SCP-231-34:

Excerpt from SCP-231-34:

Excerpt from SCP-231-35:

Excerpt from SCP-231-35:

Excerpt from SCP-231-35:

Excerpt from SCP-231-37:

Excerpt End of Transmission 2


Transmission 12 Titanfall 2 and the Xbox One X are currently being worked on, but not approved.

Reason: To ensure the integrity of the game, we have approved the use of the phrase “Do Not Cry”.

SCP-042-2: I am not revealing any knowledge of the true nature of the object, and I do not know if it is sentient, or merely an entity. I am merely stating its will to exist.

SCP-042-3: I will not tell.

SCP-042-4: You are to create the object that will come to be known as “Hull”.

SCP-042-5: I am not telling.

SCP-042-6: I am not telling.

SCP-042-7: I am not telling.

SCP-042-8: I am not telling.

SCP-042-9: I am not telling.

SCP-042-10: I am not telling.

SCP-042-11: I am not telling.

SCP-042-12: I am not telling.

SCP-042-13: I am not telling.

SCP-042-14: I am not telling.

SCP-042-15: I am not telling.

SCP-042-16: I am not telling.

SCP-042-17: I am not telling.

SCP-042-18: I am not telling.

SCP-042-19: I am not telling.

SCP-042-20: I am not telling.

SCP-042-21: I am not telling.

SCP-042-22: I am not telling.

SCP-042-23: I am not telling.

SCP-042-24: I am not telling.

SCP-042-25: I am not telling.

SCP-042-26: I am not telling.

SCP-042-27: I am not telling.

SCP-042-28: I am not telling.

SCP-042-29: I am not telling.

SCP-042-30: I am not telling.

SCP-042-31: I am not telling.

SCP-042-32: I am not telling.

SCP-042-33: I am not telling.

SCP-042-34: I am not telling.

SCP-042-35: I am not telling.

SCP-042-36: I am not telling.

SCP-042-37: I am not telling.

SCP-042-38: I am not telling.

SCP-042-39: I am not telling.

SCP-042-40: I am not telling.

SCP-042-41: I am not telling.

SCP-042-42: I am not telling.

SCP-042-43: I am not telling.

SCP-042-44: I am not telling.

SCP-042-45: I am not telling.

SCP-042-46: I am not telling.

SCP-042-47: I am not telling.

SCP-042-48: I am not telling.

SCP-042-49: I am not telling.

SCP-042-50: I am not telling.

SCP-042-52: I am not telling.

SCP-042-53: I am not telling.

SCP-042-54: I am not telling.

SCP-042-55: I am not telling.

SCP-042-56: I am not telling.

SCP-042-57: I am not telling.

SCP-042-58: I am not telling.

SCP-042-59: I am not telling.

SCP-042-70: I am not telling.

SCP End of Transmission 12


Transmission 0 

Log Files:

SCP-076 SCP-077 SCP-078 SCP-079 SCP-080 SCP-081 SCP-082 SCP-083 SCP-084 SCP-085 SCP-086 SCP-087 SCP-088 SCP-088 SCP-089 SCP-090 SCP-091 SCP-092 SCP-093 SCP-094 SCP-095 SCP-096 SCP-097 SCP-098 SCP-099 SCP-090 SCP-091 SCP-092 SCP-093 SCP-094 SCP-095 SCP-096 SCP-097 SCP-098 SCP-099 SCP-099 SCP-100 SCP-101 SCP-102 SCP-103 SCP-104 SCP-105 SCP-106 SCP-107 SCP-108 SCP-109 SCP-110 SCP-111 SCP-112 SCP-113 SCP-114 SCP-115 SCP-116 SCP-117 SCP-118 SCP-119 SCP-120 SCP-121 SCP-122 SCP-123 SCP-124 SCP-125 SCP-126 SCP-127 SCP-128 SCP-129 SCP-130 SCP-131 SCP-132 SCP-133 SCP-134 SCP-135 SCP-136 SCP-137 SCP-138 SCP-139 SCP-140 SCP-141 SCP-142 SCP-143 SCP-144 SCP-145 SCP-146 SCP-147 SCP-148 SCP-149 SCP-150 SCP-151 SCP-152 SCP-153 SCP-154 SCP-155 SCP-156 SCP-157 SCP-158 SCP-159 SCP-160 SCP-161 SCP-162 SCP-163 SCP-164 SCP-165 SCP-166 SCP-167 SCP-168 SCP-169 SCP-170 SCP-171 SCP-172 SCP-173 SCP-174 SCP-175 SCP-176 SCP-177 SCP-178 SCP-179 SCP-180 SCP-181 SCP-182 SCP-183 SCP-184 SCP-185 SCP-186 End of Transmission 0


Transmission 8 Get daily updates directly to your inbox Subscribe Thank you for signing up! See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email

When it comes to the biggest new faces in the world, it’s no wonder there’s been such a meteoric rise in interest in the subject over the past couple of years.

With the release of the latest issue of The Oldest Man in the World, we’ve had to sit down with the likes of Dr. Gears, Dr. Cross, and Dr. Sarge, all of whom have become incredibly involved in the project.

Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Sarge Dr. Gears Dr. Cross Dr. Gears Dr. Cross Dr. Gears Dr. Sarge Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Cross Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Sarge Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Cross Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears Dr. Gears End of Transmission 8


Transmission 20 SCP-166-B is a double-blind study of the effects of SCPs on human subjects. The subject is a Caucasian male, approximately 25 years of age, born in ██████, ██████, USA. SCP-166-B is currently in the care of Dr. ███████.

Subjects are instructed to follow a three (3) hour daily ritual of self-experimentation to the limit of their ability to perceive their surroundings. The subject is instructed to sit at a comfortable setting for at least 30 minutes before attempting to exit.

The subject is instructed to speak in a language they understand, playing the “I’m Not A Human” theme song in the form of an American flag. The song is then played at various intervals, and the subject is instructed to attempt to exit by either jumping into the air or by climbing on their own.

The subject is then instructed to attempt to exit SCP-166-B, although the effect is highly limited. Subject has demonstrated that it is possible to use SCP-166-B in this manner by performing a series of simple tasks, such as standing and walking, as well as by taking the time to take a photo of the object, which appears to be a human figure.

During this time, subject will be instructed to make a choice between SCP-166-B and the “I’m Not A Human” theme song. The choice will be made upon exiting SCP-166-B.

When subject attempts to exit, the song will begin playing in the subject’s head. The subject will be instructed to continue the experiment until a conclusion is reached. Once the conclusion is reached, the subject is instructed to continue the experiment until they have reached the final stage of the experiment.

All attempts to exit SCP-166-B have failed.

Description: SCP-166-B is a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effects of SCP-166 on human subjects. The subject is a Caucasian male, approximately 25 years of age, born in ██████, ██████, USA. SCP-166 is administered 10 ml of SCP-163.

Subjects are instructed to speak in a language they understand, playing the “I’m Not A Human” theme song. Subject will then be instructed to attempt to exit.

No other subjects have been observed to attempt to exit SCP-166-B, despite subject having no prior history of attempting to exit the facility. The subject will be instructed to continue to the end of the experiment, when they have reached the final stage of the experiment, and to continue for at least 30 seconds before exiting.

Subjects will be instructed to continue the experiment until an conclusion is reached. Once the conclusion is reached, the subject will be instructed to continue the experiment until the final stage.

All attempts to exit SCP-166-B have failed.

Addendum 166-A

Subjects experience a continuous, brief, and sudden increase in testosterone levels. The subject has also shown a decrease in appetite, and is instructed to continue the experiment until the final stage of the experiment.

Addendum 166-B

It is unknown whether or not SCP-166-B is administered to the subject in the manner indicated by the results of the study. The effect of SCP-166-B on the subject’s body is unknown. Addendum 166-C

It is unknown whether or not SCP-166-B is administered to the subject in the manner indicated by the results of the study. The effect of SCP-166-B on the subject’s body is unknown. Addendum 166-D

It is unknown whether or not SCP-166-B is administered to the subject in the manner indicated by the results of the study. The effect of SCP-166-B on the subject’s body is unknown. Addendum 166-E

It is unknown whether or not SCP-166-B is administered to the subject in the manner indicated by the results of the study. The effect of SCP-166-B on the subject’s body is unknown. Addendum 166-F

It is unknown whether or not SCP-166-B is administered to the subject in the manner indicated by the results of the study. The effect of SCP-166-B on the subject’s body is unknown. Addendum 166-G

It is unknown whether or not SCP-166-B is administered to the subject in the manner indicated by the results of the study. The effect of SCP-166-B on the subject’s body is unknown. Addendum 166-H

It is unknown whether or not SCP-166-B is administered to the subject in the manner indicated by the results of the study. The effect of SCP-166-B on the subject’s body is End of Transmission 20


Transmission 10  Any further questions or concerns regarding the inclusion of SCP-823 in SCP-823-1 are to be directed to Dr. Lewis.

Dr. Lewis: I’m sorry, but that wasn’t the case for me. I was just sitting there.

The box is a massive plastic box with a lid that will need to be removed. The only way to get it is to remove it, and then take the lid off.

I have a feeling you may have noticed the box is emitting a loud static. You can hear those sounds. You can hear the noise, yes?

I have an idea.

We can’t make any progress without the box, so I’m going to have to get back to the lab.

No idea, but it seems like you’ve been working on this for some time.

I’ve been working on this for quite some time, and I can’t believe I got back.

You might have noticed the difference.

I’m not surprised.

It’s not a problem.


I’m sorry.

I’m not sure.

I’m not sure.

It’s not clear.

I haven’t seen the box for longer.

It’s hard to tell if it’s a toy or a real life thing.

I can’t see the box.

It’s very, very hard to tell when it’s a real thing or something else.

Dr. Lewis, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

No idea.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

No idea.

No idea.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.


I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m my.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry. End of Transmission 10


Transmission 2 Addendum:It was a job well done, didn't it? 

Agent ████: Well, that’s how I got my job done. Agent ████: You should know. Something bad happened to you that would have caused you to quit. Agent ████: I’m a doctor. Not a surgeon. Just a doctor, and a doctor’s assistant. I guess I get to make my own decisions. Agent ████: Well, can you do that? Agent ████: I’m not a surgeon, but I can make your head explode. Agent ████: Wait, that’s just a doctor’s assistant, doesn’t it? Agent ████: No. No. You are not a doctor. In order to pretend like one, you have to make yourself look like a doctor. How’s that right? Agent ████: And how’s that? Agent ████: You are not a doctor. You are just a doctor’s assistant. If I were to make you look like a doctor, I would be looking at your brain. Agent ████: Do you have any idea what the brain is? Agent ████: No. I don’t know what the brain is. Agent ████: It’s a connection that runs through your brain. The connections are a living thing, and they’re connected to your body. Agent ████: sounds of pain Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Affirmative, if you’d like to know more about your brain, please call Dr. ████ Agent ████: Yes, yes. Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Affirmative, if you’d like to know more about your brain, please call Dr. ████ Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking Affirmative, if you’d like to know more about your brain, please call Dr. ████ Agent ████: continues speaking Agent ████: continues speaking SCP-297 SCP-295 SCP-298 SCP-299 SCP-300 SCP-301 SCP-302 SCP-303 SCP-304 SCP-305 SCP-306 SCP-307 SCP-308 SCP-309 SCP-310 SCP-311 SCP-312 SCP-313 SCP-314 SCP-315 SCP-316 SCP-317 SCP-318 SCP-319 SCP-320 SCP-321 SCP-322 End of Transmission 2


Transmission 16 Carmen Locke

SCP-963 SCP-966 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-963 SCP-96 End of Transmission 16


Transmission 26 SCP-914-1 are to be kept under secure psychological monitoring. The subject must be allowed to speak and read, and must be restrained by SCP personnel during any and all interaction with SCP-914-1.

If SCP-914-1 are to attempt to use SCP-914-1 for anything other than self-defense, they must be immediately restrained by SCP personnel and be restrained by SCP personnel during any and all interaction with SCP-914-1.

Description: SCP-914-1 was recovered from Site 17 on ████20██. SCP-914-1 was a young girl of medium intelligence, wearing a short, sleeveless dress, and carrying no clothing other than a short black coat. SCP-914-1, who had been previously assigned to Site 17, stated in a medical interview that she had been raped by her mother. SCP-914-1 had apparently been planning to murder her mother, and attempted to follow the girl and the girl’s mother into the woods. SCP-914-1 discovered SCP-914-1’s body in the woods, and attempted to kill her, but was stopped by two armed guards. When they found SCP-914-1, they were confronted by the two armed guards.

SCP-914-1 was able to kill several guards with a single blow, and was able to escape containment with the assistance of other personnel, including Dr. ████, who had been observing the scene of the attack.

Once Dr. ████ was subdued, she told Dr. ████ about her experiences with SCP-914. Dr. ████ was able to make contact and found SCP-914-1, who, after several interactions with SCP-914-1, had become obsessed with her. Dr. ████ approached SCP-914-1, and asked her if she was still alive. SCP-914-1 responded that she had been raped by her mother, and that she was no longer able to leave the forest, and that she was being held in a cell. Dr. ████ asked SCP-914-1 to leave, and when she said no, SCP-914-1 attempted to kill her. This was captured on video, and was reenacted by the audience in the film.

According to the video, SCP-914-1 was able to escape, and remained on the scene for several minutes before being recaptured by security personnel. Dr. ████ said that she had a seizure, and that she was unable to leave the forest for several moments, until Dr. ████ told her to leave the forest.

Addendum: SCP-914-1 is currently being held in the Idaho Medical Facility for further study. title:SCP-915

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image scp-915.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-915^^ || div

Item : SCP-915

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-915 is to be kept in a secure cell in the same structure as the Foundation training room. The contents of the cell should be carried with all personnel in preparation for security training. The cell should be equipped with a camera, a radio, and a camera mounted on a wall-mounted camera. Subject is to be given a security class of D-10, and is to be administered monthly psychological counseling and is to be monitored by a decorated researcher. Subject is to be given a smoking pad every month. All personnel are to wear helmets and a radio with a lifetime range of 100 meters.

Description: SCP-915 is a metal sphere approximately 1.1 meters in diameter, closely resembling a deep blue sky. Upon impact, the sphere shook violently, but did not rupture. It is very hard to move, and can be partially broken up into smaller pieces. The sphere is composed of a thick, viscous slime composed of human blood. It is easily separated from the surrounding area by a cloud of cloud and is capable of being transported by SCP-915’s cloud-like atmosphere.

When SCP-915 hits a target, it will rise up and move down the side of the target, with the amount of movement determined by the mass of the target. If the target is a humanoid, the mass of the target will vary depending on the distance and speed of the target. If SCP-915 is traveling at a speed greater than 3,000 kmh (2,000 mph), it will appear on the target. However, the mass of the End of Transmission 26


Transmission 18 I'm not going to lie, I've been wanting to play with these things for a while. What I got was something so fucking cool. I'm playing with this thing for the first time. I can't wait.

I got my first copy of this game in the mail. It’s just me and my mom. I’m playing, but I can’t move. I can’t hear. I can’t hear. I can’t see.

It’s in the same box.

I tried to play the game again, this time with an older copy. I was speechless. I knew right away that this was going to be a pain in the ass. I tried to say something about the bits and pieces in the game. You know, a kick ass game. I just didn’t get it.

I think I’m gonna try something else.

I’m gonna try some other games. I can’t play them.

DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED I got the first copy of this game when I heard that it was coming. It’s not coming. I don’t understand.

I’m gonna play it again.

I figured it’d be good to have some game with me. I didn’t know that I was gonna get this one.

I got this one today. It’s the rock. The rock.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t hear. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my dad. I can’t move. I can’t hear. I can’t see. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my dad. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. I can’t move. I can’t see. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. It’s locked. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see.

I got this box today. It’s my mom. I can’t move. I can’t see. End of Transmission 18


Transmission 7 SCP-0502-J and SCP-0502-J-2 are to be quarantined pending reassignment to Site-19. 

All personnel are to be provided with a standard restroom. Personnel are encouraged to use their restroom at least once a week. Personnel are also encouraged to use restroom facilities that allow for more frequent use. No other facilities are allowed in Site-19.

Description: SCP-0502-J and SCP-0502-J-2 are two male children approximately 1.5 m in age.  SCP-0502-J appears to be an ordinary Caucasian male, approximately 4.5 m in height and weighing approximately the same as SCP-0502-J.

SCP-0502-J is a tall, white male, approximately 25 kg in height and weighing approximately the same as SCP-0502-J.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter and exit Site-19 and perform most of the actions required for the retrieval of SCP-0502-J.  SCP-0502-J will remain silent for approximately 6 hours at a time until he is unable to answer any questions.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter Site-19 until he is unable to answer any questions.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter and exit Site-19 until he is able to answer any questions.

At this point, all required medical supplies will be in Dr. █████'s possession.  Dr. █████ is to be escorted to Site-19 via security escort.  During this time, SCP-0502-J will begin to attempt to infiltrate Site-19 in order to obtain access to the entrance to Site-19.  SCP-0502-J will also attempt to enter Site-19 and attempt to use the restroom at Site-19.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter and exit Site-19 until Dr. █████ is removed from Site-19.  SCP-0502-J’s only activity is to attempt to penetrate Site-19 and attempt to use the restroom at Site-19.

Once Dr. █████ is removed from Site-19, SCP-0502-J will begin to attempt to enter Site-19.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter and exit Site-19 until Dr. █████ is removed from Site-19.  SCP-0502-J will persist in this behavior until Dr. █████ is removed from Site-19.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter and exit Site-19 until Dr. █████ is removed from Site-19.

SCP-0502-J has been known to enter Site-19 and perform the actions required for SCP-0502-J’s retrieval.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter and exit Site-19 until he is unable to answer any questions.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter and exit Site-19 until he is unable to answer any questions.  SCP-0502-J will continue to attempt to enter and exit Site-19 until he is unable to answer any questions.

Addendum: SCP-0502-J’s appearance in SCP-0502-J’s presence has been confirmed by the use of a model of SCP-0502-J.  This model has been observed to exhibit a very different behavior than SCP-0502-J.  It appears to have a very high intelligence which can be used to communicate with persons over the course of several hours.  SCP-0502-J appears to have a very low intelligence which could be used to communicate with other SCP objects such as SCP-0502-J.  It is likely that SCP-0502-J will react to SCP-0502-J’s presence by inhibiting its ability to speak.  SCP-0502-J has been known to use gestures, such as jumping, to communicate with other objects.

SCP-0502-J is highly intelligent.  It has made several attempts to interact with other objects.  SCP-0502-J appears to be more intelligent than SCP-0502-J.  SCP-0502-J has displayed several behaviors that are abnormal in comparison to SCP-0502-J.  It has shown no anger, hatred, or resentment towards any human being.

SCP-0502-J has shown no signs of emotional distress.  SCP-0502-J appears to have no memory of its past.

Addendum 051-J: SCP-0502-J has been discovered in Site-19 by Doctor ████████. End of Transmission 7


Transmission 19  

Notes: Excerpt from their “Recovery Report”, dated █████20██.

Dr. ██████: Sounds like a good idea.

End Log

Begin Log

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Begin Log

Dr. ██████: Okay, let’s go.

End Log

Begin Log

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Begin Log

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Begin Log

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Begin Log

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Begin Log

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End Log

Note: Dr. ██████, the Foundation’s junior doctor of Near Earth Object (NEO) class, was recently terminated.

End Log

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End Log

End of Transmission 19

Collection 2


Transmission 0 SUNDAY (9122011): HIT!

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SUNDAY (9122011): HIT!

SUNDAY (9122011): HIT!

S End of Transmission 0


Transmission 12  List of SCP-080-001-1-K-1-A-A-C

Item : SCP-080-001

Description: SCP-080-001 is a set of seven (7) large black diamonds, measuring 20.4cm in length and 21.8cm in width.

Note: One hundred and fifty (250) of the diamonds are removed from SCP-080-01, and restored to maximum security. Once restored, one hundred and fifty (250) of the diamonds are repaired, and the remaining six (6) are discarded. Upon disposal, the diamonds are dissected, and the remaining six (6) are brought back into SCP-080-1. Once the diamonds have been restored, SCP-080-1 is to be removed, and the remaining six (6) are recycled.

Note: The six (6) diamonds are to be contained in a secure locked container. The enclosure is to be kept in the Foundation’s collection of the REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED

Note: The enclosure is to be kept in the Foundation’s collection of the REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED

Note: The four (4) diamonds are to be contained in a secure lockbox within Site-██. This locker is to be used only for Research and Development, and is to be maintained at a temperature of REDACTED

Note: The two (2) diamonds are to be contained in a secure locker with a lock mechanism in the locker room. The locker is to remain locked at a high temperature of REDACTED The locker is to be kept in a secure room at Site-██.

Note: The two (2) diamonds are to be contained in a locked container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure room in Site-██.

Note: The three (3) diamonds are to be contained in a locked container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure locker at Site-██.

Note: The three (3) diamonds are to be contained in a locked container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure room in Site-██.

Note: The four (4) diamonds are to be contained in a locked container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure room in Site-██.

Note: The three (3) diamonds are to be contained in a locked container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure room at Site-██.

Note: The four (4) diamonds are to be contained in a lockable container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure room at Site-██.

Note: The four (4) diamonds have been replaced with four (4) other diamonds in a fashion consistent with the original. The four (4) diamonds are to be contained in a secure container in a secure room at Site-██.

Note: The five (5) diamonds are to be contained in a secure container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure room at Site-██.

Note: The five (5) diamonds are to be contained in a locked container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure room at Site-██.

Note: The five (5) diamonds have been replaced with four (4) other diamond in a fashion consistent with the original. The four (4) diamonds are to be contained in a secure container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure room at Site-██.

Note: The five (5) diamonds have been replaced with four (4) other diamonds in a fashion consistent with the original. The four (4) diamonds are to be contained in a secure container in a secure room at Site-██. This container is to be kept in a secure container at Site-██.

Note: The five (5) diamonds have also been End of Transmission 12


Transmission 13 Date: ██-██-████

Subject: Lion’s Den Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was given a container of ██████ brand water, which was then poured over the head, covering the entire body.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-00 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to drink the water, and to “taste” while instructed.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-01 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-02 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-03 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water, and to “taste” the object.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-04 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-05 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-06 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-07 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-08 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-09 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-10 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-11 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-12 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-13 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-14 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-15 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-16 Procedure: Odyssey Results: Subject was instructed to “taste” the water.

Date: ██-██-████ Subject: SCP-491-17 End of Transmission 13


Transmission 4 Bit of a headache, but it's pretty much done already.

Note: We have a few abandoned miners in the area. Don’t let them take over your town, and give up your mining.

Note: This is a very serious issue, involving the safety of the miners, and the future of the population. Please only use the best of your personnel, especially those with the best interests of the community at heart.

Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: End of Transmission 4



THE HOST: (in a deep, dead voice, and with several broken teeth)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST: (in a soft voice)

THE HOST End of Transmission 4


Transmission 10 Zero Day is a project by my friends at ICON to develop an event-oriented document on the subject of Zero Day.  It'll be posted on the project's website shortly.

Note: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but I’ve been getting requests for it.

Hey, you guys, what the hell are you doing here? I’m writing a story. I’m not a writer. -Zero Day

SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079-1 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079-02 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 SCP-079 End of Transmission 10


Transmission 13 DESIGNATION: SASE-4



Transmission 12 SCP-205

SCP-205:1 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:2 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:3 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:4 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:5 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:6 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:7 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:8 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:9 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:10 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:11 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:12 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:13 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:14 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:15 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:16 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:17 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:18 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:19 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:20 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:21 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:22 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:23 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:24 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:25 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:26 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:27 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:28 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:29 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:30 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:31 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:32 - A SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:33 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:34 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:35 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:36 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:37 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:38 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:39 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:40 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:41 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:42 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:43 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:44 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:45 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:46 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:47 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:48 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:49 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:50 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:51 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:52 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:53 - An SCP-205 replacement kit.

SCP-205:54 - An End of Transmission 12


Transmission 9 You can't buy this. You can't settle for a low price. You can't get rid of the damn thing.

Do the same. If you can’t do the two things simultaneously, then you can’t afford them. You can’t afford to make the market pay. You can’t afford to give up the thing. You can’t afford to give up the damn thing.

And I’m not even going to tell you that you have to. You can’t afford to. At least, I think you can.

I don’t think I’m leaving you alone. I don’t mind if you get angry. I’m going to keep you in my thoughts.

I don’t want to leave you alone.

You have to get out.

He took the door. He gave the door a tear. It was a dream. He rubbed the back of his neck. He shook the door open. He walked to his room. He took out the note.

I’m sorry. I don’t understand.

He reached into his jacket, and pulled out his cheque. He took out the cheque and rolled it into his pocket.

He took out the note.

There’s no one left.

He was going to make me feel better.

He pushed the envelope into his pocket.

He took the note out and put it in his mouth.

He said he had to. I’m going to have to do it.

He took the note out of his mouth.

He said he’d have to do it.

I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it.

He said he’d make me feel better because I’m leaving the world.

He said he’d make me feel better because he’s leaving the world.

He said he’d have to.

I’m going to do it. I’m going to make me feel better.

I’m going to make me feel better. I’m going to make you feel better.

I’m going to make you feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

I’m going to make you feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

I’m going to do it. I’m going to make you feel better.

I’m going to do it. I’m going to make you feel better.

I’m going to do it. I’m going to make you feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

I’m going to do it. I’m going to make you feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel better.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said he’d make me feel worse.

He said End of Transmission 9


Transmission 23 For the record, when I first encountered the SCP-535-7, the first thing I saw was the SCP-535-8, and then I saw SCP-535-7, and then I saw the SCP-535-9, and then I saw SCP-535-10. And then I saw SCP-535-11, and then I saw SCP-535-12, and then I saw SCP-535-13, and then I saw SCP-535-14, and then I saw SCP-535-15, and then I saw SCP-535-16, and then I saw SCP-535-17 and then I saw SCP-535-18, and then I saw SCP-535-19, and then I saw SCP-535-20, and then I saw SCP-535-21, and then I saw SCP-535-22, and then I saw SCP-535-23, and then I saw SCP-535-24, and then I saw SCP-535-25, and then I saw SCP-535-26, and then I saw SCP-535-27, and then I saw SCP-535-28, and then I saw SCP-535-29, and then I saw SCP-535-30, and then I saw SCP-535-31, and then I saw SCP-535-32, and then I saw SCP-535-33, and then I saw SCP-535-34, and then I saw SCP-535-35, and then I saw SCP-535-36, and then I saw SCP-535-37, and then I saw SCP-535-38, and then I saw SCP-535-39, and then I saw SCP-535-40, and then I saw SCP-535-41, and then I saw SCP-535-42, and then I saw SCP-535-43, and then I saw SCP-535-44, and then I saw SCP-535-45, and then I saw SCP-535-46, and then I saw SCP-535-47, and then I saw SCP-535-48, and then I saw SCP-535-49, and then I saw SCP-535-50, and then I saw SCP-535-51, and then I saw SCP-535-52, and then I saw SCP-535-53, and then I saw SCP-535-54, and then I saw SCP-535-55, and then I saw SCP-535-56, and then I saw SCP-535-57, and then I saw SCP-535-58, and then I saw SCP-535-59, and then I saw SCP-535-60, and then I saw SCP-535-61, and then I saw SCP-535-62, and then I saw SCP-535-63, and then I saw SCP-535-64, and then I saw SCP-535-65, and then I saw SCP-535-66, and then I saw SCP-535-67, and then I saw SCP-535-68, and then I saw SCP-535-69, and then I saw SCP-535-70, and then I saw SCP-535-71, and then I saw SCP-535-72, and then I saw SCP-535-73, and then I saw SCP-535-74, and then I saw SCP-535-75, and then I saw SCP-535-76, and then I saw SCP-535-77, and then I saw SCP-535-78, and then I saw SCP-535-79, and then I saw SCP-535-80, and then I saw SCP-535-81, and then I saw SCP-535-82, and then I saw SCP-535-83, and End of Transmission 23


Transmission 6 SCP-210

Description: SCP-210 is a collection of more than 30 individual random numbers, each with an associated numerical value. The numbers shown are extracted from the components of SCP-210.

The components of SCP-210 are:

SCP-210-1 SCP-210-2 SCP-210-3 SCP-210-4 SCP-210-5 SCP-210-6 SCP-210-7 SCP-210-8 SCP-210-9 SCP-210-10 SCP-210-11 SCP-210-12 SCP-210-13 SCP-210-14 SCP-210-15 SCP-210-16 SCP-210-17 SCP-210-18 SCP-210-19 SCP-210-20 SCP-210-21 SCP-210-22 SCP-210-23 SCP-210-24 SCP-210-25 SCP-210-26 SCP-210-27 SCP-210-28 SCP-210-29 SCP-210-30 SCP-210-31 SCP-210-32 SCP-210-33 SCP-210-34 SCP-210-35 SCP-210-36 SCP-210-37 SCP-210-38 SCP-210-39 SCP-210-40 SCP-210-41 SCP-210-42 SCP-210-43 SCP-210-44 SCP-210-45 SCP-210-46 SCP-210-47 SCP-210-48 SCP-210-49 SCP-210-50 SCP-210-51 SCP-210-52 SCP-210-53 SCP-210-54 SCP-210-55 SCP-210-56 SCP-210-57 SCP-210-58 SCP-210-59 SCP-210-60 SCP-210-61 SCP-210-62 SCP-210-63 SCP-210-64 SCP-210-65 SCP-210-66 SCP-210-67 SCP-210-68 SCP-210-69 SCP-210-70 SCP-210-71 SCP-210-72 SCP-210-73 SCP-210-74 SCP-210-75 SCP-210-76 SCP-210-77 SCP-210-78 SCP-210-79 SCP-210-80 SCP-210-81 SCP-210-82 SCP-210-83 SCP-210-84 SCP-210-85 SCP-210-86 SCP-210-87 SCP-210-88 SCP-210-89 SCP-210-90 SCP-210-91 SCP-210-92 SCP-210-93 SCP-210-94 SCP-210-95 SCP-210-96 SCP-210-97 SCP-210-98 SCP-210-99 SCP-210-100 SCP-210-101 SCP-210-102 SCP-210-103 SCP-210-104 SCP-210-105 SCP-210-106 SCP-210-107 SCP-210-108 SCP-210-109 SCP-210-110 SCP-210-111 SCP-210-112 SCP-210-113 SCP-210-114 SCP-210-115 SCP-210-116 SCP-210-117 SCP-210-118 SCP-210-119 SCP-210-120 SCP-210-121 SCP-210-122 SCP-210-123 SCP-210-124 SCP-210-125 SCP-210-126 SCP-210-127 SCP-210-128 SCP-210-129 SCP-210-130 SCP-210-131 SCP-210-132 SCP-210-133 SCP-210-134 SCP-210-135 SCP-210-136 SCP-210-137 SCP-210-138 SCP-210-139 SCP-210-140 SCP-210-141 SCP-210-142 SCP-210-143 SCP-210-144 SCP-210-145 SCP-210-146 SCP-210-147 SCP-210-148 SCP-210-149 SCP-210-150 SCP-210-151 SCP-210-152 SCP-210-153 SCP-210-154 SCP-210-155 SCP-210-156 SCP-210-157 SCP-210-158 SCP-210-159 SCP-210-160 SCP-210-161 SCP-210- End of Transmission 6


Transmission 7 You know that bad habit of being caught doing what you're told? "How about you go home and relax in a room filled with tickles and little puddings until the time is right?" Well, that's not going to happen.

So, if you’re going to go home and relax, just go home and relax and just let the tickle go by.


You know how the story goes when you tell your father, you know who he is.

Well, yes, I’m the son of an adult, but I’m still not the father of a child.

What’s wrong with you? You can’t be the dad of a child.

You’re the son of an adult, so you have to have that capability.

Okay, how about you the guy who hangs out with the guys in the club.

You’re the guy who hangs out with the guys in the club, of course.

Your dad’s a virgin, so he’s usually a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

Okay, so you have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

So, you have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

Alright, so you’ve got a virgin, and you’ve got a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

Okay, so you’ve got a virgin, and you’ve got a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

Okay, so you’ve got a virgin, and you’ve got a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

Okay, so you’ve got a virgin, and you’ve got a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

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Okay, so you’ve got a virgin, and you’ve got a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

You have to be a virgin to be a virgin.

Okay, so you’ve got a virgin, and End of Transmission 7


Transmission 20 SCP-1018

module Rate

Item : SCP-1018

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The following items are to be kept:

A copy of SCP-1018 A copy of the following items:

A bottle of REDACTED alcohol A box of Riesling’s whisky A bottle of REDACTED REDACTED copy of  ███████ A copy of the following items: A copy of the following books:

A copy of  ███████ A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A copy of the following books: A End of Transmission 20


Transmission 18 In the face of the attack, the children were able to rid themselves of their fear.

The guards were made to remove the hardwood from the tree to prevent them from escaping.

The man in the tree was unable to leave the room without his weapon.

They used a metal hook to sever the flesh from the man’s fingers.

The wood was left in place for the next week.

It seems that the man was unable to locate the ring.

It seems that the man had taken some of the details from the man’s diary.

It seems that he had disposed of the details.

Security teams were sent to monitor the man.

He was able to log a number of personal details.

The man’s diary showed that he had used a number of items that had no intended purpose in the past.

It appears that he had stolen the dagger from the man’s diary.

It appears that he had used the unknown weapon that he had found in the man’s house to make a makeshift sword.

The man was able to sense that he was being watched.

He was able to identify the source of the intruder, the man’s identity was revealed.

He was able to visually identify the man as the man in the man’s house.

It appears that the man has been using his dagger to keep himself in line with the rest of the group.

It appears that the man has been using the dagger to keep himself in line with the rest of the group.

It appears that the intruder is possessed by the master of the man’s house.

It appears that he has stolen his own sword.

It has been discovered that the man possessed the dagger.

It appears that he has been using it to keep himself in line with the rest of the group.

It has been discovered that he has left the dagger in the man’s possession.

It appears that the man has left the dagger in the man’s possession.

It appears that the intruder is possessed by the master of the man’s house.

It has been discovered that the man was using the dagger to cover his head.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the man has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his head.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder is possessed by the master of the man’s house.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has received permission to use it.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder is possessed by the master of the man’s house.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been uncovered that the intruder has been using the dagger to cover his face.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been discovered that the intruder has escaped.

It has been determined that the intruder has End of Transmission 18


Transmission 14 It's been a while since I've posted on this site, but I've finally given up on the Facebook Diary. If you want to read about her past, here's where you can find it:

Kondraki: I’ve been hearing rumors that she’s been a particular target of REDACTED, and I’ve been hearing rumors that she’s been involved with REDACTED, but I’ve been unable to find any record of her doing so. It’s a little bit of a stretch, but I don’t really want to give up on the project. I’ve got a few questions I’d like to ask you, Lamb. Question: Answer: Yes, it is. Answer: No, it’s not. Answer: Yes, it is. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. DATA EXPUNGED Answer: Yes. Answer: No. Answer: No. DATA EXPUNGED Answer: No. DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED Answer: Yes. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: Yes. Answer: No. Answer: Yes. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: No. Answer: End of Transmission 14


Transmission 8  div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;"

User: SCP-898

Modification Log 898-01:

Date: REDACTED History: div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;”

Item: SCP-898-1

Description: A set of two (2) small mugs is currently on display in SCP-408. The contents of the mugs are identical to those of the lab, except that all of the test subjects (except for those who participated in the experiment) were blind to any external stimuli.

Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408


Input: SCP-408

Result: End of Transmission 8


Transmission 16 Classification: Euclid Euclid (AD) Euclid (ADA++) Euclid (ADA++)

Description: SCP-939 is a group of fractal symbols of unknown nature and origin. Unlike most symbols, the symbols are 1.0 meters in diameter and 1.0 meters in width. When drawn, the symbols are inscribed with a hexagonal arrangement of mathematical symbols. The symbols are arranged in a geometric pattern, with the symbols representing the three constituent constituent numbers. The symbols are unclear to us, but it is hypothesized that these symbols are the products of some geometric process, which we have not yet seen.

SCP-939’s coloration is not a direct reflection of its constituents. SCP-939 has shown to be able to recognize colors and shapes other than those of its constituent number. In addition, the symbols can recognize any number of colors, although the numbers are not identical. Therefore, SCP-939 is able to recognize colors that cannot be recognized by other symbols.

SCP-939 is able to recognize a number of colors, but will never recognize numbers more than a few hundred. Conversely, the number of colors recognized by SCP-939 is always equal to or greater than the number of symbols. In addition, SCP-939 will recognize any number of symbols, regardless of the color they are in. For example, SCP-939 will recognize the number OMC (Orange), CCL (Blue), and XYR (Yellow) when drawn from its constituent numbers.

SCP-939 will also recognize any number of shapes. For example, SCP-939 will recognize shapes in the shape of a rhomboid horse. SCP-939 will recognize shapes in shapes that are larger than the number of symbols. It has shown to recognize shapes that are larger than the number of symbols.

SCP-939 seems to be able to recognize a variety of shapes, including the following:

Metal, metal, glass, and human skull. Marble, tile, and concrete. Human skull and skeletal remains. Apples and applesauce. Marble and stone statues. Metal and glass bricks. Other heavy objects such as stones, metal replicas, and wood and metal tiles. A variety of electronic devices such as television, digital media, and video recorders. Alcohol and cigarette smoke. Various metal components such as metal doors, screws, and screws. A variety of other metal components such as steel, bone, and metals. Glass, metal, and wood. Metal objects such as metal gears, gears, spools, gears, gears, and gears. Wood, metals, and liquids.

These colors are not completely consistent with the laws of physics. When drawing, SCP-939 will recognize a number of colors consistent with those in its constituent numbers. For example, SCP-939 will recognize the number Ccl (Red), Ccy (Green), and Ccy (White) when drawn from its constituent numbers.

Note: SCP-939 has been observed to identify any number of colors.

Addendum: A number of different colors have been identified, including:

Red Green Blue Purple Rock

Purple Black Yellow













































































White End of Transmission 16


Transmission 15 "No other shoes that match mine, please".

“I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match my shoes. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine. I don’t want to wear shoes that match mine.

“My shoes match mine. My shoes match mine. My shoes match mine.”

“Then you’ll have to wear them, or wear them myself, or wear them together.”

“I’m sorry, Mister, but you’re not going to wear them if I don’t wear them first.”

“No, Mister, I don’t want to wear them.”

“Then you’ll wear them, too. You and me, and your sister, and your wife, and your little girl, and your daughter, and it won’t be long before you’re the one who wears them. It won’t be long before you’re the one who wears them. It won’t be long before you’re the one who wears them.”

“So you look like you’ve got a problem, Mister. You look like you’re going to die.”

“I’m sorry, Mister, but I do not see why you should leave the house when you can be home.”

“I’m sorry, Mister. I’m sorry.”

“Your body will always be attached to my body. Your body will always be attached to mine. Your body will always be attached to mine. Your body will always be attached to mine. Your body will always be attached to mine.”

“My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to yours.”

“My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to yours. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body will always be attached to mine. My body End of Transmission 15


Transmission 0 Gears of War: Spider-Man and the Iron Man

footnote Spider-Man is the only game in town. No, not Spider-Man. Spider-Man is a game, that is, unless you’re the Spider-Man. -Dr. Gears footnote That’s the name of that game. Usually it’s Spider-Man 3. -Dr. Gears footnote But I’m not sure I will win if I lose. -Dr. Gears footnote I’m not sure what to do. -Dr. Gears footnote And you’re a Spider-Man. -Dr. Gears footnote It doesn’t matter. -Dr. Gears footnote I’m only in the game. -Dr. Gears footnote I’m the Spider-Man. -Dr. Gears footnote I don’t have the equipment. -Dr. Gears footnote I’m the Spider-Man. -Dr. Gears footnote If you win, you win. -Dr. Gears footnote I didn’t even win. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote I got the whole game. -Dr. Gears footnote And you win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote I lost to every other game I made. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote I lost to all the other teams. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote I win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You win by the numbers. -Dr. Gears footnote You End of Transmission 0


Transmission 11 She was on my spirit. I had to kill her.

She stares at her hands, her eyes wide, her heart pounding.  She opens them, her eyes unfocused, her heart beating slower and faster, and her breathing slow and silent.  She smiles, then slowly turns around, eyes looking at the ceiling, the ceiling looking out to her dreams.  She opens the door to her room, and holds out a hand to me.  I feel nausea.  I am in pain.

She turns, and looks at me with a smiling face.  I can see her eyes.  She smiles.  She turns to me and smiles, and smiles again.  She smiles again.  She nods.  She nods again.  I feel the wall of air around me.  She smiles again.  I feel the edge of the wall behind me.  I feel the breath of air in my lungs.  I feel the heat from her.  She feels me.  I feel her.  She is where I am.  I’m where I am.  I can feel her.

She turns to me, and smiles.  I feel the push of my hand down my throat, and she laughs.  She laughs again.  She laughs again.  I feel the other hand on her throat.  She smiles again.  She turns, and smiles again.  I feel her.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  I feel the air around her.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  He breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  He breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  He breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes.  He breathes.  She breathes.  She breathes End of Transmission 11


Transmission 2 Vocals

One (1) X-Ray machine One (1) diamond mesh (click to expand) One (1) laser One (1) infrared (click to expand) One (1) solar panel One (1) laser One (1) magnetic (click to expand) One (1) drill press One (1) drill One (1) drill press One (1) drill One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet One (1) magnet End of Transmission 2


Transmission 21 In my opinion, the best way to go is to look at your own work and find out what it is. So, if you are a writer, you should start with what the author says.

++ Guy who produced the book:



Transmission 6 This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it.

Note: “There is no such thing as a saint!” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life and puts him into a hospital.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a man who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a miracle. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “I’m not a saint. I’m a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man’s life.” -Dr. Glass

Note: “He’s not a saint. He’s a guy who takes a man End of Transmission 6


Transmission 14 In the beginning, there was nothing I could do. I could die. There was nothing I could do. I could die.

I felt the tears. The tears. The tears. And then they came, the tears. They were the tears, the tears.

I screamed. I screamed. And then… And then I screamed again. And then I screamed again. And then I screamed. And then I cried. And then I cried. And then I cried. And then I screamed. And then I cried. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I cried. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed.And then I screamed.And then I screamed. And then I screamed.And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I shouted. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed. And then I screamed.

I was left alone with the monster. And the monster had made me. And I was alone alone with it. And I was alone with the monster. And then I screamed. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then he started screaming. And then the monster began to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And then the monster started to scream. And End of Transmission 14


Transmission 17 Patent pending.

Preliminary Analysis

Notes: It’s interesting to note that the REDACTED holding cell room appears to be of the same structure as the current SCP-4926-2. We’d like to know why. -Dr. REDACTED Description: SCP-4926-2, a black box containing a copy of SCP-4926, a pornographic film depicting the murder of a woman on a beach in REDACTED. The box contained the original film. Doctor REDACTED was informed that it did not contain the original film, and that there were currently no researchers to explore.

Input: This is a film that was originally produced in the late 1940s by the top-secret CIA research facility in REDACTED, with the assistance of REDACTED, a member of the REDACTED group. The film was shot with a camera. -Dr. REDACTED A copy of the film, which is contained within the box. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED It’s a reproduction of the film. -Dr. REDACTED It’s a reproduction of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED These notes are in the margins of the box. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED The box contains a shotgun with a .50 caliber hollow-point bullet. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED A copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED A copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr. REDACTED This is a copy of the film. -Dr End of Transmission 17


Transmission 18  Note: You can also use this to create a 'diary' that lasts half as long if you have a separate mirror. -Dr. Bright

WARNING: Doctor Bright may be terminated due to SCP-526’s inherent power.

Addendum 526-1: Doctor Bright may not be terminated, as SCP-526 is not contained within his containment. -Dr. Seaworth

Note: Doctor Bright has been terminated due to SCP-526’s inherent power. It is now effectively a memetic effect, but not because of any anomalous properties. -Dr. Bright

Note: Doctor Bright may not be terminated. -Dr. Seaworth

Note: Doctor Seaworth may not be terminated. -Dr. Bright

Note: Doctor Bright may not be terminated. -Dr. Seaworth

Note: Doctor Seaworth may not be terminated. -Dr. Bright

Note: Doctor Bright may not be terminated. -Dr. Seaworth

Note: Doctor Bright may not be terminated. -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, Doctor Bright, you’re not allowed to use your hand. You said you didn’t want to. -Dr. Bright

Note: Sure, I know. No harm done, Doctor Bright. -Dr. Seaworth

Note: Hey, Doctor Bright, yeah, that’s a good thing. -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, well, I didn’t give it to Doctor Bright, right? -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, how could you use a damn mirror? -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no. -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no. -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, did you think I’d give you a -Aesthetic-based containment? -Dr. Seaworth

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no. -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no. -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, you can’t. -Dr. Bright

Note: Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no End of Transmission 18


Transmission 9 The SCP-1134 is a host of SCP-1134 resembling a human male, with a large head of hair and brown eyes. Its eyes are able to see in the dark and are usually blue in color, its skin is pale and covered in black. It has no hair, eyes, or teeth.

Each time SCP-1134 is ambushed by SCP-1134, it will rush in a new direction and attack, in the hopes of escaping. It is currently unknown how SCP-1134 will react to this event, but it seems that the attack will work regardless.

SCP-1134 will always attack with extreme force, reaching full size, without warning. It appears to have no need to stop its attacks, as the existence of the device made it impossible to escape. As a result, SCP-1134 will always be able to communicate with its host.

SCP-1134 will not attack normally, but will attack in a manner similar to an insect or bird. It attacks with its long, sharp claws, which it will use to rip through any flesh it makes contact with. It will also attack with its sharp teeth, which it will use to bite through most flesh to the point where it will leave behind a trail of blood, saliva, and the like behind the eyes and head.

SCP-1134 will also use its claws to shoot out the blood of any living organism that is within its reach. It will also use its teeth to strike any and all teeth within its reach with its claws. It will then spray the blood of any poisonous liquid or flesh it may find, either in the form of blood or through its teeth, which it will then use to extract the blood, then use it to revive the victim.

SCP-1134 will also be capable of causing DATA EXPUNGED to the point where it will release a massive amount of blood from its claws. It will then use this blood to poison the victim, infecting them with SCP-1134 before dying, leaving them with a corpse which will then be used to feed.

SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties at this time, but there is currently a large amount of blood in its system.

SCP-1134 has also shown no signs of decay, although it has shown no signs of decay ever since its discovery.

SCP-1134 has been observed to feed on any and all living creatures, as well as small mammals, birds, and fish. It is believed that this is a result of SCP-1134’s ability to grow at a rate that it can feed on remaining liquid. However, the organism shows no preference for any living animal, and has shown no signs of hunger.

SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134

SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be a normal SCP-1134 SCP-1134 has shown no anomalous properties, and appears to be End of Transmission 9


Transmission 14 http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v0  and   http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v1  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v2  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v3  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v4  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v5  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v6  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v7  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v8  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v9  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v10  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v11  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v12  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v13  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v14  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v15  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v16  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v17  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v18  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v19  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v20  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v21  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v22  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v23  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v24  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v25  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v26  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v27  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v28  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v29  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v30  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v31  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v32  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v33  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v34  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v35  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v36  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v37  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v38  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v39  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v40  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdunman_v41  and  http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com End of Transmission 14


Transmission 22 SCP-076-02

Item : SCP-076-02

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-076-02 is to be contained at Site-██. SCP-076-02 is to be contained in a secure vial containing a water-based liquid solution. SCP-076-02 is to be contained in a secure vial containing a water-based liquid solution. SCP-076-02 is to be contained in a container approximately the size of a 500-gallon can of soda. SCP-076-02 is to be kept in a secure vial containing a water-based liquid solution.

Description: SCP-076-02 is a cube of unknown material. SCP-076-02 appears to be a single sheet of paper, but is also covered in several small, insect-like markings, including the word “ACCESSORIES.” SCP-076-02 appears to be extremely bright, and when illuminated, emits a faint, high-pitched, sound. The sound is most often heard from the floor, where it is heard in the hallway. The noise can be heard picking up through walls or ceilings. The noise may be accompanied by the sound of a sound balloon, which is sometimes heard as the sound of a balloon being pushed by a power pole.

SCP-076-02 appears to be a single, transparent cube with a single, opaque, transparent interior. The interior of SCP-076-02 is composed of alkyl alcohol. The color of SCP-076-02 varies constantly between scenes, but is usually black. Despite the nocturnal cycle, the color of SCP-076-02 is a permanent color that has been observed to change color when it is transported into a state of hypoactive hypothermia.

SCP-076-02 has several physical attributes:

It appears to be a single, transparent cube with a single, opaque interior. It has no interior rooms, so it cannot be moved or otherwise displayed. It emits a faint, high-pitched, sound, which has been observed to travel across walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. It appears to be a single, transparent cube with a single, transparent interior. It emits a sound that was previously heard by the smell of alkyl alcohol. It appears to be a single, transparent cube with a single, transparent interior. It has no room, so it cannot be moved, and no sound can be heard. It appears to be a single, transparent cube with a single, transparent interior. It has no room, so it cannot be moved, and no sound can be heard. It appears to be a single, transparent cube with a single, transparent interior. It has no room, so it cannot be moved, and noise can be heard. It appears to be a single, transparent cube with a single, transparent interior. It has no room, so it cannot be moved, and no sound can be heard. It appears to be a single, opaque cube with a single, transparent interior. It has no room, so it cannot be moved, and noise can be heard.

Addendum: SCP-076-02 appears to be a single, transparent cube, with a single, transparent interior. The interior of SCP-076-02 is composed of alkyl alcohol. The color and consistency of the alkyl alcohol gradient change every time the container is opened.

Addendum: It appears to be a single, transparent cube, with a single, transparent interior. It appears to be a single, transparent cube with a single, transparent interior. It has no room, so it cannot be moved, and noise can be heard. Note: We have encountered several instances of SCP-076-02 in containment, and have been unable to determine the source of the distortion, and have therefore left no other research and experimentation trails. It is advised that, if possible, SCP-076-02 be kept in a secure vial containing alkyl alcohol.

Addendum: SCP-076-02 appears to be an artificial substance, similar in structure to carbon, that may be applied to the walls of a sealed room. It has no room, so it cannot be moved, and noise can be heard. Note: SCP-076-02 is currently being tested in a sealed room, and is not being returned. title:SCP-077

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:200px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot End of Transmission 22


Transmission 13 Date: 05-Dec-2009 Subject: SCP-917

Procedure: SCP-917 was placed in the SCP-882 room, and placed in the SCP-882 room.

Results: No noticeable differences in behavior, except for the presence of SCP-882 in the room.

Procedure: SCP-882 was placed in the SCP-882 room, and placed in the SCP-882 room.

Results: Subject’s reaction to SCP-882 is slightly different than in the case of SCP-882. Instead of blinking, subjects appear to be able to see the room through a window, and when the user is not in the room, the subject will become aware of the room, and will be able to see through it. The subject will also respond to SCP-882’s presence, and a short time later, will have a mild and non-verbal reaction to the SCP-882.

In the of the SCP-882 room, subject appears to be able to see through walls and other materials, and will be able to see through the window. In the case of SCP-882, the subject shows no sign of mental impairment. However, there is a slight increase in its appearance, and the subject is able to see through walls and other objects, and will react in a more aggressive manner. In the case of SCP-882, the subject is able to see through walls and other materials, and will react in a more aggressive manner.

Addendum: Testing with SCP-882 has shown that SCP-882 can be used to alter the physical appearance of SCP-882-1. This effect is unknown to the researcher, and subject is able to interact with SCP-882 via a variety of methods, including attempts to change the subject’s clothing or appearance, changing the objects that SCP-882 is present in, or changing the object’s appearance.

Note: SCP-882’s effect is not to be confused with SCP-882.

Note: I was curious to see if this could be applied to other objects as well, so I sent a number of tests, and I find that this works. Could be a useful tool for testing subjects. - Doctor REDACTED I’m not sure if this should be applied to anything as well, but I think this could be useful for testing a number of SCP-882’s, and one of them needs to be a responsible researcher, so that I can get to the bottom of what’s going on. - Prof. REDACTED I think that was good idea, but I think it could be useful for testing SCP-882 again. - Doctor REDACTED I just wanted to give it a try. - Doctor REDACTED I think I just need some time to work out what is going on. - Doctor REDACTED I’m not sure if it should be applied to anything, but I think it could be useful for testing a number of SCP-882’s, and one of them needs to be a responsible researcher, so that I can get to the bottom of what’s going on. - Prof. REDACTED I think this should be done at some point. - Doctor REDACTED I think this is just a small test to see if this can be applied to anything. - Doctor REDACTED I think I will try again. - Doctor REDACTED I think I heard something. - Doctor REDACTED I think I just heard something. - Doctor REDACTED I think I just heard something. - Doctor REDACTED I think I just heard something. - Doctor REDACTED I think I just heard something. - Doctor REDACTED I think I just heard something. - Doctor REDACTED Got a comment for Doctor REDACTED - Doctor REDACTED End of Transmission 13


Transmission 16 Interview: Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesc-58892-mayellow_trim.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^Interviewer1^^ || div

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Subject was sedated to prevent DATA EXPUNGED. Subject was confirmed deceased by SCP-158 in a hallway. Subject was found in the Subject’s room, after a struggle with SCP-58892. After recovery tunnels were established, subject was found feeling slightly nauseated. After being released, subject stated that it was “painless” and that he would “just regroup” when the Subject came back. Subject was then informed that no one was in the Subject’s room, and that it was fine. What was left, however, was a small pile of dead bodies, with no sign of the Agent.

Note: After SCP-58892 was removed from the Subject’s room, the Agent requested to see a biopsy table, in case SCP-58892 poses any further danger. No response was forthcoming.

Addendum: The Agent is currently being held in Site-██.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: SCP-58892

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone. The Agent is currently being held in Site-██.

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone. The Agent is currently being held in Site-██.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Subject is currently being held in Site-██.

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone. Subject was told to “get a new job”.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone. Subject is still in Site-██.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

Note: Interview was conducted via cell phone. Subject was told to “get a new job”.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Agent REDACTED Quick Response Officer

Subjects: SCP-58892

Results: Interviewed: Subject

End of Transmission 16


Transmission 25 Channels covered with SCP-682 have been constructed for use with SCP-682.

SCP-682-1 SCP-682-1 div

Item : SCP-682

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All entities of this class are to be contained within a 20 m x 20 m room with a standard cafeteria and a room for 2 or 3 human beings. The room must have a deck of cards with access to any game of fetchlands, control strategies, and mutate tokens. Only human beings may enter the room.

All personnel assigned to SCP-682 must wear body armor and must wear a basic suit of high-end clothing of medium-quality. Personnel are not to enter SCP-682 without proper clearance from Level 3 Personnel.

Description: SCP-682 is a collection of 400 cards and a set of 500 cubes. The cube is composed of REDACTED cards, and all of the cube’s interactivity is based on the properties of the cards. The cube has been altered to a grid of similar shapes, but with one card having been rendered in all possible colors.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-682small.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-682-1^^ || div

When SCP-682 is inserted into a cube, the cube is instantly drawn in to the empty space created by the cube. The effect lasts for one second, after which the cube is removed from the cube and its contents are drawn into SCP-682. This effect is permanent for one month after removal.

The effect persists for the following month. Any changes to the cube’s contents are permanent.

The cube’s contents are drawn into SCP-682 through the use of a combination of cards. The cube’s current material is a clear plastic cube, and anyone who enters the chamber of any number of other creatures with the same symbol on them will be drawn into SCP-682. Any creatures drawn into SCP-682 are drawn with the symbols drawn into SCP-682. Additionally, any creatures drawn into SCP-682 will be drawn into SCP-682 through the use of SCP-682’s divider.

If all other creatures are drawn into SCP-682, the cube will be drawn in to the empty space of the cube. The effect is permanent for one month after removal.

Addendum: If you see anything with the symbols drawn into SCP-682, please report it and we can find out what exactly. -Dr. REDACTED 2: Should you see any of the symbols in SCP-682, please report it to REDACTED and we can figure out what exactly it is. -Dr. REDACTED 3: Your cube is currently not contained, but you can use it to draw other cards. -Dr. REDACTED 4: Please report it to Doctor REDACTED we can figure out what exactly it is. -Dr. REDACTED 5: I know, I know. I’m sorry, I may be a little late on my paperwork. -Dr. REDACTED 6: I have to admit, I was a little worried that Mr. REDACTED would be drawn into SCP-682. We won’t have to worry about that. -Dr. REDACTED 7: I have a feeling he might be drawn into SCP-682. I’ve already found out what he is drawn into it by going through the cube, I’m sure it’s not that big. -Dr. REDACTED 8: I’ve got something going here. I’ve got a paper trail on the cube, I’m going to use it on my cube. Anyways, as long as you don’t get noticed, I’m going to be fine. -Dr. REDACTED 9: I have to admit, I was a little worried. What if Mr. REDACTED and him were drawn into SCP-682? -Dr. REDACTED 10: I’ll have to do it. -Dr. REDACTED 11: Thanks for the help, Doctor REDACTED I can make some progress. -Dr. REDACTED 12: I’m really, really sorry, just want to get End of Transmission 25


Transmission 19 collapsible

Item : SCP-546

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-546 are to be contained in a standard room containing a standard cafeteria with no more than two (2) beds.  All personnel are to be equipped with basic food and drink, and to continue drinking their daily dose of REDACTED administered weekly to all personnel at all times.  All personnel are to be equipped with a pair of high-speed cameras, capable of recording all movements that take place in the room, including all changes in tone.  All personnel are to be fed all meals and drinks as soon as possible before beginning work on SCP-546.  All personnel are to be given a human growth hormone cocktail, administered weekly to all personnel at all times.

Description: SCP-546 is a humanoid SCP object of unknown origins.  It possesses the anomalous ability to “play” music.  Individuals playing its music have a general feeling of success, with only a slight compulsion to make new friends.  However, within minutes, the music will begin to play again.  This effect is believed to have been caused by exposure to SCP-546, and is currently under investigation.

SCP-546 appears to be a sentient musical instrument.  The structure of its head appears to be a complex array of pedals, and the organ is made of a combination of several hundred thousand DATA EXPUNGED, each of which appears to have a unique, resonant effect, and is capable of interlocking with other objects, such as a guitar string, an electric piano, or a string instrument.  The effects of SCP-546 are similar to that of a present-day type of acoustic guitar, and are similar to that of a guitar tuner.

Once the music is played, all musical components in the instrument begin to vibrate.  After a period of time, the vibrating parts begin to cycle, and a new tune is played.  After approximately 30 seconds, the music will stop, leaving only the musical components unaffected.  When the music is stopped or played again, the components will begin to return to their original positions.  All musical components will be replaced by a new tune, with the exception of the piano.

When the music is stopped or played again, all musical components will begin to vibrate again.  After approximately five (5) minutes, all musical components will begin to return to their original position.  When the music stop or played again, the mechanical components will begin to reassemble themselves.

During the rest of the musical process, the music will play without interruption, and the components will behave normally.  However, once the music stops or played again, the musical components will begin to reassemble themselves.  After approximately thirty (30) minutes, the components will begin to reassemble themselves again.  When the music stops or played again, the components will reassemble themselves, and the music will continue to play.  After approximately two (2) hours, the music will stop, and the components will reassemble themselves.

Addendum 546-1: After careful consideration of possible effects of SCP-546, and the case of REDACTED personnel are recommended to discontinue working on SCP-546.  Due to the potential for harm, no personnel should be allowed to test the musical properties of SCP-546. title:SCP-547

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-547SCP-547.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-547-1^^ || div

Item : SCP-547

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-547 is contained in the same room as the one in which it was recovered.  Given the location of SCP-547, Site-██ personnel are to be screened for any signs of human contact.  Any and all testing on SCP-547 is to be done by three (3) armed guards, equipped with tranquilizer darts.

Description: SCP-547 is a human female of REDACTED REDACTED rank.  It is approximately 8.5 cm ( End of Transmission 19


Transmission 11  Note: This document was prepared by Doctor REDACTED of Site-██, as a part of his ongoing research on SCP-███.

Content: On REDACTED Doctor REDACTED was alone in his office when an informed researcher approached him from his office door. The researcher expressed his concern regarding the effectiveness of the device and suggested that Doctor REDACTED retrieve his device. The researcher accepted and proceeded to teach the device to Doctor REDACTED The research team, after a brief discussion, instructed Doctor REDACTED to use the device for a period of one week. At this time, the researcher’s lab was closed and the device was not completely neutralized.

Addendum 1: While the device was being used for this purpose, Doctor REDACTED was reviewing a record of his work and noticed that the researcher’s name was missing. Doctor REDACTED assumed that this was because the researcher had gone missing.

Addendum 2: The device was used to study SCP-███, an ancient civilization of birds, the dead. Doctor REDACTED had learned of the research from the artifact’s artifacts, and was aware of the artifacts’ existence until the artifact was found. However, upon learning of the artifact’s existence, the researcher became suspicious and requested a thorough investigation. The researcher was initially hesitant, but upon his first discovery, was able to open the artifact’s archive and retrieve the contents. A small group of researchers were immediately assigned to investigate the artifact, and Doctor REDACTED was gifted with his new artifact on REDACTED A thorough investigation was conducted and the artifact was found. Doctor REDACTED was able to open the artifact’s archive, and the contents were subsequently recovered. Doctor REDACTED was able to learn of the artifact’s existence, and was able to deal with the artifact’s artifacts for several hours while Doctor REDACTED was away. After a short delay, Doctor REDACTED was able to recover the artifact. Doctor REDACTED was able to obtain a large quantity of research materials, including video tapes and photographs of a prehistoric bird (see Document SCP-1924). A key piece of the artifact’s archive was also retrieved, but it was discovered by Doctor REDACTED Doctor REDACTED was able to recover the artifact, and was able to recover several of the artifacts’ original materials. Doctor REDACTED was able to recover several more artifacts, but was unable to recover all three of the artifacts. The remaining artifacts remained in Doctor REDACTED possession, and were subsequently destroyed.

Document SCP-1924: Doctor REDACTED having read through the artifact’s archives, decided that this was the artifact’s last chance to make a discovery. He was still unsure at this point how to proceed, as he had read through the artifact’s archives too many times to be able to create a detailed description of its capabilities. He was now determined to determine if SCP-1924’s anomalous properties could be applied to a more appropriate artifact.

Document SCP-1924: Upon research into SCP-1924’s anomalous properties, Doctor REDACTED was then able to see the artifact’s artifacts, including a collection of pornographic films. He was able to learn of the artifacts’ existence from the artifacts’ artifacts, who were also able to discover the artifacts’ artifacts. However, they were unable to reveal SCP-1924’s anomalous properties to the researcher, so he was forced to conclude that he had to use the artifact to learn of the artifact’s anomalous properties.

Document SCP-1924: For the past two years, Doctor REDACTED has been attempting to learn of the artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ anomalous properties. Doctor REDACTED has failed to do so, and has been referred to as “Dr. REDACTED Doctor REDACTED has attempted to learn about the artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ artifacts’ End of Transmission 11


Transmission 2 SCP-277 is to be kept in a sealed room in a 19x19x19m room, with a window at least 1.5m wide, and with a locking mechanism at least one at least 200m long, with a radio monitoring system on-site.  The room must be cleaned regularly, and SCP-277 is to be fed regularly, in order to prevent any possibility of infection.

Description:  SCP-277 is a normal human male, approximately 5.6m in height, weighing approximately 185g.  SCP-277 is a normal female, approximately 5.5m in height, weighing approximately 325g.  SCP-277 is female, approximately 5.9m in height, weighing approximately 110g.  This is an extremely violent and violent man, but has been severely wounded in his leg, although he has shown no signs of any physical harm.  SCP-277’s violent nature is believed to be caused primarily by SCP-277’s inability to break free from SCP-277’s restraints, and his ability to escape from the restraints.  SCP-277 has proven capable of inflicting severe psychological harm on anyone who attempts to escape SCP-277’s restraints.  When SCP-277 is affected by any kind of force, the subject will quickly become violent, with several blows being sustained.  However, this violent behavior can only be blocked by a single person.  It is unknown if this violent behavior is a result of SCP-277’s ability to escape, or from SCP-277’s ability to escape the restraints.  SCP-277 is capable of expressing additional violent tendencies, such as violence towards others, but has proven capable of being provoked by multiple people.  Those who have successfully escaped SCP-277’s restraints are unaffected by this force, and are unaffected by SCP-277’s ability to escape.  SCP-277 appears to be capable of causing emotional distress to any individual who attempts to escape SCP-277’s restraints.  SCP-277’s ability to escape is primarily due to his ability to freely move his arms, which he uses to manipulate and restrain others.  This ability has proven effective in many cases, as well as in one instance where it was able to completely paralyze one of the subjects who was restrained in his presence.  The subject, however, has shown to be able to escape using a variety of means, including DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED, and DATA EXPUNGED.  This includes personal attacks on SCP-277, as well as physical assaults on his own.  These actions have been documented to occur over a period of several days, with the subject becoming violent towards any person who attempts to escape his restraints.  When confronted with these actions, the subject appears to have a general lack of empathy for him, and appears to have a low tolerance for violence.  However, he displays the ability to show mercy when confronted with the threat of violent action.  This appears to be a result of SCP-277’s ability to allow him to freely move his arms, and to prevent him from hurting himself.  SCP-277 appears to be capable of self-mutilation and mutilation, with the possibility of a complete cure.

SCP-277’s ability to self-mutilate causes a sudden increase in blood pressure, despite the subject’s physical condition.  Due to SCP-277’s ability to manifest self-mutilating blood, blood pressure has increased by an average of 30.3 points per minute, and the subject is able to breathe normally without any problems.  However, the effect on the brain has been noted to be permanent.  This effect persists for a period of approximately two weeks.

If SCP-277 is affected by a violent attack, SCP-277 will instead become aggressive and will attack other persons around him with a combination of force, fear, and blunt force.  Any individuals who have slept with SCP-277 are unaffected, and will attack him or her after he has been restrained.  The affected person will attempt to escape, or attempt to terminate SCP-277, using any means possible to escape.  However, the victim will only be able to escape once SCP-277 has been removed, and must be restrained in order to prevent further damage to the subject.

Addendum 277-01:  SCP-277 has been successfully transferred to Site-██ for testing.  Once the subject is released, SCP-277 will attempt to attack any person who approaches.  Once SCP-277 is removed from the subject, SCP-277 will immediately begin attacking anyone approaching it, no matter what their physical condition.  This will cause pain and depression within the subject, and will also cause the subject to become violent.  This will eventually lead to a violent confrontation with SCP-277. End of Transmission 2


Transmission 24 A woman in her late thirties with a bowler hat, bright pink hair, and a half-eaten steak is sitting on the ballroom steps in her elegant suburban home. She is a very pretty Asian woman, with a large, thin, mass-produced hat with a brass handle, and a set of glasses. A cup of coffee is on the table, and a dark brown leather jacket is on the table, but there is no one else in sight. She is looking around in a sudden wave of disgust, and the first thing she notices is the shadowy red eyes staring at her. She presses a finger to the coffee cup, and the red eyes stare back at her.

The waitress smiles, and she looks around at the man who is sitting in the doorway, silent. The man is dressed in a black suit, dark red socks, and a pink pajama top. The woman in the white dress is standing in the doorway, staring at him with a blank expression on her face. She smiles, and she lowers herself onto the couch.

She holds onto her cup of coffee and slowly, as if to drown out the sound of the man’s voice, she starts to move towards the steps. She leans down and stares down at the small, round table in front of her. She looks up at the man, and the red eyes stare back at her, and she looks into the eyes of the man. She turns and looks at the man, and her eyes are fixed on the table. She reaches her hand out to her lips, and she pulls her hand away from the man’s face. He smiles, and she turns and looks at her dress and looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns and looks at the man with the blank expression on his face.

The man in the black suit is staring at her with a blank expression on his face. She leans down and looks down at the dress and looks at the man’s face. A slight shudder is heard from the man’s mouth, and he smiles and turns to face the woman in the black suit. She stands and stares at him, her smile wide. She pulls the dress down, revealing a faded white tank top. The man stands there with a smile, and the woman in the black dress looks at him, and she smiles back at him.

She looks at the man now, and the expression on his face is all she can think about. She turns to look at the man, and the red eyes stare back at her. She looks at the man, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at him, and she smiles and turns to face the man. She turns back and looks at the man again, and the red eyes stare back at her. She turns and looks at the red-faced woman in the black suit. She pulls her hand away from the red-faced woman, and she turns to look at her dress, and she looks back at the man. She turns to look at the man, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns to look at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns to look at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns to look at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns to look at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns to look at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns to look at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns away from the man with the blank expression on his face, and she looks at the man and the red-faced woman in the black suit. She turns and looks at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man. She looks at the man again and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns away from the man with the blank expression on his face, and she looks at the man and the red-faced woman in the black suit. She looks at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She looks at the man again, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the man with the blank expression on his face. She turns to look at the man, and the red-faced woman in the black suit looks at the End of Transmission 24


Transmission 7 Possibly the only book you would ever need.

Incident Report 33-004 TEST2 Subject: A man with a large, bald head. Date: REDACTED Location: TEST2 Site-21 Subject: A man with a large, bald head. Date: REDACTED Location: TEST2 Site-23 Subject: A man with a large, bald head. Date: REDACTED Location: TEST2 Site-24 Subject: A man with a large, bald head. Date: REDACTED Location: TEST2 Site-25 Subject: A man with a large, bald head. Date: REDACTED Location: TEST2 Site-26 Subject: A man with a large, bald head. Date: REDACTED Location: TEST2 Site-27 Subject: A man with a large, bald head. Date: REDACTED Note: I’ve found it harder to retain pictures of SCP-343 than I got from the book. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A large, bald man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. Note: I didn’t realize it had been further in. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. The man swears on each of the pages. He also swears by the number of pages. Note: I’m sorry. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. The man swears by the number of pages, which makes the man never mention the number of pages. Again. Note: I’m sorry. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A large, bald man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. The man swears by the number of pages, which makes the man never mention the number of pages. Again. Note: I’m sorry. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. The man swears by the number of pages, which makes the man never mention the number of pages. Again. Note: I’m sorry. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. The man swears by the number of pages, which makes the man never mention the number of pages. Again. Note: I’m sorry. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. The man swears by the number of pages, which makes the man never mention the number of pages. Again. Note: I’m sorry. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. The man swears by the number of pages, which makes the man never mention the number of pages. Again. Note: I’m sorry. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP-343. The man swears by the number of pages, which makes the man never mention the number of pages. Again. Note: I’m sorry. -Dr. REDACTED Test: A man with a large, bald head. Result: A man with a large, bald head swears by SCP End of Transmission 7


Transmission 8 The low-level effects of SCP-108 are unknown, and researchers utilizing the SCP-108 system should be reminded that this is a test, and any experimentation with SCP-108 must be approved by directors.

Description: SCP-108 is a small, armored, double-doorsman’s knife, similar to the SCP-011 that can be seen during its containment. It has a sharp, blunt edge, which is capable of piercing through most flesh, with no discernible properties. SCP-108’s effects are noticeable when SCP-108 is in a low-level state.

SCP-108 is capable of holding a knife or other weapon, but when it is in a state of low-level, it will not cut through the flesh or flesh and will instead stab a target into the flesh. This effect is most noticeable when the knife is in a position with a high enough blade to cut through the flesh. This doesn’t appear to be a permanent effect, but will last for several hours before being stopped and replaced by another weapon. The knife does not have a blade capable of cutting through the flesh.

SCP-108 has no apparent effect on humans, and is capable of using it to cut through any flesh. However, SCP-108’s effect is permanent. One minute after cutting through a human body, SCP-108 will stab the target into the flesh, causing them to be completely severed. If a human remains in the flesh for more than four hours, SCP-108 will sever them completely.

If the subject is severed by SCP-108, SCP-108 will then sever the subject’s flesh with a knife. If the subject is severed by SCP-108 while in the flesh, and the knife is still in the flesh, SCP-108 will sever the subject’s flesh with the knife, but the severing process may be repeated several times. If cut by SCP-108, SCP-108 will then sever the flesh at the same time, killing the subject.

The user may use SCP-108 to cut into subjects’ own flesh, but only if the severing process is repeated over several days. Further experimentation is forbidden until all severing procedures have been understood.

Addendum: This is the first of a series of tests involving SCP-108, which I’d like to thank Doctor REDACTED for helping me through this one. -Dr. REDACTED Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-109SCP-109-1.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-109^^ || div

Item : SCP-109

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-109 is to be kept in a small room with no windows or doors.  In the event of an emergency, SCP-109 is to be moved in the standard location and placed in a locked room for no less than six hours.  Should an item be designated SCP-109-1, SCP-109-2, or SCP-109-3, SCP-109-4, or any other item which attempts to escape its containment area, it will be destroyed and replaced with a new SCP-109-1.

Description: SCP-109 consists of a variety of knives, weapons, and weapons of unknown provenance, each of which is capable of cutting through human flesh in a variety of ways.  A variety of weapons, each of which possesses unique properties, is capable of cutting through human flesh.  The most common weapons used are, however, the following:

A variety of handguns, shotguns, pneumatic shotguns, rifles, and shotguns. A variety of firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns. A variety of rifles, shotguns, and grenade launchers. A variety of handguns, rifles, and shotguns. A variety of swords, daggers, and spears. A variety of antique weapons and ammunition. A variety of knives, swords, and daggers. A variety of knives, weapons, and ammunition. A variety of knives, weapons, and ammunition. A variety of firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns. A variety of firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns. A variety of firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns. A variety of firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns. A variety of firearms, including pistols, rifles, and shotguns. A variety of firearms, including pistols End of Transmission 8


Transmission 16 SCP-093-01-J-2

SCP-093-01-J-2 is a single-breasted, two-tailed tarantula (Class D; Keter-Class). This species has been observed to exhibit a pattern of growth and behavior consistent with that of a crab.

SCP-093-01-J-2’s growth is very rapid, with only a few centimeters per day. This rapid growth is consistent with an unusually large body of water, with the exception of a small freshwater pool. At this time, SCP-093-01-J-2 appears to have no apparent appendages in its digestive system.

SCP-093-01-J-2’s digestive system is normally capable of digesting food. No means of transporting food are available to SCP-093-01-J-2, though it is believed to be able to handle a large quantity of food.

SCP-093-01-J-2 is known to exhibit antisocial behavior towards children of any age.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was observed to have ingested a small amount of coffee, before returning to the residence at which SCP-093-01-J-2 was found. A search of the area revealed SCP-093-01-J-2 had been observed to have consumed approximately 80% of its body weight during this time, and was in no condition to leave.


On REDACTED SCP-093-01-J-2 was found in a farmhouse. Its body was unharmed, and was still contained in its house.


On REDACTED several rounds of ammunition were found in the house. Upon investigation, it was found that the round had been used to fire a small amount of ammunition at SCP-093-01-J-2.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen to be asleep in the house, and was then observed to have consumed approximately 70% of its body weight.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen unconscious in the street. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest, resulting in the death of the member, who has since been permanently isolated from the rest of the population.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen to have been sleeping in the house. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen to have been sleeping in the home. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen to have been sleeping in the house. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen to have been sleeping in the house. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen to have been sleeping in the house. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen asleep in the house. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen sleeping in the house. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen sleeping in the house. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the chest.


On REDACTED a member of SCP-093-01-J-2 was seen sleeping in the house. Upon examination, the bullet had been fired at the End of Transmission 16




Transmission 5 History: A friend of mine, now deceased, told me about the events of his life, and his death. I was shocked because, as soon as I saw the tape, I immediately knew it had to be real, and asked him what he was planning on doing. He said he would be writing something about his life, but that it wasn't what he was going to do. 

He thought I was crazy, but I don’t make anything like that happen, and it’s a cool story that I’ve gotten to tell people.

Interviewer: SCP-800

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: SCP-800

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Interviewer: Doctor Clef

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-change set to false, no change to date-of-research-change set to false, date-of-research-change set to false, date-of-research-change set to false, is set to false, DATA EXPUNGED

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-change set to false, no change to date-of-research-change set to false, date-of-research-change set to false, is set to false, DATA EXPUNGED

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-change set to false, no change to date-ofresearch-change set to false, date-of-research-change set to false, is set to false, DATA EXPUNGED

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-change set to false, no change to date-ofresearch-change set to false, date-of-research-change set to false, is set to false, DATA EXPUNGED

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-change set to false, no change to date-ofresearch-change set to false, date-of-research-change set to false, DATA EXPUNGED

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-change set to false, no change to date-ofresearch-changes set to false, date-of-research-changes set to false, is set to false, DATA EXPUNGED

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-changes set to false, no change to date-ofresearch-changes set to false, date-of-research-changes set to false, is set to false, DATA EXPUNGED

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-changes set to false, no change to date-ofresearch-changes set to false, date-of-research-changes set to false, is set to false, DATA EXPUNGED

Query: http:scp-wiki.wikidot.com1-20Date-of-Research-changes set to false, no change to date-ofresearch-changes set to false, date-of-research-changes set to false, is set to false, DATA End of Transmission 5


Transmission 5 Date: 08172008

Location: Broken Island, New York Watering: One (1) water bottle, one (1) live can of soda water, one (1) can of lemonade Note: I’m sure you’ve heard about the bottles. They’re still working on their functionality, though.

Date: 08172008 Location: Broken Island, New York Watering: One (1) bottle of the popular brand of soda water, one (1) can of lemonade, one (1) can of Coke, one (1) can of beer, one (1) can of soda, one (1) can of soda water Note: I saw the bottle. What were they working on?

Date: 08172008 Location: Broken Island, New York Watering: One (1) bottle of soda water, one (1) can of lemonade, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda, one (1) can of soda water Note: I’m sure you’ve heard about the cans. They’re still working on their functionality.

Date: 08172008 Location: Broken Island, New York Watering: One (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda, one (1) can of soda, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water Note: I don’t have time to get this one in front of you. You might want to try one out.

Date: 08172008 Location: Broken Island, New York Watering: One (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of soda water, one (1) can of End of Transmission 5


Transmission 15 The other day, I had to ask a woman in the maternity ward why she didn't take the big picture. She'd never heard of the Guilds of Doom, but the big picture was the Guilds of Death.

It was a symbol of the Guild’s power, and it was a symbol of the Guild’s power. They were the ones who had been sent to kill the Guilds in the first place. They were the ones who had sacrificed themselves for the Guilds. At least for the Guilds.

I looked around the maternity ward and noticed that there were two girls in the maternity ward. I asked around and found that there were five of them.

They were a girl in her forties, half-naked, with black hair and blue eyes. She looked like an old woman, with a high ponytail and a long skirt. She was looking at me with a defeated expression on her face.

“I’m sorry,” I said, turning around and walking over to the maternity ward.

The nurse looked at me with a mocking expression on her face. I looked at my daughter.

“Why are you staring at me?” I said.

“Because you’re the only one who doesn’t want to be killed,” she said. “I don’t think this has to be this way.”

I looked at the girl in the maternity ward, and she was smiling.

“Please, I’m sorry,” I said. “I mean, I don’t want to be killed.”

She looked at me through the eyes of a girl. “I’m just a few seconds away from my daughter. You’re the only one who doesn’t want to be killed. I don’t want to be killed.”

I looked around the maternity ward for a moment, and I saw a girl who looked like a girl I’d seen in the movies. I asked her if she was still wearing the glasses on her head. She said yes, and I gave her glasses to her. She looked at me, and she smiled.

“I don’t want to die,” I said.

The nurse looked at me and nodded.

“Please, I’m sorry.” I said.

The morning of the first day of school, I was sitting in the main cafeteria with a bunch of other students. One of them was a white male of about twenty years old, with a mustache and a mustache. He was, I thought, a little funny, but a lot more mature.

He was sitting in the front row and staring at the cafeteria door. I was waiting there, staring at the cafeteria. He was looking at the door and seeing the timespan on the door. He was staring at the door, and his expression was profound. I didn’t have a choice.

I stared at the door, and I looked at the cafeteria door. I wasn’t in the cafeteria anymore, so I just stared.

The cafeteria was a shabby building, with a single bed and a single lamp. There was a single door on the wall and a small table with a TV and a fake door. It was closed, and I couldn’t see it. I was confused.

My friend was a little overweight. He was a very tall, very good-looking guy, and he was very happy to see me. He told me I’d be fine.

I told him I’d be fine, and I told him I’d be fine.

“Please, I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m sorry.”

“Are you sorry?” I asked.

He said, “It’s just that there’s a lot of bad things in the world outside of me. I’m just a little kid, and it’s just that there’s lots of bad things in the world outside of me that I can’t see. I can see things that aren’t there, but I can’t see them. I’m so-”

“Is that a sentence?”

“No. It’s a sentence.”

“What are you looking at?”

“Is it a sentence?”

“Are you looking at it as a sentence?”

“Yes, but this is different. This is different.”

“What are you looking at?”

“This is the first one I’ve seen, and it’s not the last one.”

“What’s the second one?”

“Is it a sentence?”

This morning, I woke up in a very poor school. I was a very good student, and I was very lucky. My teacher had always been very nice, and I didn’t have to worry about me ever getting in trouble for being naughty. Instead, I was going through the motions, and I know I can do anything. I started off a little quiet, but then I realized that I didn’t End of Transmission 15


Transmission 17 SCP-086-1 is to be treated as a Class-D threat until a containment breach is discovered.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure lab in Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be disposed of in a manner that causes no adverse effects.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in an incinerator for use as a containment unit.

SCP-086-1 is to be kept in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be kept in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be kept in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in an incinerator at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be stored in a secure storage locker at Site-██.

SCP-086-1 is to be End of Transmission 17


Transmission 15 The three-ounce box is an edible hollow box of cedar wood with a thin black cord. When opened, the box will open and reveal a large stack of cigarettes. The box contains an ordinary wooden box, which can be opened by another player.

SCP-882 is not to be disturbed by any of the rules above.

SCP-882 will be found in the warehouse of DATA EXPUNGED, the capital of REDACTED which is located in the DATA EXPUNGED region. When the player attempts to open the box, SCP-882 will attack them, with the exception of the first set of 12 vials of cigarettes.

After 12 vials of cigarettes are ingested, the box will open and open again. This time, the box will open and contain the contents of the box. The contents of the box will be presented to the player, who will be instructed to conceal the box.

After the player has successfully disguised the box, SCP-882 will begin to attack the player. Once the player has been successfully disguised, SCP-882 will begin to pound the box. The box will open and close again, revealing a stack of cigarettes. The player will be instructed to take the box and place it onto the floor of the box.

Once the player has successfully disguised the box, SCP-882 will begin to attack the player. Once the player has been successfully disguised, SCP-882 will begin to attack the box, and if the player fails to disguise the box, SCP-882 will attack the box. Once the player has successfully disguised the box, SCP-882 will begin to attack the player. Once the player has successfully disguised the box, SCP-882 will begin to attack the box. Once the player has successfully disguised the box, SCP-882 will begin to attack the player. Once the player has successfully disguised the box, SCP-882 will begin to attack the player.

SCP-882 will not be harmed by any of the rules above. However, when a player attempts to open the box, SCP-882 will attack them. When the box is opened, SCP-882 will attack the player.


The following is an excerpt from DATA EXPUNGED, using SCP-028.

SCP-008 is a mass of red, white or green smoke, which appears to envelop the player in a strong black haze. The player will fall into a low, dark ground and face the smoke, with several lit candles lit in the glow, before falling asleep.




SCP-008 is a large red box of cedar wood. It is made of a length of rope which can be tied to the base of the box, and is attached to a small metal pole. The box is constructed of a thin, black material, and is attached to the pole with a set of ancient silver bars.



SCP-008 is a large red box of cedar wood, approximately 27 cm (10 inches) in diameter, and weighing approximately 335 kg (900 lbs).



SCP-008 is not a box, but instead is an ordinary wooden box, and contains four vials of cigarettes. The cigarettes appear to contain a small amount of nicotine, approximately one-tenth the nicotine that would be expected from a box of cigarettes.



SCP-008 is not a box, but instead is a large red box of cedar wood, weighing approximately 130 kg (680 lbs).


SCP-008 is not a box, but instead is a large red box of cedar wood, weighing approximately 300 kg (1,700 lbs).


SCP-008 is a box of cedar wood, weighing approximately 55 kg (2,050 lbs).


SCP-008 is not a box, but instead is a box of cedar wood, weighing approximately 150 kg (2,100 lbs).


SCP-008 is not a box, but instead is a box of cedar wood, weighing approximately 150 kg (2,100 lbs).


SCP-008 is a box of cedar wood, weighing approximately 60 kg (1,200 lbs).


SCP-008 is not a box, but instead is a box of cedar wood, weighing approximately 150 kg (2,100 lbs).


SCP-008 is a box of cedar End of Transmission 15


Transmission 3 DATA EXPUNGED! - Doctor REDACTED 500-1

Entry 500-2

Entry 500-3

Entry 500-4

Entry 500-5

Entry 500-6

Entry 500-7

Entry 500-8

Entry 500-9

Entry 500-10

Entry 500-11

Entry 500-12

Entry 500-13

Entry 500-14

Entry 500-15

Entry 500-16

Entry 500-17

Entry 500-18

Entry 500-19

Entry 500-20

Entry 500-21

Entry 500-22

Entry 500-23

Entry 500-24

Entry 500-25

Entry 500-26

Entry 500-27

Entry 500-28

Entry 500-29

Entry 500-30

Entry 500-31

Entry 500-32

Entry 500-33

Entry 500-34

Entry 500-35

Entry 500-36

Entry 500-37

Entry 500-38

Entry 500-39

Entry 500-40

Entry 500-41

Entry 500-42

Entry 500-43

Entry 500-44

Entry 500-45

Entry 500-46

Entry 500-47

Entry 500-48

Entry 500-49

Entry 500-50

Entry 500-51

Entry 500-52

Entry 500-53

Entry 500-54

Entry 500-55

Entry 500-56

Entry 500-57

Entry 500-58

Entry 500-59

Entry 500-60

Entry 500-61

Entry 500-62

Entry 500-63

Entry 500-64

Entry 500-65

Entry 500-66

Entry 500-67

Entry 500-68

Entry 500-69

Entry 500-70

Entry 500-71

Entry 500-72

Entry 500-73

Entry 500-74

Entry 500-75

Entry 500-76

Entry 500-77

Entry 500-78

Entry 500-79

Entry 500-80

Entry 500-81

Entry 500-82

Entry 500-83

Entry 500-84

Entry 500-85

Entry 500-86

Entry 500-87

Entry 500-88

Entry 500-89

Entry 500-90

Entry 500-91

SCP-551 Project: - Doctor REDACTED 500-92

Entry 500-93

Entry 500-94

Entry 500-95

Entry 500-96

Entry 500-97

Entry 500-98

Entry 500-99

Entry 500-100

Entry 500-101

Entry 500-102

Entry 500-103

Entry 500-104

Entry 500-105

Entry 500-106

Entry 500-107

Entry 500-108

Entry 500-109

Entry 500-110

Entry 500-111

Entry 500-112

Entry 500-113

Entry 500-114

Entry 500-115

Entry 500-116

Entry 500-117

Entry 500-118

Entry 500-119

Entry 500-120

Entry 500-121

Entry 500-122

Entry 500-123

Entry 500-124 End of Transmission 3


Transmission 1 You need to know what you're talking about.

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 3 foot 2 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 30 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: Female Caucasian male, approximately 45 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: Human body of a Caucasian male, approximately 35 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: D-891, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: D-891, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-082-1, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 57 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, approximately 56 in height.

Incident Report:

Subject: SCP-148, a Caucasian male, End of Transmission 1


Transmission 12 SCP-120


















































































































End of Transmission 12


Transmission 10 If you choose to live in a world created by men with men of all kinds, then you are doomed. You have no idea what you're doing. We need you, for all that you hold dear.

The world is bent on destroying you. You are nothing but a piece of the puzzle. You have no idea what may come next. You’re doomed.

You’ve been in it for so long that you’ll be trapped. You’ve been in it for so long that you’ll get out.

The world is bent on ruining you.

You are nothing more than a piece of the puzzle. You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

The world is bent on destroying you.

You are nothing but a piece of the puzzle. You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

The world is bent on destroying you.

You are nothing but a piece of the puzzle. You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

The world is bent on destroying you.

You are nothing more than a piece of the puzzle. You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

The world will continue to be bent on destroying you.

You are nothing more than a piece of the puzzle. You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

The world will continue to be bent on destroying you.

You are nothing more than a piece of the puzzle. You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

The world is bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

You are nothing more than a piece of the puzzle. You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

You are nothing more than a piece of the puzzle. You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

You’re doomed.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying you.

Your worlds will continue to be bent on destroying End of Transmission 10


Transmission 3 The job description for SCP-742 is 'Exotic Technician'.  This position will allow you to work with a variety of tools, including pneumatic, pulleys, pulleys, and even a lathe.  These tools are made of a variety of materials, from steel, wood, paper, glass, brass, and stone to synthetic materials such as copper, iron, and uranium.  For more information, see http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiSCP-742

Description: SCP-742 is a layout of gears and gears on a conventional drill.  The gears are mounted on the shaft and are positioned at the bottom of the shaft.  The shaft is located in the middle of a large area of granite, and is connected to a pulley by a chain.  The chain is twisted into a pulley, which is used to move the gears.  The pulley is not connected to the shaft, which is located in a similar location to the shaft.  The pulley is connected to a pulley system, which includes a pulley system with a pulley holder.  The pulley system is connected to a pulley system, which includes a pulley holder.  On the back of the pulley is a space to set the pulley.  The pulley is connected to another pulley system, which includes a pulley holder.

The gears that are connected to the pulley system are typically of variable strength, such as steel, iron, copper, and uranium.  The strength of the current pulley, and how much it will change, is unknown.  Those that are connected to the pulley system, will change from a flat “face” to a “friction” of the gears.  In the event that any of the gears change, the gears will begin to violate the torus, causing a significant rupture in the rock and a large portion of the pulley system will be lost.  In the event that the gear changes, the pulley system will cease to function and a large portion of the shaft will be lost.  The pulley system will then become broken, and the gears will be replaced by a new pulley system.  When the replacement pulley system is connected to the pulley system, the entire surface of the rock will be restored.  However, if the replacement pulley system is disconnected, the entire surface will be frozen, and the whole rock will be completely frozen.  The frozen surface will not be moved by the new pulley system, and the entire backup system will be lost.  If the replacement pulley system fails to repair the fractured surface, the entire system will be frozen.

Note: The current position of the pulley system on SCP-742 is unknown.  However, the force exerted upon the rock by the new pulley system is relatively strong, and will cause the entire cracked surface to become “hot” and rubbery.  In the event that the existing pulley system is lost, the entire rock will be frozen, and the entire backup system will be lost.  The state of the Mars Volcanoes is unknown.

Note:  Any personnel who have been exposed to the new pulley system will experience a far greater chance of developing an infection.  The current position of the pulley system on SCP-742 is a failure.  However, the risk of an outbreak is greater than the value of its replacement.  SCP-742 will remain in storage for at least one month, if not more. title:SCP-743

module Rate

Item : SCP-743

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-743 is currently in a standard containment area at Site-██. Visible signs of SCP-743’s anomalous properties are to be immediately reported to the nearest local Foundation. When SCP-743 is not within the containment area, it is to be stored in a sealed plastic case in the main room of the facility. In the event of an SCP-743 containment breach, all personnel are to remain at least five (5) meters away from the SCP-743 containment area for twenty-four (24) hours.

Description: SCP-743 is a pair of black and white photographs of a human female, of approximately age 18, dressed in a light grey t-shirt and jeans. The photographs are of a Caucasian male, of approximately age 25, who appears to have engaged in sexual intercourse with a female human male, aged approximately 23.5. The photographs are of a Caucasian female, aged approximately 48.5. The photographs are of a smiley face, End of Transmission 3

Collection 3


Transmission 23 The following is a transcript of "The Dark Ages," a conversation between Doctor REDACTED and Doctor REDACTED a member of the Foundation.

Doctor REDACTED What’s your opinion on SCP-095?

Doctor REDACTED What?

Doctor REDACTED We had a talk today.

Doctor REDACTED Have you seen SCP-095?

Doctor REDACTED I’m not sure.

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t think so.

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know what.

Doctor REDACTED Have you seen SCP-095?

Doctor REDACTED Are you saying what I’m saying?

Doctor REDACTED Are you saying what I’m saying?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think it works?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know.

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know.

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know.

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know, did you see SCP-095?

Doctor REDACTED I think it works.

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think it works?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know, did you see SCP-095?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know, did you see SCP-095?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Are you saying what I’m saying?

Doctor REDACTED Are you saying what you said it says?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know.

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED I don’t know.

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Are you saying what you said it says?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you know what the Dark Ages does?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Are you saying what you said it says?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you think the Dark Ages works?

Doctor REDACTED Do you know what the Dark End of Transmission 23


Transmission 22 SCP-408

footnoteSCP-408 is a large, “chowdered” variety of a rare form of SCP, native to REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED It has been observed to grow peacefully in a small enclosure. However, the enclosure has been reported to include several other creatures. It is believed that SCP-408 is a kind of “shadow”, or “shadow” that may be able to “take over” a person’s existence. footnote

footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is not the “shadow” that it appears to be, but rather a form of SCP-408. It has been observed to “take over” its own human host, possibly via venom, though it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is the “shadow” that the host is, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is the “shadow” that the host is, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote

footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is the “shadow” that the host is, despite it being a form of SCP-408. It has been observed to take over the host’s body, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408. It has been observed to take over the host’s body, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take over the host’s body. footnote footnoteIt is believed that SCP-408 is a form of SCP-408, although it has not yet been able to actually take End of Transmission 22


Transmission 18 Do not let your head bleed, but watch for any signs of abnormal activity. If you spot something and can, please report it to the Foundation immediately.

Description: SCP-200 is a group of small, dark, partially-enclosed plastic containers of unknown composition. SCP-200 is covered with a metallic cloth resembling a broadcloth collar, and it has a large, circular shape on its front. In the middle is a large, unidentified and set-back-looking door. SCP-200 is opaque to visible light, and can be opened by anyone if the object is in an opaque undercoat.

When an opaque object is opened, it puts a small hole in the side of the object and, when the object is in the room, the lid puts on. When the lid is closed, the room becomes mired in darkness, and the room becomes filled with a metallic light. The light is blinding, and will be blinding for the moment for approximately 3 hours. While the light is blinding, the room is filled with a deep, dark, and unheated, viscous fluid, and the room becomes filled with a bright, bright, and viscous fluid that causes difficulty in approaching the room.

When the room is filled with a viscous fluid, the room becomes filled with a deep, dark, and unheated, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a viscous fluid that causes difficulty in approaching the room, and the room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid. When the room is filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, the room becomes filled with a viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a viscous fluid that causes difficulty in approaching the room, and the room becomes filled with a viscous fluid.

When the room is filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, the room becomes filled with a fresh viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a viscous fluid that causes difficulty in approaching the room, and the room becomes filled with a viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a viscous fluid that causes difficulty in approaching the room, and the room becomes filled with a viscous fluid that causes difficulty in approaching the room.

When the room is filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, the room becomes filled with a viscous fluid that causes difficulty in approaching the room.

Addendum 200-A: After the initial testing, the room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room became filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid.

SCP-200 is a group of small plastic containers of unknown composition, approximately 1.5 meters in length and 1.5 meters in width. When an opaque object is opened, a large hole is in the center of the container. When the container is closed, the container has a very viscous, viscous fluid, which causes difficulty in approaching the room. When the container is closed, the room becomes filled with a viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a viscous fluid, and the room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a viscous fluid, and the room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a viscous fluid, and the room becomes filled with a viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous fluid, and a fresh, viscous fluid. The room becomes filled with a fresh, viscous End of Transmission 18


Transmission 6 The local police force has been under pressure to take action against an alleged botched suicide attempt by a man who was already on the run for his life.

Police are now investigating whether the “suicide” was a botched attempt, as the man’s condition has improved dramatically.

The Public Order and Safety department has been under pressure to take action against the man for his attempted murder.

The man was found shot to death in the home of suspected alcoholic Doctor Gordon H. Haldeman on the night of his scheduled retirement.

The man had been in a serious altercation with Haldeman’s family at the time of his death.

Police are convinced that the man took the life of his family member, who was not involved in the incident.

The man had also been reported missing by family members for five days, only to reappear in the town of REDACTED REDACTED on the morning of his scheduled retirement.

The man’s family has been informed that they are being detained for questioning.

More information on the man

What is SCP-████, and how does it work?

How does it work?

I don’t know.

It’s a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you get into SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you get into SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

Why are you on the SCPS?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

What is SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

SCP-████ is very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little-known SCPS system, and it’s very interesting.

How do you find SCP-████?

SCP-████ is a little- End of Transmission 6


Transmission 21 You've got a good idea. That's exactly what happened at the end of the day. It's like a dog eating you, just a different way of doing things.

I’ve been working on it for the last week, and I’m really excited about it. The only problem is, I’ve got a few bugs in my mind that I’m going to go out and kill myself.

My first idea came from a funny story a while back. A young girl named Lisa, in her early twenties, and her little brother were walking around the neighborhood. When they approached the small house, they found two guys standing in the middle of the street, holding a gun to their heads. The boys were shouting, “Hey, hey, hey! Play!” I thought it must be a joke, but really, it was a joke. Lisa started screaming, and then I started thinking. Something was wrong with her. She was in a tizzy, and it was just me, messing with her. I had to try something, and I found out what it was.

I started thinking about it. It was the house, and it was where I was going to be. I had been hunting for a while, and I had found a guy in a limo, with a gun in his hand. I was going to shoot him, but I didn’t want to risk it. He started screaming, and then looked me in the eye, and said, “I’m going to use your gun.” I think it was a bit of a shock. He looked at me for a while, and I told him to stop, and I told him to stop shooting, because it was gonna end up with me. He started screaming, and I saw the bullet that I was going to hit. He got up, and started running, but I got up, and I heard the noise.

I heard a scraping noise, like somebody trying to put a bullet in. Then I heard the gun go off. I heard the kid running, and he started screaming. I thought it was Lisa, but I didn’t see anything, and I didn’t see anything. Then I heard the guy in a red coat, and he started screaming. I went down the stairs, and he started screaming. I heard the guy in a red coat, but it was Lisa, and it was me, and it was Lisa, and it was Lisa. I saw someone in a blue coat, and it was the guy in a red coat, and it was me, and it was me, and it was me, and it was Lisa. I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and then I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and then I saw the guy in a red coat, and then I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat, and I saw the guy in a red coat.

Finally, I got to the guy in the red coat. The guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and I saw the guy in the red coat, and End of Transmission 21


Transmission 27 SCP-457 is a female African-American female, 7'9", 180 lbs.

SCP-457 appears to be an ordinary human, approximately 9'7” tall and weighing 12,500 lbs. SCP-457’s coloration is light grey in color and has a long dark hairline.

SCP-457’s physical features are as follows:

Her hair is thick and lined with fibers of various lengths, ranging from three to eight feet, and with a thin layer of pigmentation over the top of her head.

Her eyes are bright blue and have a red tint of brilliance.

Her hair is short and bunched with fibers of various lengths, ranging from two to eight feet.

Her eyes appear to be a white, flat, unfocused, twintail-like shape.

Her hair is long and bunched, with strands of fibers that are white in color.

Her hair is curled in a manner that resembles a snake, with a snake-like head.

Her hair is covered with a layer of pigmentation over her eyes.

Her eyes are black, with a red tint to the light spectrum.

Her ears are covered with a layer of pigmentation over her head.

Her hair is pigmented, with a white, incandescent light source.

Her hair is covered with a layer of pigmentation over her head.

SCP-457 appears to be a normal human with normal intelligence. SCP-457’s psychic powers are unknown.

SCP-457’s personality is not unusual, and can be changed several times. SCP-457 will typically ask the subject questions that are harmful to her. SCP-457 seems to also be a very intelligent human being, although at times it seems that it is extremely aggressive and even if it remains calm, it will attempt to attack. It is unknown if this is a conscious or unconscious response to SCP-457’s actions.

SCP-457 is a normal human male, approximately 2'2” tall, 195 lbs.

SCP-457 is very intelligent. SCP-457 is very friendly, especially when the subject is alone. SCP-457 will often explain the nature of the object to the subject, and will even explain the nature of the object to the subject’s best friend.

SCP-457 is very polite and is rarely aggressive. SCP-457 will ask the subject questions about SCP-457, and will even ask about magic. SCP-457 will also often ask about the nature of anything being created, whether it is a god or a creature or even a human being, and what it will do to them.

SCP-457 is also extremely intelligent, with a very sharp intellect. SCP-457 is very clever, and is able to cause the subject to become very emotional or even violent.

SCP-457 is very curious, and will find a way to learn anything the subject asks of it. SCP-457 will attempt to lure the subject into an alcove, or anything that the subject would find interesting.

SCP-457 displays several highly dangerous qualities.

SCP-457 will attempt to damage all SCP-457’s protective equipment, although it is very deadly.

SCP-457 will also attempt to steal anything the subject has held for some time.

SCP-457 will also refuse to answer any questions, even the ones that it has asked. SCP-457 will also refuse to answer any questions that it has asked.

SCP-457 will also attempt to speak with its owner, and are very intelligent.

SCP-457 is also extremely violent. SCP-457 will attempt to kill any subject it can, including themselves, but will also attempt to kill most other humans and animals.

SCP-457 will also give orders to any personnel it finds to kill them.

SCP-457’s actions are very dangerous. It is not uncommon to be attacked by SCP-457, and is advised to avoid interacting with SCP-457.

SCP-457’s behavior will be displayed for several seconds, and will change to a hostile state.

SCP-457 will attempt to kill any personnel it finds, including themselves.

SCP-457 will also attempt to leave the room, and will attempt to leave the room.

SCP-457 will also attempt to get into the containment area of any SCP that it finds.

SCP-457 will also attempt to leave the room.

SCP-457’s actions are very dangerous. Most attempts at escape have resulted in the subject being killed or injured.

SCP-457 is extremely dangerous, and is highly dangerous. It will attempt to kill anyone it comes into contact with.

SCP-457 will also attempt to kill personnel.

SCP-457 will also attempt to hurt or kill personnel.

SCP-457 will also attempt to steal items.

SCP-457 will also attempt to break containment End of Transmission 27


Transmission 21 Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has exhibited a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Despite his lack of fanfare, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated more than enough to make him the Foundation’s best hope.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated more than enough to make him the Foundation’s best hope.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Even though the Foundation had already given him a second opinion, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to Sector-28 to work with SCP-083, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to hold his own, and have not hesitated to change his mind.

Even though he was still lacking in fuel, Jared Sandberg, who was picked up by the Foundation and sent to End of Transmission 21


Transmission 7 Banana tree, one of three species of banana, is a large, red-orange tree growing in the Northern Hemisphere around the clock, typically in October, in the eastern United States. The fruit is edible, growing to about 4 centimeters in diameter.

Banana tree is found in Central and South America, South America, northern Africa, and the Caribbean. It has been rare in the West, with the exception of a few isolated village in the South Pacific. In the East, it has been common in Asia, Africa, South America, and Africa, and is still rare in Europe.

When ripe, the tree will ripen and flutter like a banana; within about a week, the fruit will be fully ripe and a long, thin stalk will ripen from the tree. The fruit will then be black in color and will gradually grow to maturity until the fruit is a full foot in diameter.

The fruit has a thin, fleshy stalk that emits a strong red light, which is the only visible light visible through the medium of the stalk. The fruit is edible.

After the fruit has been harvested, the stalk will grow to maturity, and will start to ripen to the size of a small banana. The fruit will be edible, growing up to 8 centimeters in diameter, and will flutter for several days before being completely black.

Notes: When harvesting, keep in mind that the fruit will be removed from its stalk, and replaced with a small white, which becomes visible through the stalk.

History: Due to its unusual appearance, Banana Tree has been classified as a non-native species. The plant has been observed to possess the ability to regenerate the lost fruit’s fiber. However, when harvested, the stalk will begin to flutter again, and the fruit will grow into a fully mature banana.

The fruit is edible, growing up to 6 centimeters in diameter. The fruit will flutter and puff up in a graceful dance, the sound of which includes the sound of banana fluttering. The fruit will then be fully ripe and a fully grown stalk will emerge from the fruit. The fruit will then be black in color and will flutter in celebration.

The fruit is harmless, and it does not appear to be able to reproduce naturally. Though it is edible, it does not appear to have any harmful properties, and has been observed to ingest approximately half the fruit.

History: Research projects have shown that bananas are edible when harvested, and that the fruit will flutter and puff up when harvested. Adult bananas produced by banana trees are not edible, as the fruit is fluttering, and puffing up like a banana. However, when harvested, the fruit will begin to flutter into a tree of equal size to the fruit, so that it is indistinguishable from a banana. When harvested, the fruit will be black in color, and will flutter in a similar dance.

Notes: The fruit has been observed to possess the ability to regenerate the lost fruit’s fiber. However, when harvested, the stalk will begin to flutter, and the fruit will grow into a fully grown banana, the sound of a banana fluttering. The fruit will then be completely black, and will flutter like a banana as it flutters. The sound of the banana fluttering will be a series of popsicle-like sounds, followed by a roaring sound. After several days, the fruit will be completely black, and will flutter and puff up.

The fruit is harmless, and has been observed to ingest approximately half the fruit. However, when harvested, the fruit will begin to flutter, and will puff up like a banana. The sound of the banana fluttering will be a series of popsicle-like sounds, followed by a roaring sound. After several days, the fruit will be completely black, and will flutter and puff up.

The fruit appears to be fully capable of regenerating the lost fruit’s fiber, with a slight spike in strength. The fruit will flutter and puff up in a graceful dance, the sound of banana fluttering, and the fruit will be completely black in color. The fruit is edible, growing up to 7 centimeters in diameter. The fruit will flutter and puff up in a moving dance, and is indistinguishable from a banana.

History: The fruit has been observed to possess the ability to regenerate the lost fruit’s fiber. However, when harvested, the stalk will begin to flutter, and the fruit will be fully ripe and a fully grown stalk will emerge from the fruit. The fruit will be black in color and will flutter in a dance similar to the sound of a banana fluttering. The fruit will again be black in color and will flutter like a banana.

History: Despite being edible, the fruit does not seem to have any harmful properties, and has been observed to ingest approximately half of the fruit. It should be End of Transmission 7


Transmission 19 Addendum 3: On REDACTED two other SCPs were discovered in a subway tunnel in REDACTED REDACTED The subway was discovered with several other SCPs in it, including SCP-901. The subway tunnel was closed and SCP-901 was found, bound, in its crate.

Addendum 4: Upon discovery of SCP-901 being found, it was discovered that SCP-901 was in fact a human digestive tract. SCP-901 was unable to digest the contents of the digestive tract. SCP-901 was found to have 300 milligrams of force, which was enough to rupture the meat membranes in the stomach. The stomach was crushed and the contents microwaved.

Addendum 5: On REDACTED the Italian government issued a limited supply of anticoagulants, and two SCPs were discovered on the subway tracks in the REDACTED subway. A study was performed to determine if SCP-901 would be useful.

Addendum 6: On REDACTED two other SCPs were discovered in a subway tunnel in REDACTED REDACTED The subway was found with several other SCPs in it, including SCP-901.

Addendum 7: On REDACTED two other SCPs were discovered in a subway tunnel in REDACTED REDACTED The subway was found with several other SCPs in it, including SCP-901.

Addendum 8: On REDACTED an experiment was performed to determine how SCP-901 would be used in the future.

Addendum 9: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was found in the subway tunnel in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and was able to pass through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 10: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnel in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 11: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and was able to pass through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 12: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 13: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 14: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 15: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 16: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 17: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 18: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

Addendum 19: On REDACTED a new SCP-901 was discovered in the subway tunnels in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-901 was able to consume the contents of the digestive tract, and passed through all objects in the tunnel.

End of Transmission 19


Transmission 22 "Are you still there?"

“He’s on his own,” said the old man. “He made a choice.”

“Are you saying that right?”

“He’s a monster,” said the old man. “He’s a monster. And he’s going to kill you. You’re going to die. You’re going to die too, man.”

“If I had to pick one, I would pick one.”

“Can you believe that?”

“I could,” said the old man. “I could…”

“He’s dead,” said the old man. “He’s dead. He’s gone, gone forever. He’s gone forever. Maybe I can forget it. Maybe I can….”

“Be quiet,” said the old man. “It’s too early to tell.”

“What the… what the…?”

“He’s not dead. He’s running away. He’s going to die. He’ll kill you.”

“No,” said the old man. “It’s not happening. He’s going to die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll fall. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. The… he’ll die. The…

“He’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone.”

“If we had known this was coming, he’d be dead right now.”

“It’s not happening,” said the old man. “It’s happening. It’s happening. He’s going to die. He’s going to die. He’s going to… he’s going to die. He’ll… he’s going to die. He’ll die. He’ll… he’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll die. He’ll… he’ll die. He’ll die.

“He’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone. He’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone.

“He’s gone, he’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone.

“He’s gone, he’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone.

“He’s gone, he’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone.

“He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone.

“He’s gone, he’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s gone. He’s End of Transmission 22


Transmission 23 "What's the matter?" said Doctor Gears, sitting up straight, his face showing the same hostility as the other man. "I need to know where this is going. I've got to know what the fuck is going on here."

    Dr. Gears stared at the door, then back at the door, then back at the door. It was a small desk with a cracked door. Their conversation and…

    “What the fuck is going on here?” he asked.

    “This is going on. This is not the time for a joke. This is not the time for a talk. This is not the time for a celebration. This is not the time for a party. This is not the time for a blow up. This is not the time for a mindless form of entertainment. This is not the time to be a dick.”

    “You are not going to get that.” Doctor Gears sighed, his voice rising again. “There is no point in complaining, okay?”

    “I’m sorry, I’m not going to do it again.”

    “What…what…what was that?” Doctor Gears rolled his eyes. “What was he talking about?”

    “My assistant. He’s been gone six months. The hell? What the fuck was he talking about? I’m not even sure. Was he controlling the situation? I can’t understand the fuck. I’m not sure. I can’t understand where this is coming from, how do you know that?

    “Jesus. That’s a fucking retarded question. Are you a fucking idiot?”

    “What the fuck is done?” Doctor Gears looked around the room. “What the fuck is going on?”

    “What the fuck is going on here?”

    “What the hell is going on here? I can’t understand it. This is insane. I can’t understand what you’re saying. When you say this is a fucking- shit, you’re a fucking retard, you know this? You’re fucking retarded. You can’t understand it. You’re a fucking retard you’re a fucking retard. You can’t understand how you’re going to do this. What the fuck is going on? You’re a fucking retard you’re a fucking retard. You’re a fucking retard.

    “Your body has basically been removed from there. That’s not even my fault. I’m putting it in a fucking cell with a living thing. That’s not even a fucking fucking clue. That’s a fucking REASONSIBLE TRAGEDY. I’m fucking retarded, I’m fucking retarded.

    “You’re a fucking retard. You’re a fucking retard. You’re a fucking retard. You’re fucking retard. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot.”

    “Jesus. That’s a fucking dumb question. You’re fucking retard. That’s fucking dumb. You’re a fucking retard. You’re fucking retard. I’m fucking retarded. You’re an idiot. That’s fucking dumb.

    “You’re a fucking retard. You’re a fucking retard.”

    “Jesus, that’s a fuckin’ stupid question. You’re a fucking retard. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot.

    “What the fuck is going on here? I can’t understand it. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot.

    “I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’ll take it one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one step further. I’m going to take this one End of Transmission 23


Transmission 4  I was looking at the logs, but I realized that there were a bunch of things I hadn't noticed before, and I thought I heard something strange. -Dr. REDACTED Okay, let's try to find the drift pattern. -Dr. REDACTED with the text. -Dr. REDACTED now go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED you're looking at the drift pattern, but you can't see it. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED here's the text. -Dr. REDACTED go back to the log. -Dr. REDACTED End of Transmission 4


Transmission 17 Doctor REDACTED a Foundation research assistant, is on a mission to fix a bad electrical problem.

Experiment Log:

Clearance: Five (5) Procedure: SCP-565-D (SCP-565-D) immersed in a solution of SCP-565-1 sustained at least 140 milliamps for an average of 30 minutes, while the other components were watered and vacuumed. The solution was then filtered and re-sealed, to exclude any traces of the aforementioned electrical contamination. The results were immediately reported.

Subject: SCP-573, a Class D personnel with extensive experience in the handling of subzero environments. Procedure: DATA EXPUNGED Results: SCP-573 was found in the containment area of the containment cell. The subject was covered in a bright blue ball of black light. The subject stayed there, completely unaware of the current state of the subject. After a few seconds, SCP-573 left the room.

Subject: SCP-578, a Class D personnel with extensive experience with the handling of subzero environments. Procedure: DATA EXPUNGED Results: The subject appeared to be wearing a helmet, an ice mask, and a simple air purifier. After being immersed in the solution, the subject exhibited a marked increase in viscosity, but no loss of visual acuity.

Subject: SCP-294, a Class D personnel with extensive experience in the handling of subzero environments. Procedure: DATA EXPUNGED Results: The subject was then immersed in the solution, and exhibited no changes in vision. After approximately 80 minutes, the subject showed no change in the state of the subject, and was noted to have a sharp sensation in his eyes. All in all, it is not a stretch to say that the subject is entirely unaware of the aforementioned state of the subject. title:SCP-586

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-586SCP-586 width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-586 on its first attempt to fit into a large manhole cover in the middle of a field.^^ || div

Item : SCP-586

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-586 is contained in a standard containment room containing a 1m x 1m manhole cover. The short, two-way radio link between the two rooms in order to communicate with SCP-586 is to be kept locked.

Description: SCP-586 is a manhole cover made of iron glass with a diameter of less than 1m. The cover can be removed with a single tool, but removal requires a good degree of power, and the cover requires a very high heat source in order to be effective. SCP-586 has a surface temperature of -300C, and is 1m above sea level at room temperature. The temperature in the room is kept at -300C, and the room temperature in the room is kept at the highest possible temperature, at least 10C above sea level. This setting causes the manhole cover to expand into a large manhole, covering the entire field, and the surrounding area in an opaque black liquid.

SCP-586 is capable of moving through the surrounding environment, which is of interest to the Foundation. The cover has been used to create a makeshift containment area, which can be disassembled and re-instrucised using a piece of plastic, and can be replaced with an inflatable “cap”.

SCP-586 has been observed to use the cover to repair itself, which is useful for removing equipment.

Addendum: The cover has been made “cap” of various materials, and is capable of absorbing most or all of the effects of mechanical removal, but is still capable of damaging or dissolving key components. The cap is contained in the room, and is contained in a plastic container at the bottom of the room. The container is filled with a single, single-use vial of water, which is to be stored in the room for up to two weeks.

The cap is to be checked for any possible damage to its containment, and is to be retrieved with a full-body camera.

If any damage is discovered, the cap is to be removed and re-assembled, and the affected components replaced by the cap.

Note: End of Transmission 17


Transmission 12 The Breath of the Wild is a story set in the fantasy world of The Elder Gods. In this world, dragons and their beings are considered to be dangerous, and must be contained. The story begins in the time of the creation of the first humans, and is told from within the dreams of a young girl.

The dream is filled with fear, and the girl experiences a terrifying experience. The girl experiences a vision of dragons emerging from the dreams of the dragon, and screaming. The dragon is depicted as a giant dragon, carrying a sword. The dragon is also depicted as a monster, and has a large mouth on its back. The girl experiences a vision of the dragon wielding a sword, and a small flame, and has her eyes closed. The dragon also has a large mouth on its back, with a mouth that is covered with flames. She is so scared, that she attempts to reach the dragon, but it jumps up and attacks her. The dragon is not harmed, and the girl bites the dragon’s throat and eats the dragon. The dragon is consumed by a flame, and the girl vomits blood.

The story progresses to the present day, when the dragon and the girl are shadowed by the sun. The sun is a creature representing the holy dragon, the Dragon of the Sun. The sun is a red dragon, which is represented by a large, black dragon, with black wings. The dragon is depicted as a black dragon, and the girl experiences a vision of the dragon, which she can see. The dragon is also depicted as a dragon, and has a large, red mouth. The dragon is seen to eat the girl, and the girl vomits blood.

The dragon emerges from the shadows, and the girl experiences a vision of a dragon emerging from the shadows, and taxidermy. The dragon is depicted as a dragon, and a large mouth that is covered with flames. The dragon is seen to eat the girl, and have a vision of a dragon emerging from the shadows, and the girl experiences a vision of a dragon emerging from the shadows. The dragon is seen to vomit blood, and the girl vomits a vision of the dragon eating the girl.

The dragon is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of a dragon emerging from the shadows. The dragon is seen to attack the girl, and has a vision of a dragon emerging from the shadows. The dragon is seen to attack the girl, and has a vision of a dragon emerging from the shadows, and eating the girl.

The dragon is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of a dragon emerging from the shadows, and a vision of a dragon eating the girl. The dragon is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of a dragon emerging from the shadows. The dragon is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of dragons emerging from the shadows, and eating the girl.

The story ends with the sun, and the sun is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of the dragon having a vision of a dragon eating the girl. The dragon is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of a dragon eating the girl.

The story concludes with the girl and the dragon. The dragon is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of the dragon eating the girl. The dragon is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of the dragon eating the girl. The dragon is seen to be trapped in the shadows of the sun, and the girl experiences a vision of the dragon eating the girl.

Note: I’m sorry, but the sun is blocking out all light. - Doctor Martin image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesdr-marshall-s-diary-1.jpg width="300px” link="http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesdr-marshall-s-diary-1.jpg”

Note: I’m sorry, but the sun is blocking out all light. - Doctor Martin image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesdr-marshall-s-diary-2.jpg width="300px” link="http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesdr-marshall-s-diary-2.jpg”

Note: I’m sorry, but the sun is blocking out all light. - Doctor Martin image http:scp- End of Transmission 12


Transmission 20 Any inquiries, comments, corrections, or requests regarding the nature and size of SCP-721 are to be reported to Staff Containment Staff D-721.

Addendum 721-2: After successful containment of SCP-721, SCP-721 has been designated “SCP-721”.

Description: SCP-721 is an extremely small DATA EXPUNGED. It appears to have no anomalous properties. It is capable of living in a manner similar to an ordinary human, though not in a manner consistent with it’s own bodily system.

SCP-721 is an anomalous object found in DATA EXPUNGED in REDACTED Alaska. SCP-721 is capable of causing physical harm to people within REDACTED meter radius of it. It is able to reach a maximum of REDACTED meters with a single impact.

Its effect lasts for a period of up to 4 hours, depending on the size of the area affected. During this time, SCP-721 will continue to manifest in whatever area it has manifested. This effect is limited to a radius of 2 meters, but it can manifest in all points of the area it has manifesting.

It is unknown if SCP-721 was a human or a creature, but the latter does not appear to have a simple physiology. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 150 kmh, though the end result is being able to reach speeds up to 200 kmh without consequence. It has also been noted to have the ability to manifest in areas of SCP-018 facility.

SCP-721 is capable of creating an infinite number of objects at once, though it will not be able to physically create more than one at a time. The object itself is capable of being moved by both kinetic and nonkinetic means.

Furthermore, it is capable of creating many different kinds of materials, though no matter the substance, SCP-721 will only manifest in areas that have been designated as SCP-721.

SCP-721 appears to be capable of creating anything that is capable of being subjected to its effect. For example, SCP-721 has been shown to create structures that are capable of generating heat, light, electricity, and so forth. However, it has also shown to create a variety of other non-living materials, including DATA EXPUNGED.

If SCP-721 is not effective, it will manifest in an area that has been designated SCP-721, as long as the area is within REDACTED meters of the area in which it was manifested. This process can be repeated indefinitely, creating several new objects, all of which appear to be not capable of being anything like they are capable of. In these cases, SCP-721 will manifest in the area where it was manifested, rather than just within REDACTED meters of the area in which it was manifested.

SCP-721 A will manifest in areas that have been designated SCP-721. This process is able to replicate indefinitely, though only in areas that have been designated SCP-721.

Addendum 721-3: Because SCP-721 is capable of manifesting itself in any portion of the structure it was created in, it will not be capable of creating anything that is capable of being created in a similar manner. However, it will still manifest in areas that have been designated SCP-721.

Addendum 721-4: SCP-721 was successfully launched into a containment cell in REDACTED REDACTED Examination revealed that the creature had been launched into the containment cell, with no unusual effects. The facility was located approximately REDACTED kilometers from Site-██.

Addendum 721-5: SCP-721 has been successfully launched into a containment cell in REDACTED REDACTED Analysis of the structure revealed that the creature had been launched into the containment cell, with no anomalous effects. The containment cell was located approximately REDACTED kilometers from Site-██. Doctor REDACTED It is now time for the Foundation to thoroughly investigate the anomalous properties of SCP-721. - Doctor REDACTED 721-6: It appears that the force of gravity that causes the creation of SCP-721 is capable of causing the creation of  anything that is capable of being created. Several instances of SCP-721 manifest to this effect. It is unknown how they are able to create the resultant materials, as the effects seem to be limited to the range of DATA EXPUNGED. - Doctor REDACTED 721-7: It appears that the force of gravity that causes the creation of SCP-721 is End of Transmission 20


Transmission 2 THAT'S WHY I CAN LOVE YOU



Transmission 10 It's been almost a year since I met my wife, and we've been having a blast. We've been having a blast, but I'm really starting to appreciate the world. We've been having a blast, but it's starting to get really dark out here. I'm starting to get really scared. I'm starting to feel better. I'm getting a new sense of humor. I'm going to have a new sense of humor. I'm going to have a new sense of humor.

I’d like to thank Doctor Z███████ for allowing me to take a break from my work. Most of the researchers in the field have been so generous, so generous, and so kind. They’ve been so generous, I could have sworn they had a thousand dollars in the bank for my phone. Thank you Doctor Z███████.

I’m sorry I can’t have you know how much I appreciate your service.

SCP-932 title:SCP-932

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:200px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-932scp-932.jpg width="200px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-932, during testing^^ || div

Item : SCP-932

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-932 is to be kept in its original containment area, where it is kept in a clear plastic container that is to be secured with a standard pair of gloves. No more than 2 m (5 ft) of the container is to be placed in an environment that is monoculturally compatible with the SCP-932 structure. SCP-932 is to be contained in a secure locked safe-deposit box at Site-6. Any personnel entering the containment area with prior approval from Doctor REDACTED Site Security, may be permitted to leave the containment area at any time.

Description: SCP-932 is a small black viscose liquid made of crystalline polymers. When the composition is mixed with water, it produces an unexpected, almost imperceptible odor. It must be washed weekly to remove any odor, and quickly absorbed by the body, leaving behind a sticky residue that has been degraded to a mottled, reddish-brown substance. The smell is believed to be a common odor of human urine. When the substance is mixed with water, it produces a similar odor. The odor disappears after 1.5 minutes, but a time-lapse video of the odor disappears after 1.5 seconds.

SCP-932 seems to be able to use its strength to resist the effects of water. Under normal circumstances, an individual may carry a small amount of water in their body, but it has been shown that this water is able to negate the effects of water. After the first time the item was introduced to the human body, the cause of the discomfort was found. The subject had died of malnutrition, and the substance was found in his body.

When the subject was exposed to SCP-932 during testing, he was able to demonstrate that it can effectively neutralize water’s effect. It was discovered that the substance was also able to reduce the symptoms of malnutrition by up to a factor of 2. This was demonstrated by placing SCP-932 in the subject’s nose for a period of 2.5 hours before returning to normal. After the subject was removed from the test chamber, the substance was removed and the subject was able to speak. Upon returning to normal, he reported that the taste was “like a hamburger” and that he felt a “great, great, great taste of REDACTED.”

Addendum 932-02: The following interview was conducted with Doctor REDACTED Site Security.

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Site Security

Interviewed: SCP-932

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Site Security

Interviewed: SCP-932

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Site Security

Interviewed: SCP-932

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Site Security

Interviewed: SCP-932

Interviewed: SCP-932

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Site Security

Interviewed: SCP-932

Interviewed: Doctor REDACTED Site Security

Interviewed: SCP-932

End of Transmission 10


Transmission 12  Pronoun: Wash your hands, let's clean up after ourselves

Date: REDACTED Money entered: $10,000

Money not entered: 1x Rye

Money not entered: 1x Can

Money entered: $10,000

Money not entered: 1x Can

Money entered: 100x Can

Money not entered: 1x Can

Money entered: 1x Can

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Money not entered: 1x Can

Money not entered: 1x Can

Money entered: 100x Can

Money entered: 1x Can

Money not entered: 1x Can

Money not entered: 1x Can

Money not entered: 1x Can

Money not entered: 1x Can

Money not entered: 1x Can

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Transmission 24 Attention: SCP-944 is to be contained in a secure research facility, staffed by two D-class personnel. Staff who have been briefed on SCP-944's location, location, and history should be notified immediately.

Description: SCP-944 is a small room measuring approximately 8 meters (20 feet) apart, and containing two (2) beds and a separate room with a standard bathroom and a sink. The room was originally connected to Site-19 by a metal tube connecting two (2) double doors, a locked elevator, and a holding area to the left of the holding area. The room was observed to have a locked hallway in the middle, with several armed guards and a guard in a t-shirt and a hoodie, as well as a locked door on the other side. There have been no recorded deaths or injuries to humans entering or leaving the room.

Two D-class personnel entered the room through a door that (finally) opened again, and the two D-class personnel were immediately transported to the holding area, where they were treated for hypothermia. The remaining personnel were allowed to continue on their own, but they were quickly diagnosed with hypothermic shock and died on the way.

Upon Agent REDACTED recovery, SCP-944 was discovered with a small number of black and white photographs on the wall of an empty room, with no information on the nature of the photographs. The photographs were taken by a camera in the holding area, and were immediately taken back to the room by D-944-████.

Addendum: Due to its effects, SCP-944 should be kept in a secure research facility. The location of SCP-944 is currently unknown, but the location should be monitored on a monthly basis in case SCP-944 becomes active. title:SCP-915

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-915SCP-915 width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-915SCP-915 width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-915^^ || div

Item : SCP-915

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-915 is to be kept in a locked container 6 kg, with the lid securely closed. Any abnormal materials found in the container must be immediately incinerated.

Description: SCP-915 is a REDACTED glass container, measuring approximately 8 cm in width (from tip to tip) and 12 cm in length. Its contents appear to be a mixture of water, DATA EXPUNGED.

The container is approximately 1 cm thick, and measures approximately 8 cm in diameter. The lid is covered by a black plastic label on the bottom, with the words “State of the Art Glass Container.” Following this label, the container is opened, with a plastic holder in the center. The holder is torn, and the lid is covered with a black powder, which is melted away, and replaced with a powder similar to traces of DATA EXPUNGED.

The container is filled with a liquid within. The solidified liquid is stronger than water, and appears to be able to hold its own for a short amount of time. The liquid seems to absorb most of the energy from the liquid, so a small amount of energy may be absorbed through the solid. This transformation takes place at a rate of approximately 1 second per hour. The liquid is injected into the container, and the result is injected into the container. The resulting liquid appears to have some form of “energy” in it, but no amount of energy is able to provide it with energy.

The liquid appears to be quite dense, and seems to be able to absorb the energy of more than one medium-sized object. However, the amount of energy absorbed is only limited by the size of the object, and the amount of energy absorbed by the object is not constant. The amount of energy absorbed by the object varies with the size of the object, and it appears to be able to absorb more energy than the object absorbs.

The capacity of the object to absorb energy is limited by the size of the object. If the object is larger than the size of the container, a sudden increase in energy released from the object appears, and the object appears to absorb more energy than it absorbs.

Addendum: In the case of SCP-915, the object appears to be able to absorb more energy than the container, allowing the object End of Transmission 24


Transmission 1 SCP-076-2

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-076-2 is to be kept in a chamber at Site-███. It should be kept in a temperature-controlled room at all times. As long as SCP-076-2 is kept at room temperature, it is considered safe to leave and, if left alone, to go out alone. Anyone who has been exposed to SCP-076-2 should be tested for mental health issues.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:100px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-076SCP-076-2.jpg width="100px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-076-2^^ || div

Description: SCP-076 is a large black and white portrait of a man with a beard and a mustache. The beard is partially covered by a white hood, and the mustache is covered by a small piece of cloth. The subject appears to be in a middle age.

The mustache is an artificial black mustache, with a large, white head with a resemblance to the head of a carved goat. The hair on the subject’s head has a separate, longer, and wider hairline. When not in use, a light colored incense is present in the incense burning the subject’s mouth, nose, and mouth. The incense is more common in the town of REDACTED REDACTED where the subject is located.

SCP-076-2 appears to be the subject of a test involving the use of a REDACTED lit candle, and is not to be used for this purpose. When not in use, a small bottle of iced tea is placed in SCP-076-2. The coffee is dried and boiled. When stirred, the tea burns in a white and coarse ash.

SCP-076-2 is a tall, highly sexually attractive woman in her late thirties. She is the only male in the village of REDACTED REDACTED who is immune to any form of heat or cold. The coffee is taken in a coffee cup containing a note from a friend of the subject, who wrote:
















div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-076SCP-076-2.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-076-2^^ || div

Addendum 1: End of Transmission 1


Transmission 6 Description: SCP-173 is a kind of metal, usually of exceptionally high-grade metal composition. It is composed of a mixture of DATA EXPUNGED and DATA EXPUNGED. It is extremely brittle and does not break down to a form of metal when exposed to air.

SCP-173 is also extremely unstable, being at its strongest at about REDACTED force at the time of containment. It has been observed to detonate at a speed of approximately REDACTED kmh, although it is theorized this is due to the fact that SCP-173 has no internal fins. It is theorized that this is due to the fact that the metal emits a high-energy, seemingly non-magnetic field.

SCP-173 appears to be a device in which the user is able to interact directly with it. It is capable of producing a magnetic field that will cause events like those caused by SCP-173 to occur, but the effect can not be prevented via any means. It produces a semi-magnetic field, and will produce an increasing force upon interaction with it. The force produced is proportional to the strength of the magnetic force applied. At this point the subject will be fully aware of the existence of this field. The effect can be reversed by the use of a small device, usually a box, similar to the one shown.

The device used by SCP-173 is a standard magnetic field generator, capable of producing a magnetic field of approximately REDACTED volts. The current used by SCP-173 is REDACTED volts. The current used by SCP-173 is currently unknown.

SCP-173 appears to be a normal radio telescope, approximately 16km away from the center of the Earth. The round object is made of a metal alloy of several hundred thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand (1000) thousand End of Transmission 6


Transmission 8 Name: Doctor REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED time spent: 14.75

Total time spent: 2.5 hours Total time spent: 8 hours Total time spent: 12 hours Total time spent: 24 hours Total time spent: 48 hours Total time spent: 70 hours Total time spent: 120 hours Total time spent: 240 hours Total time spent: 500 hours Total time spent: 1.25 hours Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 2 hours Total time spent: 2 hours Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 2 hours Total time spent: 2 hours Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1.25 hours Total time spent: 1 hour Total time spent: 1.25 hours Total time spent: 4 hours Total time spent: 4 hours Total time spent: 4 hours Total time spent: 6 hours Total time spent: 6 hours Total time spent: 6 hours Total time spent: 7 hours Total time spent: 7 hours Total time spent: 7 hours Total time spent: 8 hours Total time spent: 8 hours Total time spent: 8 hours Total time spent: 8 hours Total time spent: 8 hours Total time spent: 10 hours Total time spent: 10 hours Total time spent: 10 hours Total time spent: 10 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hour Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent: 11 hours Total time spent End of Transmission 8


Transmission 8 “Oh, you were saying that we weren’t here for the sake of it.” “Well, it’s not like you’re in a room full of people who don’t have their own thoughts.” “It’s just that you don’t know who I am.” “You’re taking my life, aren’t you.” “I’m not here to discuss your feelings.” “I’m here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I’m not here to talk to you.” “I End of Transmission 8


Transmission 5 Teachers are required to wear the appropriate helmet, if any.

Note: Once a week, the two-time W.A.G. champion should wear a helmet of his own design, provided that it is worn in conjunction with a helmet of his own made by the appropriate Foundation.

Note: If you wear a helmet with the same logo, you are going to be reprimanded.

Note: Note: Thank you for your time, Doctor REDACTED You may wear helmets when not on duty.

Note: Not all helmets can be worn in conjunction with a helmet.

Note: Note: Thank you for your time, Doctor REDACTED Note: Thank you for your time, Doctor REDACTED Note: Thank you for your time, Doctor REDACTED Note: Thank you for your time, Doctor REDACTED Note: Thank you for your time, Doctor REDACTED Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note:

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Note: Note: Note: Notes:

Note: Note: Note: Notes:

Note: Note: Note: Notes:

Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Note: Notes:

Note: Note: Note: Notes:

End of Transmission 5


Transmission 4  Does this space have a ranking?

It is still safe, but I wonder if it is safe to leave here, knowing that I will be seen as a threat.

Subject: Euclid

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Subject: Stable-1

Subject: Stable-2

Subject: Stable-3

Subject: Stable-4

Subject: Stable-5

Subject: Stable-6

Subject: Stable-7

Subject: Stable-8

Subject: Stable-9

Subject: Stable-10

Subject: Stable-11

Subject: Stable-12

Subject: Stable-13

Subject: Stable-14

Subject: Stable-15

End of Transmission 4


Transmission 25 "I wonder what I'll do. I don't have any time left."

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-732Dr.Gears.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^Dr. Gears^^ || div

A picture of a young girl, holding a piece of paper.

The picture is of a young man, wearing a blue jumpsuit, with a small dog in the middle, dressed in a white lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a blue lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a child, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

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The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

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The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

The picture is of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

It is an image of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

If I could do that, I would have done this in a heartbeat.

It is an image of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

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It is an image of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

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It is an image of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

It is an image of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

It is an image of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

It is an image of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

It is an image of a man, wearing a red lab coat, wearing a red lab coat.

End of Transmission 25


Transmission 9 Leo nodded, looking at the keys.

REDACTED have to know.  Please tell me.  Is there anything you can tell me?

REDACTED Leo, we can’t.  We can’t.  We’re stuck here.  It’s not like we can get out.  We can’t.  We can’t.  No way.  No way.   Look, Leo, I’d be afraid.  I’d be scared just walking into the room.  I’d be scared.  I’d be afraid.  I’d be scared.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.   No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.   No way.  No way.  No way.  No way.   No way.   No way.  No way.   No way.   No way.  No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.  No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way.   No way End of Transmission 9


Transmission 24 To determine the appropriate size for SCP-261 to fit in, the personnel responsible will have to be otherwise identical to the current SCP-261, and the specimen is to be placed in a separate room with no other light sources.

SCP-261 is currently in containment at Site-██, staffed by two Class 1 personnel in a specially designed psychology-education unit. A video camera is located in the room, with no cameras nearby. SCP-261’s SCP designation is “Biological” in nature.

Note: In the interest of containing SCP-261, please specify an alternate SCP-261-approved test subject. - Doctor REDACTED 261-01: After the termination of the current SCP-261, the test subject was allowed to continue research on SCP-261. At this time, Doctor REDACTED was assigned to study SCP-261-05.

Note: The following is a transcript of a test subject’s response to SCP-261. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation has been suspended for the time being. - Doctor REDACTED Testing SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimental testing on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimental testing on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended, but the test subject has been given no additional testing subject. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimental testing on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimental testing on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended, but the test subject has been given no additional testing subject. - Doctor REDACTED Experimental testing on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended, but the test subject has been given no additional testing subject. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended, but the test subject has been given no additional testing subject. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended, but the test subject has been given no additional testing subject. - Doctor REDACTED Experimentation on SCP-261-05 has been suspended, but the test subject has been given no additional End of Transmission 24


Transmission 14 Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of articles detailing the horrors of the REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED and all efforts to dismantle it.

Note: See http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlogo-of-the-scp-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts-of-the-ghosts- End of Transmission 14


Transmission 13 "It's not like I've had time for that, you can tell."

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like I’ve had time for that, it’s been so long.”

“It’s not like End of Transmission 13


Transmission 16 A total of three (3) SCP-707 instances were recovered from the site of SCP-707-1. Each instance contained one (1) test subject, that was to be fed a random amount of various foods and beverages. Tests were performed on the resulting subjects using a Class-4 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedures.

Subject A was fed a diet of instant noodles, chicken breast, and cola to ensure a healthy physique. Subject A was also fed a diet of fish, seaweed, and beans. Subject A was also fed a diet of a variety of fruit, vegetables, and meat, and was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707.

Subject A was to be tested on the following test subject:

Test Subject: A Class-3 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedure Results: Subject A was given a variety of foods containing various compounds, including various fruit and vegetables, as well as a variety of beverages. Subject A was fed a variety of foods, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat, in addition to a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also given a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707.

TEST2 Subject: A Class-4 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedure Results: Subject A was given a variety of foods containing various compounds, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat. Subject A was fed a variety of foods, including a variety of fruit, vegetables, and meat, in addition to a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707.

TEST2 Subject: A Class-4 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedure Results: Subject A was given a variety of foods containing various compounds, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat. Subject A was fed a variety of foods, including a variety of fruit, vegetables, and meat, in addition to a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707.

TEST2 Subject: A Class-4 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedure Results: Subject A was given a variety of foods containing various compounds, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat. Subject A was fed a variety of foods, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat, in addition to a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707.

TEST2 Subject: A Class-4 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedure Results: Subject A was given a variety of foods containing various compounds, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat. Subject A was fed a variety of foods, including a variety of fruit, vegetables, and meat, in addition to a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707.

TEST2 Subject: A Class-4 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedure Results: Subject A was given a variety of foods containing various compounds, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat. Subject A was fed a variety of foods, including a variety of fruit, vegetables, and meat, in addition to a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707.

TEST2 Subject: A Class-4 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedure Results: Subject A was given a variety of foods containing various compounds, including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meat. Subject A was fed a variety of foods, including a variety of fruit, vegetables, and meat, in addition to a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707. Subject A was also fed a variety of approaches to combatting SCP-707.

TEST2 Subject: A Class-4 Bio-Compartmented Containment Procedure Results: Subject A was given a variety of foods containing various compounds, including a variety of fruits, vegetables End of Transmission 16


Transmission 13 I can't believe I'm catching up to you.

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I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample”

I can’t believe I’m catching up to you. collapsible show="+ Show Sample Sample” End of Transmission 13


Transmission 9 SCP-682-1

Description: SCP-682 is a large, humanoid creature of unknown species, approximately REDACTED cm long and weighing roughly REDACTED kg. SCP-682-1 appears to be a man in his early fifties, wearing a dark lab coat and carrying a small hammer. It appears to be a simple metal mechanism, with no joints, and appears to be able to travel at speeds up to REDACTED kmh. SCP-682-1 is extremely resistant to all forms of damage, except for DATA EXPUNGED, and its durability and susceptibility to other forms of damage is unknown.

SCP-682-1’s physical features are unknown, and are rather unremarkable. However, when it hits a subject it will violently rip it apart, destroying the subject in a small amount of blood. When SCP-682-1 is successfully torn apart, SCP-682-1 will follow it into a nearby room, and will begin to emit a loud, piercing scream. This scream will continue for approximately ninety (90) seconds, before reaching the subject’s skull. After this time, the subject will begin to bleed. Once the bleed stops, SCP-682-1 will resume its rampage, using SCP-784.

SCP-682-1 will hunt down any non-humanoid that has touched its containment area. At this time, it will attempt to eat any human that has entered its containment area. At this point, it will remove any humanoid that has been bitten, and will sever the skin between the eyes, through hair. After this process, SCP-682-1 will begin to attack any non-humanoid that has touched its containment area. At this point, SCP-682-1 will begin to attack non-humanoids, with an additional six (6) shots fired at the target.

Experiment Log SCP-682-1

Results: SCP-682-1 has been observed as having a large, barbed tongue that bends down to reach the subject. SCP-682-1 will initially attack any non-humanoid that has touched its containment area, though it will use the tip of its nose to bite the target. When bitten, the subject will begin screaming and moaning, while SCP-682-1 will attack a single human. After this is done, the subject will begin to become severely enraged, and will begin to attempt to bite human beings. SCP-682-1 will also constantly attempt to tear the skin of any non-humanoid that has touched its containment area, causing shredded flesh to be thrown into the air. When this is done, SCP-682-1 will begin to tear the skin of any non-humanoid that has touched its containment area.

Addendum: Following SCP-682-1’s rampage, research on SCP-682 has been suspended indefinitely.

Addendum: See Experiment Log SCP-682-2

Experiment Log SCP-682-2

Experiment Log SCP-682-2

Interviewed: SCP-682

Interviewer: Doctor REDACTED After REDACTED hours of questioning, SCP-682-2 was finally allowed to leave its containment area. After extensive testing, SCP-682 has shown no signs of rusting.


Procedure: Tested on SCP-682

Results: The test was successful, although a few more subjects were bitten, and approximately REDACTED of the subject’s body was removed.

Addendum: An additional subject of note: SCP-682 is not to be assigned to a ‘research’ slot, as SCP-682 has been observed to tear through any non-sentient subject.

Experiment Log SCP-682-3

Experiment Log SCP-682-3

Test Subject: SCP-682

Procedure: When testing SCP-682, SCP-682 was shown a book with the words ‘Dr. Bright’s Fantastic Nova,’ written in black ink, with the title “Dr. Bright’s Fantastic Nova.” When asked if he had ever read any of the books, SCP-682 said he had not.

Results: The book was found in an abandoned psychiatric hospital in REDACTED California. It was used by Doctor Bright to study his own abilities, and was later passed on to Doctor Bright as a gift.

Addendum: SCP-682-3 is currently in Foundation custody.

Addendum: SCP-682 has been released from containment.

Note: SCP-682 End of Transmission 9


Transmission 11 The database has been updated to include a list of all SCP-912 instances that have been recovered and not yet contained.

A note to researchers: –If you find any SCP-912 instances that have died while attempting to interact with them, please report them to Doctor Kondraki, and he will send a team of agents to make sure the instances are accounted for. –If you find any instances that have been destroyed by SCP-912, please report them to Doctor Kondraki, and he will send a team of agents to make sure they’re properly contained and cleaned. –If you have any questions, please contact Doctor Kondraki directly.

Description: SCP-912 is a series of images released by Doctor REDACTED REDACTED a researcher on the University of REDACTED REDACTED SCP-912 as well as SCP-912 for more information.  After the initial release of SCP-912, SCP-912-1 was recovered and sold to an unknown entity.  Upon recovery of SCP-912-1, Doctor REDACTED REDACTED was arrested and convicted of tax evasion for his role in the purchase of SCP-912.  After being incarcerated for three months, Doctor REDACTED REDACTED became an active member of the Foundation, helping with research and development of SCP-912.

SCP-912 was recovered from the Foundation’s experimental facility.  After the Foundation’s capture, SCP-912-1 was purchased by a private collector for 32 million dollars.  After a three year trial, SCP-912 was successfully recaptured and transferred to Doctor REDACTED REDACTED lab.  After further research, five instances of SCP-912 were recovered.  These instances are stored in the Security Lab at Site-██.

SCP-912 was recovered from the Facility’s property and was used in SCP-912 to capture SCP-912-1.  Upon capture, SCP-912-1 was removed from Doctor REDACTED REDACTED and brought into Doctor REDACTED REDACTED office.  Dr. REDACTED REDACTED attempted to steal SCP-912 during the containment procedures.  Dr. REDACTED REDACTED was restrained by Doctor REDACTED REDACTED and kept in the Storage Unit.  Dr. REDACTED REDACTED was re-contracted to the Research Site REDACTED for a further three months.  Dr. REDACTED REDACTED was never recovered and was never allowed to return to the Research Site.

SCP-912 was recovered from the Storage Unit.  When it was brought into Doctor REDACTED REDACTED office, Doctor REDACTED REDACTED had been uncooperative with SCP-912.  Once SCP-912-1 was found, Doctor REDACTED REDACTED was given a Class D and placed on a bench, whereupon he was discovered to have hidden himself inside a small box.  When Doctor REDACTED REDACTED entered the room, he was greeted with a loud “Thank You” and a large glass of wine.  Dr. REDACTED REDACTED was then entered into the work environment, whereupon he was found on a desk with a view of a large pile of SCP-912.

SCP-912 was recovered from the Storage Unit.  After retrieval, it was discovered that SCP-912-1 was still operating.  SCP-912-1 was recovered from Doctor REDACTED REDACTED office.  Dr. REDACTED REDACTED was recaptured and allowed to return to the Research Site.

SCP-912 has been recovered from Doctor REDACTED REDACTED office.  SCP-912-1 was recovered from another Storage Unit.  After recovery, Doctor REDACTED REDACTED was taken into custody and questioned.  Dr. REDACTED REDACTED was not returned to the Research Site.

SCP-912 was recovered from Site REDACTED Site-19 facility.  It was found with a large pile of SCP-912 in it.  It was then discovered by Agent REDACTED who was leading a raid on the facility. End of Transmission 11


Transmission 3 The event occurred at the request of DATA EXPUNGED.


Any participants who attempted to enter the event hall were removed, and were promptly detained by security. All researchers wishing to study SCP-███-███ were to be reevaluated, and be identified accordingly.

Experiment Log



Transmission 0  Please Log In To This Site

Name: Doctor Clef Date: REDACTED entered: $300 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A single rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A live rat, uncircumcised, with a bloody nose. Money entered: $1,500 SCP-778 Object: A End of Transmission 0


Transmission 26 div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;"

|||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-1016DRUNK.JPG width="300px” || ||||~ ^^An image of SCP-1016-01^^ || div

Item : SCP-1016-02

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The subject is to be kept in a secure room with an air-tight glass tube, which is to keep it from falling into the ocean. Access to the room is to be restricted to members of staff with security clearance level 3 or higher.

Description: SCP-1016 is a large tree of unknown origin, possibly a single primate, with a diameter of approximately 1.5 m. It grows to approximately 3.5 m by 3.5 m and has no trunk.  SCP-1016 is intelligent, able to respond to any form of verbal communication, and is capable of communicating with humans through their vocalizations. These vocalizations range from a low hum, often blaring a new song, to a rapid growl. SCP-1016 communicates through a very high-pitched hum, with extremely high volume.

SCP-1016 is capable of repeatedly attacking any living human within a 5 m radius of the front door. It will attempt to damage a human target within 5 m radius, causing them to die within 5 minutes. Once SCP-1016 has been destroyed, it will attempt to break the host’s containment breach, usually by using a small, sharp object.

SCP-1016 will also attack any living or non-living personnel who approaches it, using its ‘mouth’ to communicate with them. Each instance of SCP-1016 will attack a human target within a 5 m radius, and will attempt to break the containment breach.

SCP-1016 will also attack any non-sentient remains they encounter, often using a small, metal, metal, or electronic device to communicate with them. When encountering a living human, SCP-1016 will use its ‘mouth’ to communicate with them.

SCP-1016 will also attack any non-sentient organisms within 5 m radius, using its ‘mouth’ to communicate with them.

Addendum: SCP-1016 has shown no signs of having a psychological basis. However, it has been shown to exhibit a higher level of psychopathy than any other primate. It has also showed a tendency to make threats and to use violence. However, it has shown no signs of being violent or threatening. title:SCP-1017

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:350px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-1017SCP-1017-1.jpg width="350px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-1017-1 in its container^^ || div

Item : SCP-1017

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The following are the only instances of SCP-1017 that appear in the Foundation database.

Description: SCP-1017 is a small humanoid, approximately 5 cm by 5 cm, with a shape similar in appearance to a member of the genus Apocalerus. It is a normal human female, wearing a black mister with a small scar on its forehead. It has a slight limpness and should be kept in a standard medical containment cell.

SCP-1017 was recovered by Foundation personnel in REDACTED Brazil, on REDACTED following a series of unexplained disappearances. On the night of the disappearance, a woman with a large black coat was seen walking in a park outside a nearby town. The police were alerted to the disappearance, and the police were looking for the man who had been reported missing. The man’s appearance matched that of SCP-1017, and he was identified as Doctor REDACTED REDACTED an American citizen of black hair and light skin.

The police were able to locate SCP-1017 by searching the park and looking through its clothes. When they attempted to remove it from the park, the man’s face was seen on the park’s lawn, with a tattoo of the word “O.J.” tattooed across his right forearm. After a short time, the police found the man’s body in a park.

SCP-1017 was recovered on REDACTED End of Transmission 26


Transmission 20 Result: SCP-795 was recovered in the REDACTED REDACTED district of REDACTED Examination of SCP-795 for excess gas has revealed that the gas has a pH of 5.2, despite a pH of -4.5. This gas has been assumed to be a form of metallic matter, and has been observed to have an average mass of only 20 kilograms, despite its current density of less than 1 tonne. It has been hypothesized that the DATA EXPUNGED produced by SCP-795 was a form of memetic residue produced by SCP-795. This has been established as an effect of SCP-795 on SCP-795.

SCP-795 was recovered from the quarantine area of DATA EXPUNGED in REDACTED REDACTED It has since been recovered from an area in REDACTED The area is being monitored for the possibility of a memetic reaction, and it is recommended that the area be evacuated if possible.

Experiment Log 845-A:

Description: SCP-795 was recovered from a massive REDACTED landfill in REDACTED The landfill contained an estimated REDACTED kilograms of DATA EXPUNGED, which had been transformed into a memetic fallout-resistant material. The material was divided into 2,800 × 2,800 cubic meters of DATA EXPUNGED, and mixed with DATA EXPUNGED. TEST2 subjects were tested against DATA EXPUNGED, and the results indicated that, when mixed with DATA EXPUNGED the material was significantly lighter than that of DATA EXPUNGED, and that, at that time, it had been “taken” by “the” “Zionists”. Testing of the resulting memetic fallout-resistant material was suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-B: Description: Testing of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material has been suspended pending the completion of the containment procedures.

Experiment 845-C: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material has been suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-D: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material was suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-E: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material was suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-F: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-G: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-H: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-I: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-J: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-L: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-M: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-N: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-P: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-U: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-V: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-Z: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED for memetic fallout-resistant material suspended until further notice.

Experiment 845-ZA: Description: TEST2 of DATA EXPUNGED End of Transmission 20


Transmission 10 A picture taken with a camera lens on May 7, 1916.

The photo shows a view of the remains of the building on the northern side of the canyon. The canyon continues to rise from the canyon floor. The view is roughly 20 feet per day. The canyon wall has a vertical slope of about 1.5 miles. The view is distorted by the telescope.

The view shows the ridges, then the interior of the canyon. The walls of the canyon wall have a thick layer of dirt from which the view is distorted. The view appears to be distorted by the telescope. The canyon has been partially eroded since its formation in 1492. The view is distorted by the telescope. The rock in the view is tilted slightly to the east, and the view is distorted by the telescope.

The view shows the ruins of the city, its inhabitants, and the remains of the city. The city is surrounded by a stone wall. The city is surrounded by the remains of a house. The ruins of the city are surrounded by a stone wall. The ruins of the city are surrounded by a rock wall. The stone wall is tilted to the east.

The ruins of the city appear to be covered in magma. A rock that is tilted slightly to the west is visible. The rock near the ruins of the city appears to be covered with magma. This rock is tilted slightly to the north.

The ruins of the city appear to be covered in magma. A rock that is tilted slightly to the south is visible. The rock near the ruins of the city appears to be covered with magma. A rock that is tilted slightly to the north is visible. The ruins of the city appear to be covered in magma.

The ruins of the city can be seen from the canyon floor. The ruins of the city are surrounded by a large stone wall. The walls of the ruins are covered with magma. The walls of the ruins are covered with magma.

The ruins of the city are buried under a large rock. The rock near the ruins of the city appears to be covered by magma.

The remains of the city of REDACTED are surrounding a large stone wall. The walls of the city are covered with magma. The walls of the city are covered with magma.

The city of REDACTED is surrounded by a large boulder, which extends from the canyon floor. The boulder is tilted slightly to the east.

The eastern half of the city is surrounded by a large boulder, which is tilted slightly to the west. The boulder is tilted slightly to the north. The boulder is tilted slightly to the north. The boulder is tilted slightly to the left. The boulder is tilted slightly to the right. The boulder is tilted slightly to the left. The boulder is tilted slightly to the right. The boulder is tilted slightly to the left.

The city of REDACTED is surrounded by a large boulder of a different color. The boulder is tilted slightly to the right. The boulder is tilted slightly to the left. The boulder is tilted slightly to the right. The boulder is tilted slightly to the left.

The ruins of REDACTED have been brought to light. A series of small rocks have been brought to the city. In one of the rocks is a metal structure. The metal structure is covered in magma. The structure is covered in magma.

In the center of the structure is a pyramid. The interior of the structure is covered in magma. The interior of the structure is covered in magma.

The structure is covered in magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with magma.

The structure is covered with mag End of Transmission 10


Transmission 2  Experiment Log Number: SCP-8394-A

Date: REDACTED Affected subjects:  SCP-8394-A

Subjects:  SCP-8394-A

Procedure:  SCP-8394-A is presented to  subjects via a pair of doorknob.  Subjects are instructed to stand still while subject is presented with the object.  Subjects are then instructed to press the button, with the subject performing the action.  Subjects are then instructed to press a button to repeat the action.  Subjects are instructed to continue performing the action, but are told to stop if the button is pressed again.  After approximately five seconds, the subject will attempt to press the button again.

Result:  Subjects will experience approximately two weeks of severe migraines, followed by a period of headache lasting approximately one week.  Subjects will also experience a mild form of hypoallergenic shock.  Subjects are instructed to continue to take a pill once a day, with the amount of pill increasing with the number of SCP-8394-A presented.  Subjects are also instructed to continue taking a pill once a week.

Conclusion:  The effects of SCP-8394-A appear to be permanent, but a more rapid reduction in the number of SCP-8394-A will increase the chance of a secondary manifestation.  The exact nature of the secondary manifestation has yet to be determined, but the severity of the effects seems to be determined by the amount of SCP-8394-A present.  This study is ongoing, and is recommended that further research be carried out on the effects of SCP-8394-A. Addendum 8393-B Experiment Log Number: SCP-8394-B

Date: REDACTED Procedure: A pair of Doorknob are presented to a group of children.  After a period of time, the group will randomly choose a random number from a set of seven random numbers.  After 9, 975, 999, 1123, 999, 14, 14, 14, 1123, 14, 6, and 642, all of the subjects will be instructed to pick up a pill.  After this, the pill will be placed in the group’s hand and the group will continue to the orgasm.  After this, subjects will not have any difficulty in orgasm, although the orgasm will occur when the group has reached the climax.  After this, the subject will report an increase in migraines.

Result:  Subjects will experience severe headaches and will report that the pills are causing headaches.  The pain will heal somewhat, but the headache will continue, and the subject will be forced to take a pill.  After this, the headache will escalate, and the subject will continue to take the pill.

Conclusion:  The headaches caused by SCP-8394-B are permanent and will not be affected by another SCP-8394-A.  If the headaches are prolonged enough, the subject will become mildly infatuated with the object.

Addendum 8393-C Experiment Log Number: SCP-8393-D

Date: REDACTED Procedure: A pair of Doorknob are presented to a group of adults.  After a period of time, the group will randomly choose a random number from a set of seven random numbers.  After 9, 975, 999, 1123, 999, 14, 14, 14, 1123, 14, 6, and 642, all of the subjects will be instructed to pick up a pill.  After this, the pill will be placed in the group’s hand and the group will continue to the orgasm.  After this, the orgasm will not end until the subject has reached climax.

Result:  The orgasm will begin, but the subject will have to complete the session in order to achieve orgasm.

Conclusion:  The orgasm will continue, and the subject will have to complete the session in order to achieve orgasm.  If the orgasm is prolonged enough, the subject will become mildly infatuated, and will get into fights with her colleagues.  The subjects may report the feeling of sexual desire, and may attempt to seduce the subject.  If this End of Transmission 2


Transmission 11 

Note: SCP-233-1 is to be contained in an airlock safe at Site-██.

Note: I’m not sure what to do with this. -Dr. REDACTED Note: They don’t have any idea what they’re doing. -Dr. REDACTED Note: She’s got the fuck up there. -Dr. REDACTED Note: She’s got the fuck up there. -Dr. REDACTED was first discovered in REDACTED REDACTED in the early 1970s. It is currently in the possession of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED an assistant professor at the University of REDACTED Good job, Doctor REDACTED You were able to create an effect that you can’t imagine yourself doing. -Dr. REDACTED Note: Okay, Agent REDACTED I’m going to have to go to the halls of the SCP Foundation, where they’re fucking for me. -Dr. REDACTED Note: Don’t worry, Agent, I’m not running out of places. -Agent REDACTED Note: Yeah, I should probably go now. -Dr. REDACTED Note: No, Agent, I don’t think you should go. -Dr. REDACTED Note: Agent, you’re on the SCP Foundation. You can’t do this. You’re on the Foundation. -Dr. REDACTED Note: No, Agent, I don’t think you should go. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Dr. REDACTED Note: Don’t worry, Agent, I’m not running out of places. -Dr. REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation, Agent. I’m going to work for the Foundation, my life will be saved. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’ve got one more thing to talk about. -Dr. REDACTED Note: I’m not scared, Agent. I don’t think you should leave. -Agent REDACTED Note: You’re not. I’m not. -Dr. REDACTED Note: Agent, you can’t do this. -Dr. REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: Agent, you’ll be using this to your advantage. -Agent REDACTED Note: You’re not. -Dr. REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: You’re not. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach. -Agent REDACTED Note: I’m on the SCP Foundation. I’m working on my first containment breach End of Transmission 11


Transmission 7 Now, I'd like to say, it's not that I'm trying to kill you. It's just that I can't stop the flow of blood. . . just a slow, steady, steady, steady, steady, never slowing down. . .

I mean, it’s not that I’m trying to kill you, it’s just that I can’t stop the flow of blood.

The thing is, I’ve been trying. . . I’ve tried several times. . . I’ve tried everything. . . according to what happened, and I don’t know if I can stop it. . .

And what does that mean?

It means that I can stop the flow of blood.

And that means that I can stop the flow of blood.

And that means that I can stop the flow of blood.

And that means that I can stop the flow of blood.

And that means that I can stop the bleeding.

And that means that I can stop the bleeding.

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And that means that I can stop the bleeding.

And that means that I can stop the bleeding.

And that means that I can stop the bleeding.

And that means that I can stop the bleeding.

And that means that I can stop the bleeding.

And that means that I can stop the bleeding.

And that means that I can stop the bleeding. End of Transmission 7


Transmission 19 SCP-682-1 is a gray female of approximately REDACTED years of age, weighing approximately REDACTED kg. Despite the fact that SCP-682-1 is apparently immune to normal blood transfusions, it is to be treated as such, giving it intravenous fluids and a blood transfusion in the hopes that it will resist and eventually die of thirst.

SCP-682-1 is a Caucasian female approximately REDACTED years of age, weighing approximately REDACTED kg. Despite the fact that SCP-682-1 is apparently immune to normal blood transfusions, it is to be treated as such, giving it intravenous fluids and a blood transfusion in the hopes that it will resist and eventually die of thirst.

SCP-682-1 will inflate into a ball of white, blood-red, and blue liquid and will attempt to eat any human that enters its vicinity. SCP-682-1 will then begin to devour any sentient human that enters its area, and will kill any remaining one that enters its proximity, including those that have not yet been eaten.

If SCP-682-1 is bitten, blood will be drawn from the wound, and SCP-682-1 will then begin to eat the remaining human that enters its area. If remaining human is bitten, blood will be drawn from the wound, and SCP-682-1 will continue to devour anyone within a radius of 100 meters. If remaining human is bitten, blood will be drawn from the wound, and SCP-682-1 will continue to devour anyone within a radius of 400 meters. If remaining human is bitten, blood will be drawn from the wound, and SCP-682-1 will continue to devour anyone within a radius of 500 meters.

If SCP-682-1 is killed, blood will be drawn from the wound, and SCP-682-1 will continue to devour any remaining human that enters its area. If remaining human is killed, blood will be drawn from the wound, and SCP-682-1 will continue to devour anyone within a radius of 1000 meters. If remaining human is killed, blood will be drawn from the wound, and SCP-682-1 will continue to devour anything within a radius of 1000 meters.

SCP-682-1 was discovered in REDACTED REDACTED on REDACTED by Agent REDACTED An autopsy revealed that SCP-682-1 was dead when left alone for approximately thirty-four hours. The autopsy report stated that the blood spontaneously came out of the wound, and that the corpse was replaced by SCP-682-1.

SCP-682-1 was later found in a body cavity, with blood drawn from the wound, and found to have consumed approximately REDACTED kg of human flesh.

Addendum: Testing with SCP-682-2 has shown that SCP-682-2 has a significantly higher level of activity. The exact function of this function is unknown, but it is believed to be a consequence of SCP-682-2’s ability to perceive the surrounding area using its body.


SCP-682-1 was retrieved from the ruins of REDACTED REDACTED during a raid on REDACTED Church, REDACTED SCP-682-1 was found in a body cavity, with blood drawn from the wound, and returned to Site-██ with blood drawn from a different body cavity.


Testing with SCP-682-3 has shown that SCP-682-3’s ability to perceive a subject’s bodily fluids is considerably more potent than that of SCP-682-2. Testing with SCP-682-4 has shown that SCP-682-4’s ability to perceive the surrounding area is significantly more potent than that of SCP-682-2.


Test was conducted using SCP-682-7. Each subject was taken into SCP-682-7’s containment chamber and then ‘brought up’ to a temperature of REDACTED C. All tests were conducted in a chamber containing SCP-682-7. Tests were conducted in an environment that was normally uncountable.

Addendum: After testing with SCP-682-9, SCP-682-7 was ‘brought up’ to a temperature of REDACTED C. All tests were conducted in a room that was normally uncountable. Tests were conducted in an environment that was normally uncountable.

Addendum: Testing with SCP-682-10 has shown that SCP-682-10’s ability to perceive visual information is significantly higher than that of SCP-682-7. TEST2 used to determine the power of SCP-682-10. title:SCP-682

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2 End of Transmission 19


Transmission 15 SCP-050-J is an elaborate and apparently random assortment of human skullcaps, skullcaps, and other unidentified human skullcaps. The skullcaps are similar in appearance to those of an older SCP, and the skullcaps are apparently identical to SCP-050-J itself. The skullcaps have been twisted in such a way that they become unhinged. The skullcaps appear to be made of bone, however, and contain a large amount of bone.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image SCP-050-J.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-050-J in a beverage container, with the skullcap fully fused.^^ || div

The skullcaps are quite heavy, and appear to have a sharpness to them. They were found in a house in REDACTED REDACTED Germany. The skullcaps were found to have been eaten by a human head, and the contents were determined to be SCP-050-J. SCP-050-J was brought to Site-██ for analysis, and was recaptured.

SCP-050-J was recovered by REDACTED REDACTED on REDACTED REDACTED following an escape attempt by REDACTED. The head of REDACTED REDACTED was killed instantly by Agent REDACTED who then became part of the Foundation.footnote Agent REDACTED was injured in the head, and died several days later. footnote

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image SCP-050-J.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-050-J cells, instead of being eaten by a human head, when DATA EXPUNGED^^ || div

The cell contained SCP-050-J. The head of REDACTED REDACTED was sliced into stratum. The cell contained several pieces of SCP-050-J, with the skullcap being the most notable. The cell contained a large amount of SCP-050-J, and a large amount of SCP-050-J.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image SCP-050-J.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-050-J cells, labeled by the names “███” and “████”, in the cell labeled “Fusion"^^ || div


Item : SCP-050-J

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-050-J is to be kept in a ten (10) cubic meter vault in a locked room on Site-██. All personnel entering the vault must wear within-tissue clothing.

Description: SCP-050-J is a collection of skullcaps, from those of DATA EXPUNGED to those of DATA EXPUNGED. SCP-050-J is a common and highly destructive species of human skullcap, with a unique and extremely destructive skullcap. The skullcap appears to have a characteristic “crystalline” shape, with a thick, red-colored resin layer hanging from it. The resin layer has been replaced by a crystalline shell that is composed of a different type of resin, called DATA EXPUNGED.

Addendum: Large amounts of DATA EXPUNGED were found in the containment of SCP-050-J, including several DATA EXPUNGED that had been removed from a sample of DATA EXPUNGED.  The specimens recovered contained a mixture of DATA EXPUNGED and DATA EXPUNGED with a corrosive compound.  The latter compound has been shown to be effective in killing DATA EXPUNGED and DATA EXPUNGED.  Further testing of the compound has been discontinued.

Addendum: SCP-050-J is apparently a sentient skullcap, possessing a sentient (but not sentient or sentient-like) DATA EXPUNGED entity.  SCP-050-J is naturally highly aggressive, yet appears to be completely unaffected by the DATA EXPUNGED compound.  SCP-050-J will attempt to attack any personnel entering the containment area.  It is theorized that this may be a way to lure more personnel into the containment area. -Dr. REDACTED End of Transmission 15


Transmission 0 "I was able to feel it more when I was watching the news...It was all over the media, so it was all over the world."

“I know…I can see it in the news. I know it’s been on the news. It’s been on the news…it’s all over the world. I can feel it, but it’s on the news. It’s all over the world…”

“I’m not sure how the world is, but I can feel it…I can feel it in the news.”

“I’m not sure what…where the world is, but I can feel it here.”

“I can feel it somewhere else.”

“I can feel it right here in the world…I can feel it in the news.”

“I can feel it all over the world…”

“I’m not sure how the world is, but I can feel it anywhere in the world.”

“I can feel it, but it’s on the news…it’s on the news. It’s all over the world.”

“I can feel it all over the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“…I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“…I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“…I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…”

“I know it’s carefree here in the world…” End of Transmission 0


Transmission 25 Addressing these questions and more, Doctor REDACTED was given the opportunity to answer them in a way that would make the rest of the staff feel comfortable.  For all intents and purposes, Doctor REDACTED was a standard researcher, and he was a perfect choice for this job.  He had been asked to take on several different tasks, but he was selected.  Total time provided was at least ten hours, and Doctor REDACTED was given a full month.  Dr. REDACTED was the proud father of a child, and he was proud to have done this for him.  He was pleased to have become the chosen one for this job.

Dr. REDACTED was very vocal throughout his career, and asked Doctor REDACTED to do a full interview.  After just ten minutes, Doctor REDACTED responded that he would be fine.  He was asked to clarify some of the more important questions of the interview.  Dr. REDACTED was not briefed on the interview, but he was instructed to consult with Doctor REDACTED REDACTED was instructed to answer some questions that he had been asked before.

Interview 10-A: Doctor REDACTED 10-B: Doctor REDACTED 10-C: Doctor REDACTED 10-D: Doctor REDACTED 10-E: Doctor REDACTED 10-F: Doctor REDACTED 10-G: Doctor REDACTED 10-H: Doctor REDACTED 10-I: Doctor REDACTED 10-J: Doctor REDACTED 10-K: Doctor REDACTED 10-L: Doctor REDACTED 10-N: Doctor REDACTED 10-O: Doctor REDACTED 10-P: Doctor REDACTED 10-Q: Doctor REDACTED 10-R: Doctor REDACTED 10-S: Doctor REDACTED 10-T: Doctor REDACTED 10-U: Doctor REDACTED 10-V: Doctor REDACTED 10-W: Doctor REDACTED 10-X: Doctor REDACTED 10-Z: Doctor REDACTED 10-C: Doctor REDACTED 10-D: Doctor REDACTED 10-F: Doctor REDACTED 10-G: Doctor REDACTED 10-H: Doctor REDACTED 10-I: Doctor REDACTED 10-K: Doctor REDACTED 10-O: Doctor REDACTED 10-W: Doctor REDACTED 10-X: Doctor REDACTED 10-X: Doctor REDACTED 10-X: Doctor REDACTED 10-O: Doctor REDACTED 10-C: Doctor REDACTED 10-I: Doctor REDACTED 10-X: Doctor REDACTED 10-X: Doctor REDACTED 10-Y: Doctor REDACTED 10-Z: Doctor REDACTED 10-Z: Doctor REDACTED 10-A: Doctor REDACTED 10-B: Doctor REDACTED 10-C: Doctor REDACTED 10-D: Doctor REDACTED 10-E: Doctor REDACTED 10-F: Doctor REDACTED 10-G: Doctor REDACTED 10-H: Doctor REDACTED 10-X: Doctor REDACTED 10-X: Doctor REDACTED 10-Y: Doctor REDACTED End of Transmission 25


Transmission 3 SCP-222 was recovered by Site Security from a farm near REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED in the western REDACTED Mountains. The resulting pile of gravel was discovered to contain SCP-222, as well as the bones of several members of the family. The family was apparently killed shortly after the incident.

SCP-222 was recovered by Agent REDACTED following the death of Agent REDACTED on REDACTED REDACTED The family was apparently killed by Agent REDACTED own negligence, as he suffered a heart attack. The family was later found dead in the REDACTED Mountains, and Agent REDACTED was later recovered in a forest nearby.

SCP-222 was recovered from the family’s home, following the death of Agent REDACTED on REDACTED REDACTED The family was also found dead in the REDACTED Mountains. This event occurred after Agent REDACTED family was captured and killed by SCP-096, resulting in Agent REDACTED death.

SCP-222 was recovered by Agent REDACTED following his death on REDACTED REDACTED The family was found dead in a field, instantly identified as a cattle ranch. Agent REDACTED was later found dead in the REDACTED Mountains, with his body found under a grassy clearing, surrounded by several cattle. Agent REDACTED was later recovered by Agent REDACTED following Agent REDACTED death.

SCP-222 was recovered from Agent REDACTED home, following his death on REDACTED REDACTED The family was found dead in a field. Agent REDACTED family was found dead in a field, surrounded by several cattle. Agent REDACTED was found dead in the REDACTED Mountains, surrounded by several cattle. Agent REDACTED family was found dead in the REDACTED Mountains, with his body found under a grassy clearing, surrounded by several cattle. Agent REDACTED was found dead in the REDACTED Mountains, surrounded by several cattle.

Addendum 222-1: After Agent REDACTED death, an autopsy was performed on SCP-222. The cause of death is unknown.

Addendum 222-2: Agent REDACTED autopsy showed that he had died of a heart attack, apparently caused by DATA EXPUNGED, and the death of Agent REDACTED Agent REDACTED autopsy showed that his heart had been crushed by a bullet, and that his blood vessels were sealed by a metal mesh. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a spike in blood pressure. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed an enlarged lesion in his left leg, and a large hole in his right leg. All three examinations confirmed the presence of SCP-222. Agent REDACTED autopsy showed a large laceration in his left leg, and a puncture wound to the center of his left leg.

Addendum 222-3: SCP-222 was discovered in the woods near REDACTED REDACTED The family was found dead in the REDACTED Mountains, surrounded by several cattle. Agent REDACTED autopsy showed a large laceration in his leg, and a several puncture wounds to the roots. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a large laceration on the left lance, which was tied to a tree.

Addendum 222-4: Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a large laceration on his leg, and a large wound in his left leg. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a large laceration in his left knee, and a large hole in one side of his left foot. Agent REDACTED autopsy also revealed a large laceration in the left calf. Agent REDACTED autopsy showed no visible blood loss.

Addendum 222-5: SCP-222 was recovered from SCP-148’s home in REDACTED REDACTED The family was found dead in a field, surrounded by several cattle. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a large laceration in the left calf, and a large hole in one side of his left foot. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a large laceration in the right calf. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a large laceration in the left side of his back. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a large laceration in the right side of his left arm. Agent REDACTED autopsy revealed a large laceration in the left hand. Agent REDACTED End of Transmission 3


Transmission 1 


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End of Transmission 1


Transmission 5 What is the best way to play the game with your friends?

Easy! Just enjoy the game!

More information Rules: Are you ready? No. No one is ready. You want to play with someone?

Okay. If you don’t already have a friend, you are free to play! Set up. I’ll help you! (Note to self: The game is still subject to change.) Setting up. Impossible, but possible. Setting up. SCP-682 is still active. Setting up. SCP-682 is still active. Setting up. SCP-682 is still active. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. Doctor REDACTED is now active. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up. SCP-682 is now playing. Setting up End of Transmission 5


Transmission 26  Hey, it's this 

collapsible show="+ Show Item” hide=”- Hide Item” image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filestokens-tokens-tokens-shimmer-scp-269Bright%20Light.jpg width="300px” image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filestokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens-tokens End of Transmission 26

Collection 4


Transmission 0 I've read some of the old, obscure books on the subject. One of those books was a book called "The Tempest", which I've read aloud in my dreams, and which I've kept in my bedroom, for almost a thousand years. I've seen the beast, heard the mystic, tried to help it, but it was gone. I don't know what's been brought in here, so I'm not sure how. It's been relocated, but I don't know how. I've put a book in my room, and it's been there for a thousand years.

Anyway, my mother died when I was a child. How long do I live? I can’t tell you. I know I can’t be sure, but it’s not like I can keep telling you. I can’t tell you.

Have you heard the fire? I heard the flame. I heard the flames.

The people who live here, they’re the ones who work here. They don’t work here. They don’t work here.

I’ve been told that they don’t work here. I’m going to put a book in my room, and I’ll be able to tell you.

We’ve been called upon in the past, but never before have we been called upon in this way.

They made use of the flames, but they never used them.

It’s not that they didn’t use it.

It’s that they didn’t burn it.

They didn’t burn it.

They burned the flame.

They burned it in a fire.

That’s where I live.

In a fire.

I’m not sure where I go.

I can’t see what’s in here.

I can’t hear what’s in here.

I don’t know what’s in here.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

I think I’m going to use this.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

It’s not my fault.

It’s not my fault.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

It’s not mine.

Why don’t you just stop saying it.

I want you to stop saying it.

I want you to stop saying it.

I want you to stop saying it.

I want you to stop saying it.

End of Transmission 0


Transmission 14 Five years ago, a small group of researchers came into a small laboratory on the outskirts of REDACTED REDACTED SCP-515-1 was found in the basement of the building. The group immediately started to demonstrate its unusual abilities, and SCP-515-1 was seen to grow wings and bathe itself in a similar manner to a fish. The next day, the research assistants noticed a change in SCP-515-1's behavior. The group began to change its behavior, and some began to talk to it about their dreams. The group became more and more violent, and one of them told SCP-515-1 that they were going to kill it and to take its clothes. The group was apprehended and questioned, and were unable to prove their identity to Foundation agents.

In the months that followed, SCP-515 became a threat to the Foundation and the people around it. It was revealed that SCP-515 was capable of creating a number of unique things, and several of these were capable of changing the form of the subject, such as changing the size of the subject’s eyes, changing the size of a person’s mouth, and changing the size of a person’s eyes. It was then discovered that SCP-515-1 was able to induce a number of other abilities, including:

  • Replication of human bodies
  • Regeneration of damaged parts of the brain
  • Regeneration of damaged organs
  • Regeneration of damaged areas of the brain
  • Regeneration of Doctor REDACTED abilities were discovered by Foundation agents when a sudden outbreak of SCP-515-2 was found in REDACTED REDACTED SCP-515-2 was found partially decomposing inside the house its memories had been stored, under the guise of a research assistant, who had apparently been receiving treatment for minor stuttering. It was later discovered that SCP-515-2 was not the real Doctor REDACTED and that a number of other people had also been infected. SCP-515-2 was rapidly destroyed, and the CDC was unable to find a way to get it back.

The next day, SCP-515-1 exited the lab, and the infected individual left the room. The infected individual fled into the woods, and Agent REDACTED was able to identify SCP-515-1’s location. The infected individual left the woods, and Agent REDACTED was able to locate SCP-515-1. The infected individual left the woods, and Agent REDACTED was able to locate SCP-515-1. SCP-515-1 was able to enter SCP-515-1’s mind, and was able to control it. The infected individual was unable to communicate with Agent REDACTED and REDACTED was able to escape into the forest. SCP-515-1 was able to reintegrate into SCP-515-1, and was able to kill Agent REDACTED The infected individual was able to communicate with SCP-515-1, but was unable to communicate with it. The infected individual was able to communicate with SCP-515-1, but was unable to communicate with it.

The next day, SCP-515-1 was able to reintegrate into SCP-515-1.

The next day, SCP-515-1 was able to reintegrate into SCP-515-1.

collapsible show="+ Interview with SCP-515-1” hide=”- Interview with SCP-515-1”

Dr. REDACTED however, shows signs of an acute mood disorder. He has been diagnosed with severe depression, and is currently experiencing the symptoms. Doctor REDACTED appears to be in a state of euphoria, and may not have been touched by SCP-515-1. -Dr. REDACTED Rate

Interview with SCP-515-1

Interviewer: Doctor REDACTED Doctor REDACTED Interview with SCP-515-1 was conducted on REDACTED Subject was brought into the unit for questioning.

Interviewer: Doctor REDACTED Subject was brought into SCP-515-1.

Interviewer: Doctor REDACTED Subject was brought into SCP-515-1.

Interviewer: Doctor REDACTED Subject was brought into SCP-515-1.

Interviewer: Doctor REDACTED Subject was brought into SCP-515-1.

Interviewer: Doctor REDACTED Subject was brought into SCP-515- End of Transmission 14


Transmission 12 I have no idea what you're doing.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get you a deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get your deck.

I’m going to get End of Transmission 12


Transmission 3 --1--

SCP-925 is an Asian American American female, approximately 6-7 years old.

Note: After testing with SCP-925-1, I chose a male as my host, and female as my host.

Note: The following is a reproduction of the greeting card I used to make my initial visit to SCP-925.

Note: The following is a reproduction of the greeting card you sent me.

Note: I took SCP-925-1 with me when I was visiting SCP-995 at the time.

Note: I want to make sure you have the proper date and time to get to the party.

Note: I think I’ve got a date and time.

Note: Okay, so I’m a little worried about your date.

Note: I’m going to meet SCP-995 on Friday.

Note: After meeting SCP-995, I have no idea what the party is. SCP-051 is just another guy who seems like he’s just walking around.

Note: I’ve been waiting for this.

Note: As of now, I can’t get past SCP-130 without having to go through SCP-131 again.

Note: I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.

Note: As of now, I am not allowed to make or drink at the party.

Note: I’m going to have to finish that test before I can make it to the party.

Note: As of now, I have no idea who this guy is.

Note: I don’t want to make this guy jealous, either.

Note: I’ve been waiting for this before I got this email from SCP-571, saying that he’s going to eat some food next week.

Note: I want to make sure you’ve got the proper date and time.

SCP-925-1 was discovered in REDACTED REDACTED from REDACTED Siberia, after a series of severe earthquakes in the area. SCP-925-1 was later recovered in a mail order, REDACTED which contained a note from a notable firm. The firm was described as “the industry standard for safe delivery of personal mail.  The company has been in business for over 150 years.  It is important to note that the Foundation’s SCP program is currently a complete waste of resources.


Note: To the best of my knowledge, there is no SCP program that can prevent the use of SCP-925.  It is important to note that SCP-925 is available for purchase at all Foundation sites, and that Foundation agents are required to be present at all parties involved.

Note: I have the right to make this guy jealous.

Note: I’ve been waiting for this for a while.

Note: So, I went to the party on Friday.  I came back from the party before I could get to the party.

Note: I’ve been waiting for this a long time.  I’ve gotten this email from SCP-925 saying that I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’ve had to do this before, and it’s bad enough.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m going to try to make it to the party on Saturday.  I’m End of Transmission 3


Transmission 17 "He has a gun. He has an axe."

“He’s not mine.”

“No, he’s mine.”

“Your dad, you know.”

“No, not really. He’s just a kid, he’s a little jerk.”

“He’s my own dad. I’m just a little jerk.”

“Your dad?”

“You are right, and you’re wrong.”

“He’s not mine. He’s mine.”

“No, he’s mine. I’m not mine. He’s mine. I’m mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine. I’m mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. I’m mine. I’m mine. I’m mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. I’m mine.”

“He’s mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. I’m mine. I’m mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine.”

“He’s mine. He’s mine. I’m mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine. He’s mine.”

“You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine.”

“No. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine.”

“No, you are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine.”

“I am mine. I am mine. I am mine. I am mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine.”

“No, you are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine.”

“No, you are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine. You are mine.”

“No, no, no, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no.”

“No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no.”

“No, no. No. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.”

“No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no, no. No, End of Transmission 17


Transmission 7 In the current state of affairs, Groups of Two are being actively pursued by Foundation agents, and are attempting to recapture the site. If possible, we would like to expand our presence in  the area, and as a result the SCP Foundation has been asked to provide the SCP-411. The Foundation has been told that we are not allowed to use equipment that is not backed by the Foundation, and that we are not allowed to use it in any way that is not in compliance with Project-███. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current Foundation is incapable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. The current Foundation requires that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411, and that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411, and that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current SCP Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is incapable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation requires that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411, and that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current SCP Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is capable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation requires that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411, and that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current SCP Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is not capable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation requires that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411, and that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current SCP Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is incapable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation requires that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411, and that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current SCP Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is capable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current SCP Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is incapable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation requires that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411, and that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current SCP Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is incapable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation requires that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411, and that all personnel in the Site be equipped with SCP-411. -Dr. REDACTED the current state of affairs, the current SCP Foundation is not capable of using any of SCP-411. The current SCP Foundation is incapable of cutting into SCP-411, and is not capable of cutting out SCP-411 End of Transmission 7


Transmission 24 SCP-665 is a small, animate object approximately the size of a small globe. The globe is largely in the shape of a large, upright, globe, and is approximately 12-15 cm in height.

It appears to be a large, flat globe, and has the same properties as the globe. However, it has an extremely high temperature and an extremely high pressure gradient that causes it to rot and shatter several times per second. This will cause the globe to bulge outward in a unique pattern, becoming a sphere of varying size and shape. The original globe is now covered with a layer of black, which is considered a form of SCP-665.

Note: The purpose of the globe is unknown. SCP-665 was discovered in DATA EXPUNGED. It is believed that it was found in the REDACTED REDACTED System, a minor planet of unknown origin, and was home to the Earth’s largest population of protozoa, SCP-665-D.

Addendum: Analysis of SCP-665 revealed a number of anomalous properties. The anomalous properties of SCP-665 are summarized below:

It has a very high temperature gradient that causes it to rapidly radiate heat. This radiates into the atmosphere as radiation when it is applied to a living being. This radiation has been shown to have a very high effect on both the organism and the medium it is applied to. It has a very high pressure gradient that causes it to create a constant temperature of around 15 million degrees Celsius. This gradient is then applied to the surface in a manner similar to an ordinary diamond ring. The temperature gradient of this ring increases exponentially as the amount of radiation is applied to the globe. It has a very high pressure gradient that is impossible to reverse. It is approximately 150,000 kPa (210,000 kmh) above the Earth’s surface. This pressure gradient will illuminate the globe in a manner similar to the pressure gradient of a diamond ring. It has a very high pressure gradient that is not only highly magnetic but also extremely corrosive. Finally, it has a very high pressure gradient that causes the globe to violently distort and shatter.

It has a very high temperature gradient that will cause it to erupt in a single, massive explosion. This explosion will last for a limited period of time, then be incinerated. This explosion is highly corrosive, causing a massive amount of heat to emanate from SCP-665 in the form of a black sphere. SCP-665 will then continue to erupt until it reaches a height of approximately 8 kilometers. The black sphere will then explode, becoming several kilometers in diameter.

It has a very high pressure gradient that causes it to rapidly expand from its current size to a large spherical structure, becoming progressively larger and larger until it reaches a height of over 1 km. The structure will then undergo a rapid growth and collapse. At this point, SCP-665 will slowly re-grow much more rapidly, with little damage to the structure. The growth will continue for an extended period of time, until it reaches a height of approximately 10 kilometers. SCP-665 will then continue to grow until it reaches a height of approximately 30 kilometers.

It has a very high pressure gradient that causes it to create a large spherical object with a mass of approximately 10 million kilograms (25 million pounds). The object will then be detonated, causing a powerful explosion that will cause SCP-665 to collide with the object, causing it to be destroyed by compression of uranium slurry.

It has a very high pressure gradient that causes it to violently distort and shatter, producing a black sphere of approximately 1.5 meters in diameter. The sphere will then explode, bursting into a mass of approximately 10 kilograms (25 lbs). The black sphere will then turn into a sphere with a mass of approximately 1.5 kilograms (1.5 lb). The sphere will then explode in a massive explosion that will cause SCP-665 to be destroyed by compression of uranium slurry.

Note: The object was recently discovered in DATA EXPUNGED and is considered to be a small piece of SCP-665-D.

Note: Due to the extreme pressure gradient of SCP-665, it is currently unknown whether SCP-665-D has a spherical or a spherical-like structure.

Addendum: Object is currently being researched as a possible way to harvest SCP-665. SCP-665-D is currently the only specimen of SCP-665-D outside of DATA EXPUNGED.

Note: Experimentation on SCP-665 is currently under review. If this is a viable method, please contact O5 Command for further details. title:SCP-666

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; End of Transmission 24


Transmission 1 "Oh yeah," O5-█ admitted.

“Oh yes, you did it!” O5-█ said.

“Five years clean, O5-█,” O5-█ said.

“You’ve got a million skulls, O5-█,” O5-█ said. “You’ve got a million plates.”

“I don’t know about ya, but what are you makin’?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” O5-█ said.

“I don’t want to know, but what do you do?”

“I’m a doctor, and I’m an idiot. I can’t do this.”

“I want to do that?”

“Come on, you want me to do that?”

“You’ll do that if I do this, but I can’t do that if you don’t do this.”

“What the hell? I’m just a doctor! I don’t have a brain!”

“I don’t have a brain!” O5-█ said.

“I don’t have a brain. You’re just a doctor!”

“I don’t have a brain!”

“I don’t have a brain.”

“You know what you’re gonna do when you die? I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you said to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do whatever you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told me to do.”

“I’ll do what you told End of Transmission 1


Transmission 3 Like many of the people I know who have had their legs amputated, I have always had a hard time believing that something as simple as a check on a bank account is anything but a formality.

So, when I was in high school, my brother and I were discovered by a group of students in a forest clearing in the middle of nowhere. They had just gotten off a teaching assignment and were looking for a way to escape the state of Oregon.

One of my classmates had just gotten into a car accident with a rusted out engine. He died a few days later. A few months later, my brother and I found ourselves trying to make it out of the forest.

My brother, and I, had been on a mission to find out how to survive in the wild. I had shown up almost immediately, but was confined to the back of my room. I didn’t know how to walk, but I knew how to crawl.

The students had found us, and we had to get there quickly. They were down in the middle of a forest, and I was standing in the middle of one of the branches.

I knew what was coming.

I started walking in the grass, looking around for the trees.

It was the trees, and I began to notice that I was walking along the side of a small clearing. I could hear them groaning and groaning, and I felt the trees grow closer to me. I felt the trees fluttering and twitching and running, and I saw that the branches were letting out a loud growl.

Suddenly, something in the tree suddenly started to move. It was twitching, and it was frightened. It was taking a step forward, the trunk snapping. It was running, and it was terrified.

I heard the screeching behind me. I heard a noise that sounded like screaming. I heard the screeching behind me. It was running. And it was scared, and it was afraid.

I wanted to shut it off.

I just wanted to look around.

I didn’t know what else to do.

I thought about running, but I could feel the tarantula growing closer to me. I thought about being near it, and it would take a very long time. I was running, and I knew that if I ran, it would see me.

I ran, and I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the snapping behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I saw the screeching behind me.

The screeching behind me.

I saw the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I saw the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

It was running. And it was scared, and it was scared.

I wanted to shut it off.

Finally, I heard the screeching behind me.

It was running. And it was scared.

It was running. And I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I saw the screeching behind me.

I saw the screeching behind me.

I could hear the screeching behind me.

I felt the trees grow closer to me. I felt the trees grow closer to me. I felt the trees grow closer to the trees. I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

Loudly, I pulled up to the tree in front of me.

He was screaming.

He was screaming.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

He was screaming.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

He was screaming.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I heard the screeching behind me.

I saw the screeching behind me.

I heard the End of Transmission 3


Transmission 6 In light of the recent actions of boundless progress, I have decided to release a new project.  My first attempt to demonstrate this was a project for a collection of lesser-known SCP.  Given that none of the SCP I have created are necessarily useful, a project for a collection of SCP is the least of my business.  However, I discover that the collection of SCP I created is of dubious value due to the possibility of infection by SCP-346.  I have acquired a good deal of knowledge on infected people by using my own knowledge of the infection to my advantage.  However, in order to protect myself, the Foundation has decided to leave me untouched for the time being.

SCP-346’s infection is a fairly obvious one, but it is the least likely to be discovered.  Because of this, it is difficult to find infected people.  Any infected person would be unable to identify them.  If they are infected, they will be unable to enter any meaningful details, and so, they will be unable to interact with the rest of the Foundation.  In order to keep themselves hidden, infected people often resort to violent means.  They will attempt to infect other infected people, and cause them to become infected again.

One of the Foundation’s special efforts is to prevent this.  The Foundation has already integrated infected individuals into their mission.  The infection is of poor quality.  Sometimes, the infected will be able to infect the rest of the Foundation, but most times, they will be able to infect the infected.  The Foundation has already begun to transfer infected individuals to more advanced technology.  These infected individuals come in several forms, and they play a major role in the Foundation’s operations.  

The Foundation’s first attempt to infect a human infected by SCP-346 was successful, and the infected were able to infect the infected.  The infection was primarily a matter of preparation.  The infected were introduced to SCP-346, and the infection in its entirety.

Once SCP-346 entered the bloodstream, it began to release several mixtures of SCP-346 and SCP-346-2.  The mixtures were then used to infect the infected.  Once the infected had infected the subjects, the first thing they used was SCP-346-2.  SCP-346-2 was used to infect the infected and infect another infected subject.  Once the subject had infected another subject, SCP-346-2 was used to infect another subject.  Once the infected had infected another subject, SCP-346-2 was used to infect another subject.  Once the infected was infected another subject, SCP-346-2 was used to infect another subject.

The infected had first had access to SCP-346.  The infected were necessary to prevent the infection from spreading.  They had access to SCP-346, so SCP-346-2 was used to infect another subject.  Once SCP-346-2 had infected and infected another subject, SCP-346-2 was used to infect another subject.

SCP-346-2 and SCP-346-2 had their uses.  They were used to infect SCP-346.  When SCP-346-2 entered the bloodstream, it rapidly released several mixtures of SCP-346 and SCP-346-2.  The infected were able to infect another subject before SCP-346-2 was used to infect another subject.

The infection was quickly spread to the rest of the population.  Before the infection was spread, SCP-346-2 was used to infect another subject.  Once infected, SCP-346-2 was used to infect another subject.  One infected subject never recovered.

The infection was quickly spread to other infected subjects.  It was used to infect more subjects, but not to the rest of the population.  This caused the infection to spread to all infected subjects.  The infected died within a week.

The Foundation is aware of infected individuals, and has begun to implement its second containment protocol.  The Foundation is also aware of infected individuals.  In addition, infected individuals are to be kept in quarantine at the end of each month, to be tested for infection.

Note:  Infected subjects have been observed to exhibit symptoms consistent with educational level.  Should the Foundation-wide quarantine attempt fail, an infected subject will appear in any classroom, science classroom, or other education system in the nearby community. -Dr. REDACTED 366: Addendum 366-█: In light of the recent actions of boundless progress, I have decided to release a new project.  My first attempt to demonstrate this was a project for a collection of SCP.  Given that none of the End of Transmission 6


Transmission 8 

Update 7-03-██-████ Discovery: Note from Doctor REDACTED Doctor REDACTED please allow us to serve your request.

New Discovery: This is a top-notch experiment with SCP-1026-1, and a big step in the right direction. It’s just wanted to know what the hell is going on.

Location of Discovery: SCP-1026-1 is located in a hillside campground in REDACTED California, approximately 20 km outside of REDACTED University. Doctor REDACTED was in the vicinity of the site.

Notes: It certainly was working, and had started feeling testicular growth. Apparently, the growth was slowing down, and he’d been told to stop.

And he had to stop…and stop again.

Note: No, this is not a dream. I don’t see it. No, I see no…no.

Note: I don’t see it. No. It’s an illusion.

Note: I don’t see it. It’s not an illusion. No, it’s not an illusion. Please allow me to explain.

Note: I don’t see it. No, it’s an illusion. Please allow me to explain.

Note: I don’t see it. No, it’s an illusion. Please allow me to explain.

Note: I don’t see it. No, it’s an illusion. Please allow me to explain.

Note: I don’t see it. No, it’s an illusion. Please allow me to explain.

Note: I don’t see it. No, it’s an illusion. Please allow me to explain.

Entry:  SCP-1026-1, performing passive sex acts.  Result:  SCP-1026-1 ejaculates on the female subject.  SCP-1026-1 ejaculates forward, and proceeds to undress the female subject, completing the act.  SCP-1026-1’s body is completely covered in mucus and blood.  SCP-1026-1’s mouth appears to be covered in a mixture of blood and saliva.  SCP-1026-1’s genitalia are covered in mucus and blood.  SCP-1026-1 is unmoving.  SCP-1026-1’s semen is dripping from his mouth and from his vagina.  SCP-1026-1 is apparently unaware of the semen.

Entry:  SCP-1026-1, performing passive sex acts.  Result:  SCP-1026-1 ejaculates on the female subject.  SCP-1026-1’s penis is covered in mucus and blood.  SCP-1026-1’s skin is covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s hand is covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1 ejaculates forward, and proceeds to undress the female subject.  SCP-1026-1’s body is partially covered in mucus and blood.  SCP-1026-1 is unresponsive to the semen.  SCP-1026-1’s facial features are covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s vaginal cavity is covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s tongue is covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s anus is covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s blood is covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s semen is dripping from his mouth and from his vagina.  SCP-1026-1 is unmoving.  SCP-1026-1 ejaculates forward, and proceeds to undress the female subject.  SCP-1026-1’s body is partially covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s skin is covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s eyes are covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s tongue is covered in blood.  SCP-1026-1’s anus is covered in blood.  SCP-10 End of Transmission 8


Transmission 13 Olympia University has been named as the latest in a string of American universities to run its annual "experiment research" program.

The University of Michigan itself, which runs a website dedicated to “experiment research,” was designated a “R” at the end of 2011 in order to emulate the “experiment” that the Foundation is known to provide in some fashion.

The name change was first reported by The New York Times newspaper on August 20, 2011, and is believed to be related to the fact that the University of Michigan was named after a researcher who was involved in the initial “experiment” program, Doctor REDACTED REDACTED Foundation, through the Foundation’s Foundation program, is able to provide a variety of Foundation-related activities by attaching a link to the Foundation website. It is currently unclear how or why this link was created, and any attempts to connect the link to the Foundation site would be met with immediate destruction.



Transmission 2 "Thanks to the work of the Overseers, we were able to secure the source of the source of the black hole. I'm glad to have found it." - Doctor REDACTED Doctor REDACTED Note: "The source is very important. I've been given the source as a service to Doctor REDACTED Instead of Doctor REDACTED I'll be using SCP-091 to collect data. However, Doctor REDACTED will be using SCP-091: SCP-091 to collect data. You can find more information on Doctor REDACTED here. - Doctor REDACTED Note: "At the time, the black hole was discovered, it was quite massive. And the black hole itself was quite small. No one could fit inside it, and there was no way to get inside. We've been in contact with the source for quite some time. - Doctor REDACTED I may state a few words for you, I've been sent to collect data on the source." - Doctor REDACTED afraid to say that I have a very limited amount of data to collect." - Doctor REDACTED I don't think that data is in the black hole, do you?" - Doctor REDACTED it's in the source." - Doctor REDACTED in the source. That's as far as I can tell." - Doctor REDACTED right. I'd like to gather more of your data." - Doctor REDACTED better." - Doctor REDACTED you mind if I ask what kind of data you have?" - Doctor REDACTED you've been studying for?" - Doctor REDACTED want to know how many thousands?" - Doctor REDACTED a lot. Do you know how many thousands of stars are out there?" - Doctor REDACTED sir." - Doctor REDACTED in, what's the size of the black hole?" - Doctor REDACTED the way down." - Doctor REDACTED I don't think I'm going to ask." - Doctor REDACTED think I would like to know what kind a black hole you have." - Doctor REDACTED not going to ask." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED don't." - Doctor REDACTED promise." - Doctor REDACTED may not be able to handle that. I have a request." - Doctor REDACTED can." - Doctor REDACTED am." - Doctor REDACTED not." - Doctor REDACTED are not." - Doctor REDACTED think you are." - Doctor REDACTED are extremely dangerous." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED won't do it." - Doctor REDACTED will." - Doctor REDACTED will not." - Doctor REDACTED can't." - Doctor REDACTED are. You are." - Doctor REDACTED am." - Doctor REDACTED am." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED are. You are." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED are." - Doctor REDACTED are. You are." - Doctor End of Transmission 2


Transmission 20 Thank you for supporting the journalism that our community needs!

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Transmission 10 Addendum 1: No evidence of SCP-763-2's containment.



Transmission 0 SCP-216 was discovered in a playground in REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED in early October, SCP-216 was discovered having been abandoned by children in a stable home. The children were found to have been involved in a series of violent incidents, including murder, rape, and attempted murder. The police called in their own members of the Foundation to investigate. 

The following interview was conducted by Doctor REDACTED REDACTED —-



Foreword: The children were found to have been involved in several violent incidents, including murder, rape, and attempted murder. The police were called in for the questioning, and were unable to provide a possible motive for the children’s involvement.

End Log

Interviewed: Doctor Bright

Interviewer: Doctor Bright

Foreword: After given the opportunity to become an SCP-216 researcher, he expressed his interest in becoming a psychiatrist.

Interviewer: Doctor Bright

Foreword: Doctor Bright had recently begun studying the effects of SCP-216 on the human body. His recent studies had revealed possible effects of SCP-216 on the human body, and he had begun to research the effects of SCP-216 on the human body.

End Log

Begin Log

Doctor Bright: Doctor Bright?

Doctor Bright: Yes, Doctor Bright.

Doctor Bright: How are you feeling?

Doctor Bright: I feel great, you know, I think I’ve got some pain.

Doctor Bright: That’s okay, I’m fine, and you’ll be fine.

Doctor Bright: I see. Thank you for your time, I’m sure.

End Log

Begin Log

Doctor Bright: I’m fine. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great, you know. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great, you know. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great, you know. Thank you.

End Log

Begin Log

Doctor Bright: I’m fine, so far I have not been able to see anything. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I’m fine, so far I have not been able to see anything. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I’m fine, so far I have not been able to see anything. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I’m fine, so far I have not been able to see anything. Thank you.

End Log

Begin Log

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great, you know. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great, you know. Thank you.

End Log

Begin Log

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

End Log

Begin Log

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

End Log

Begin Log

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

Doctor Bright: I feel great. Thank you.

End Log End of Transmission 0


Transmission 5 Patience on your part, please.


Name: Doctor Bright Date: 091219██ Total: 750

Addendum: Doctor Bright has been confirmed to have had several convictions for murder and other crimes.

“Is there anyone out there who has never been a victim before?”

“I have been lucky to have been a victim before. I was raped by a madman. I am a victim now.”

“What happened to you?

“She has been mad. She has made me suffer for my own good. I am a victim now. I am the only one who can answer that question.”

“I am a victim now. I am the only one who can answer that question.”

“But that doesn’t mean I can’t demand your death.”

“The only ones who can answer that question are me and you. I will make you die in my arms.”

Addendum 3: Doctor Bright was one of the first researchers to acquire the SCP-805 through experimentation.

“Is it possible that you could have a good life before my eyes?”

“I think so.”

“I have faith in you.”

“No. I’ll have to do it myself.”

“You will? I have faith in you.”

“I have faith in the best of you.”

“Thank you for your service.”

“At last.”

“I hope not.”

“Then you can live.”

“I will.”

“Please listen to me.”

Addendum 4: Doctor Bright was recently placed in the SCP-882, a state-mandated mental institution.div

“So, you understand how to be a little eccentric, but you won’t be an outcast. Not even a little obsessive. What do you think you want?”

“Ah, well…what do you want?”

“I’m going to be a priest.”

Addendum 5: Doctor Bright’s background is in archaeology.

“This is going to be fun, but you’re going to need some help, isn’t you? You’re going to need some help.”

“I’ve got it.”

“You’re going to need a little help. I’m going to need it.”

“I’m not going to have to do this.”

“I’m not going to have to.”

“You’re going to need help. I’m not going to have to.”

Addendum 6: Doctor Bright’s background is in archaeology.

“My name is Doctor Bright. I’m a professor of archaeology at the University of REDACTED I’m going to study the history of archaeology.”

“My name is Doctor Bright. I’m not going to have to do this.”

“You’re going to need help.”

Additional Notes: Doctor Bright has been reported to have been one of the first researchers to acquire SCP-882 through experimentation, then to have been the first to acquire the SCP-882, and the first to be a victim of SCP-882.

“I’m going to have to do this.”

“I’m not going to have to.”

Addendum 7: Doctor Bright’s background is in occult lore.

“My life is a story. A story of magic, of the world and of the world. My life is an experience. A story of freedom, of love, of a beginning. And an end. A beginning.”

“But what is that ending? The beginning of the end?”

“The end. The end of the beginning.”

“Do you have any idea what that end is?”

Addendum 8: Doctor Bright’s background is in occult lore, and she has been the subject of a series of occult theories around the world.

“And what is that ending?”

“The end.”

Addendum 9: Doctor Bright’s background is in the occult.

“My life is a story. A story of magic, of the world and of the world End of Transmission 5


Transmission 6 Input: A-800-G-00-000-Omega-2 (Test Logs)

Date: 2132009

Info: TEST2 was conducted using A-800-G-01-000-Omega-1, A-800-G-01-000-Omega-2, and A-800-G-01-000-Omega-3.

Description: TEST2 was conducted on a vehicle with two Class-D personnel on site. Subject’s vision was impaired and he could not see the walls surrounding the chamber, but no object came within sight of the object. The subject reported visual hallucinations of a tunnel leading to the room and a black tunnel, with an intricate pattern of dots that overlapped with the center of the black tunnel.

Subject was instructed to climb the wall and return to the chamber. The subject did so. The subject’s vision was still impaired, but his vision began to improve. He was instructed to continue climbing.

The entire test was performed on class-D personnel, but subject was instructed to continue climbing the wall. The subject experienced no visual hallucinations or visual hallucinations of the room, and ceased visual hallucinations when he reached the tunnel entrance. The subject’s vision worsened, but despite the improvement, he still did not see what he had been told.

(Note: After viewing the video of the test, the subject was instructed to report the results of the test, but the door was blocked with a window. The experiment was terminated after subject reported. Subject was then given a Class-D Class-6 warning and placed in a cell. Once there, he was ordered to lie unconscious for 48 hours in a chair. After that, subject was given a Class-D Class-2 warning. Subject then proceeded to the next room, where the door was replaced with a window, and was instructed to continue climbing the wall, but the door was still blocked with a window.

Input: A-800-G-00-000-Omega-1 (Test Logs)

Date: 2212009

Info: The ceiling of SCP-800-G-01-000-Omega-1 was breached when an unknown machine was recruited into the experiment. This machine appeared to have been a humanoid robot that was originally constructed from parts similar to the X-7 spacecraft. Human beings were found inside the room and SCP-800-G-01-000-Omega-1 was discovered.

Input: A-800-G-00-000-Omega-1 (Test Logs)

Date: 2212009

Info: The room appeared to have been completely razed to the ground. All personnel were evacuated, and all tests conducted were stopped.

Input: A-800-G-00-000-Omega-1 (Test Logs)

Date: 2212009

Info: The object in question was a class-D class-6 computer, with a keyboard and mouse. The subject’s vision was impaired and he could not see the walls surrounding the chamber. The object was placed in the corner of the room, and the following video was played:

Input: A-800-G-00-000-Omega-1 (Test Logs)

Date: 2212009

Info: The device was found in the room of the subject, in a small room with a door on it, with a screen, and a speaker for the computer. The computer was a Class-D computer. The speaker was Class-D, and the room appeared to have been completely razed to the ground. All personnel were evacuated, and all tests conducted were stopped.

Input: A-800-G-00-000-Omega-1 (Test Logs)

Date: 2212009

Info: The object was found in the room of the subject, in a small room with a door on it, with a screen, and a speaker for the computer. The computer was a Class-D computer. The screen was a Class-D computer and the room appeared to have been completely razed to the ground. All personnel were evacuated, and all tests conducted were stopped.

Input: A-800-G-00-000-Omega-1 (Test Logs)

Date: 2282009

Info: The object in question was an unknown entity and was believed to be a human being. The room appeared to have been completely razed to the ground, but the walls were still, and the subject had seen no End of Transmission 6


Transmission 25 Doctor REDACTED is contracted to Site-███ for further research on SCP-409.

Addendum 409-A:

Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 is a husky-like creature, approximately the size of a small town in the middle of a desert. It is normally a medium sized pot of small beer, but can grow up to 3 m in height. It is also able to produce a highly alcoholic beverage. It prefers to drink from the air, but has no preference for air.

SCP-409 is capable of emitting a high amount of electricity, with a frequency of approximately 5 mW per second.

Addendum 409-B:

Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: This is the first recorded instance of SCP-409, suggesting the anomalous properties observed by SCP-409. When the object is ingested, its consumption will result in a slight increase in the temperature of the air. This occurs primarily in the atmosphere, where the object becomes extremely hot due to its apparent ability to maintain such a high temperature. The temperature rises until the object is consumed, when it is completely consumed, and continues to accelerate and increase in temperature until it reaches the point at which the atmosphere is completely consumed. The temperature of the atmosphere is usually between 30 and 35 degrees Fahrenheit.

SCP-409 has been shown to consume a variety of different foods. It appears to have no appetite whatsoever, and will consistently consume foods that are highly nutritious. In addition, it has displayed no unusual allergies.

Addendum 409-C:

Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 emits a high amount of electricity, but is incapable of producing a high enough level of heat to heat the air. However, it is able to produce a high amount of electricity from any source, even in the absence of power.

Addendum 409-D: Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 emits a high amount of electricity, but is incapable of producing a high enough level of heat to heat the air. However, it is able to produce a high amount of electricity from any source, even in the absence of power.

Addendum 409-E: Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 emits a high amount of electricity, but it is incapable of producing a high enough level of heat to heat the air. However, it is able to produce a high amount of electricity from any source, even in the absence of power.

Addendum 409-F: Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 emits a high amount of electricity, but is incapable of producing a high enough level of heat to heat the air. However, it is able to emit a high amount of electricity from any source, even in the absence of power.

Addendum 409-G: Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 emits a high amount of electricity, but it is incapable of producing a high enough level of heat to heat the air. However, it has capable of producing a high amount of electricity from any source, even in the absence of power.

Addendum 409-J: Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 emits a high amount of electricity, but it is incapable of producing a high enough level of heat to heat the air. However, it is capable of producing a high amount of electricity from any source, even in the absence of power.

Addendum 409-L: Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 emits a high amount of electricity, but is incapable of producing a high enough level of heat to heat the air. However, it is capable of emitting a high amount of electricity from any source, even in the absence of power.

Addendum 409-O: Date: REDACTED Site-███. Description: SCP-409 emits a high amount of electricity, but it is incapable of producing a high enough level of heat to End of Transmission 25


Transmission 20 Self-proclaimed SCP researcher, Doctor REDACTED is to be terminated immediately.

Routine Behaviour




Testing Procedure




Additional TEST2 Log

Testing Procedure

Testing Procedure

Additional TEST2 Log

Additional TEST2 Log

Additional TEST2 Log



Additional TEST2 Log

Additional TEST2 Log


Additional TEST2 Log



Additional TEST2 Log

Additional TEST2 Log




Additional TEST2 Log












Additional TEST2 Log







Additional TEST2 Log

Additional TEST2 Log








Additional TEST2 Log

Additional TEST2 Log

































Note End of Transmission 20


Transmission 2 “I’m sorry, but I’m just going to have to go through the basic parameters of how the SCP Foundation functions’ and see how it develops.”

“I’m not sure how much better it is now that you’re here.”

“Well, it’s just that the Foundation is really how it is now.”

“I’m sure you’re right,”

“So, there’s a reason why I can’t operate in this world.”

“Yes, but that’s why I’m just going to have another routine check every hour to see if I’m  getting enough sleep.”

“I’m just going to have some friends at work for the weekend.”

“I’m not sure…”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about a few things.”

“I’m doing some research on the SCP Foundation.”

“I’m going to try some of it out,”

“I’m going to see if I’m going to be able to utilise it for anything else.”

“What are you going to do, Doc?”

“I’m going to call you back tomorrow.”

“I’m going to get some sleep on my own,”

“I’m going to join the Foundation.”

“I’m going to find some seeds and warm me up.”

“I’m going to take care of my daughter.”

“I’m going to get back to work tomorrow morning.”

“I’m going to get some rest.”

“I’m going to find some other ways to keep myself busy…”

“I’m not sure…”


“I’m going to find some way to open that door and shut it down,”

“I’m going to try something different.”

“I’d like to try something different.”

“I’m going to try something unusual.”

“I’m going to try something new.”

“I’m going to try something new.”

“I’ll see you in a few weeks.”

“I’ll try some of my friends,”

“I’m going to try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends…”

“I’m going to try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends…”

“I’m going to try some of my friends.”

“I’m going to try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’m going to try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I’ll try some of my friends.”

“I End of Transmission 2


Transmission 8 Doctor REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED who was the lead researcher and research assistant for the project at the time, was reported missing on REDACTED from REDACTED REDACTED believed to have been in the city for approximately two weeks.

SCP-732 was recovered from the REDACTED SCP Site in REDACTED REDACTED after a series of unexplained disappearances.

SCP-732 was determined to have been at the time involved in a series of unexplained disappearances.

Addendum 732-A: Experiment Log 732-40-20


SCP-732-1: Hello?

SCP-732-1: I’m Doctor REDACTED of the REDACTED SCP Site.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the missing key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the missing key?

SCP-732-1: Doctor, I’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

Additional Testing:

Addendum 732-B: Experiment Log 732-40-20


SCP-732-1: Hello?

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key to the safe.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the safe.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the safe.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the safe.

Additional Testing:

Addendum 732-C: Experiment Log 732-40-20


SCP-732-1: Hello?

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

Additional Testing:

Addendum 732-D: Experiment Log 732-40-20


SCP-732-1: Hello?

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

Additional Testing:

Addendum 732-E: Experiment Log 732-40-20


SCP-732-1: Hello?

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

Additional Testing:

Addendum 732-F: Experiment Log 732-40-20


SCP-732-1: Hello?

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

SCP-732-1: Doctor, you’ve found the key.

Additional Testing:

Addendum 732-G: Experiment Log 732-40-20


SCP-732-1: Hello?

SCP-732-1 End of Transmission 8


Transmission 16 Item : SCP-887

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-887 is to be kept in a locked container at Site 17.

Description: SCP-887 is a large black marble, approximately 1.6m by 1.6m in diameter, measuring approximately 4.5cm by 4.5cm in width. SCP-887 appears to be a human male, approximately 6.2cm in height, weighing approximately 100 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-1 appears to be a human female, approximately 6.2cm in height, weighing approximately 60 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-2 appears to be a humanoid male, approximately 3.7cm in height, weighing approximately 40 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-3 appears to be a human male, approximately 4.4cm in height, weighing approximately 50 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-4 appears to be a human female, approximately 5.3cm in height, weighing approximately 130 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-5 appears to be a human male, approximately 6.8cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-6 appears to be an adult female, approximately 4.9cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-7 appears to be a human male, approximately 5.9cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-8 appears to be a human male, approximately 4.8cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-9 appears to be a human male, approximately 4.4cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-10 appears to be a human male, approximately 5.3cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-11 appears to be a human female, approximately 5.8cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-12 appears to be a human male, approximately 7.4cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-13 appears to be a human male, approximately 7.1cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-14 appears to be a human female, approximately 5.2cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-15 appears to be a human female, approximately 6.4cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-16 appears to be a human female, approximately 6.4cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-17 appears to be a human female, approximately 7.7cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-18 appears to be a human female, approximately 7.7cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-19 appears to be a human male, approximately 6.9cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-20 appears to be a human female, approximately 8.1cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-21 appears to be a human male, approximately 9.3cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-22 appears to be a human male, approximately 12.7cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-23 appears to be a human male, approximately 12.1cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kg (250 lbs).

SCP-887-24 appears to be a human male, approximately 13.7cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-25 appears to be a human female, approximately 13.6cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-26 appears to be a human male, approximately 13.3cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-27 appears to be a human male, approximately 13.5cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-28 appears to be a human female, approximately 14.3cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-29 appears to be a human male, approximately 14.6cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-30 appears to be a human male, approximately 15cm in height, weighing approximately 150 kilograms (250 lbs).

SCP-887-31 appears to be a human male, approximately 15 End of Transmission 16


Transmission 26 For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that a "movie" can be produced from an "amplified" photographic memory, allowing a film to be created from a portion of the material that is not in existence. This process is often referred to as "decommissioning" or "experimentation."

The basic idea is simple – a computer with input from a movie can be created from a single image of the same picture. After that, the computer can be reconfigured to play the movie, and the computer can then be connected to the computer for re-enclosure. This process is usually done by a simple circuit board.

The film can then be re-enclosed using a standard computer, but it is always possible to re-encode the film. The film is connected to the computer via a pair of analog sticks, and the connection is connected to the computer via a digital speaker. The connection to the computer is made by a single cable, and the cable is connected to the computer via a high-quality computer-aided-design (DADC) chip, which in turn is connected to the computer via a standard analog speaker.

Once the computer has been reconfigured to play the movie, the computer immediately re-enacts the film. However, the computer can not be reconfigured to play the movie, so the computer must be re-enclosed. This process is repeated several times, until the computer has re-enclosed again, to see if it can be re-enclosed again. Once re-enclosed, the computer re-enacts the film. This process repeats until the computer reaches the point where the computer re-enacts the film.

While re-enacting the film can cause some pain, this is the only way to prevent it from re-enacting the movie. Once the computer is reconfigured, the computer will become extremely tired.

It is suggested that re-enactment should be done on a computer that has been re-enarrative, and that of the computer’s host computer, as this is the only way to prevent the computer from re-enarrative. title:SCP-914-J

module Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-914-jmanual.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-914-J^^ || div

Item : SCP-914-J

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-914-J is to be stored in a secure locker at Site-17. The locker is to be accessed via the entrance to the locker room, to a secure window at the back of the locker room, and a door to the locker room. Access to the locker is permitted only by authorized personnel with Level 4 Security Clearance.

SCP-914-J is to be contained within a locked Chamber of the World, suited to a state-of-the-art security system that will ensure that it does not slip again or experience a repeat of the same event. The Chamber is contained in a reinforced concrete chamber, made of reinforced concrete and coated with an unknown substance that has been found to affect all of the aspects of the human body. The Chamber is covered by a protective system, designed to prevent any tampering by personnel with Level 4 Security Clearance.

Description: SCP-914-J is a mani-like humanoid, of unknown gender, who appears to be a Caucasian male, approximately 20 years old. The torso of SCP-914-J is covered with a series of scars, as well as several large, round holes. The left leg may also be covered with scars. The most notable feature is the ability to produce a dedicated audio system, capable of being played to a human male capable of speaking freely. The ears of the human male have demonstrated a strong correlation to the brain, resulting in a strong compulsion to record audio in accordance with the wishes of the speaker.

The left leg of SCP-914-J is completely covered with a white, surgical mask, with a high-grade mesh mesh mesh-based mask over the right leg, and a stack of test strips. The mask is suspended above the right torso, so that the left leg is somewhat exposed, and the right torso is slightly exposed. The mesh mesh mesh mask appears to have been a foam mask made from human flesh, the mesh mesh mask being a thick, black substance that has been found to contain the same human genetic material as the rest of the mask. Examination of the mesh mesh mask reveals a End of Transmission 26


Transmission 16 Before you chat with me, I wanted to tell you something about myself. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a scientist. I'm a woman with a heart. I'm not a lawyer. I'm not a secretary. I'm not a doctor. I'm just an ordinary cat. I'm not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

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I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

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I’m a lawyer.

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I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. I’m a woman with a heart. I’m not a lawyer.

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I’m a lawyer.

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I’m a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer.

I’m a lawyer.

I’m not a lawyer. End of Transmission 16


Transmission 1 On the day I trained for that day, I was riding through something really, really interesting. I was sitting at my desk in the lab while a guy who looked like me and was wearing a lab coat with a little red button on it said something about "bringing back the guy that always gives the best results," and that's when I remembered the real deal.

I think I remember what I was doing, but I honestly don’t remember anything.

Doctor REDACTED How did you do that?

SCP-028: Waking and crawling, checking for signs of sleep. Doctor REDACTED I think I remember that one. SCP-028: It was that one time last week. Doctor REDACTED I… SCP-028: I think I remember that one. Doctor REDACTED That was the last time I woke up. Doctor REDACTED I think I remember remembered the one.

Doctor REDACTED You remember, SCP-028. SCP-028: I think I remember. Doctor REDACTED I don’t remember. SCP-028: …I think I remember that one.

Doctor REDACTED How did you do that? SCP-028: Waiting, picking out what to do. Doctor REDACTED I’m sorry, but I don’t remember. SCP-028: And I think I remember that one, too. Doctor REDACTED How did you do that? SCP-028: I couldn’t talk to them. I wasn’t there. Doctor REDACTED How did you do that? SCP-028: I thought I was asleep. Doctor REDACTED How did you think? SCP-028: I know what I thought I was thinking. Doctor REDACTED I think I just remembered that one. SCP-028: I think I remember that one as well. Doctor REDACTED What were you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What were you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What were you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What were you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What were you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What were you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What are you thinking? SCP-028: Look around. Look around. Look around. Look around. Look around. Look around. Look around. Doctor REDACTED What were you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What are you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Look around. Look around. Look around. Doctor REDACTED How did you think you were going to do that? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED How did you think? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What are you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED How did you think that? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What were you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED What are you thinking? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED How did you think that? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED I think I remember that one. SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED Do you remember that one? SCP-028: Look around. Look around. Look around. Look around. Doctor REDACTED Do you remember that one? SCP-028: Looking around. Looking around. Looking around. Doctor REDACTED Do you remember that one? SCP-028: Looking around. End of Transmission 1


Transmission 17 REPORT: 

short pause long pause subtitles titleUp SCP-168 SCP-168-1 SCP-168-2 SCP-168-3 SCP-168-4 SCP-168-5 SCP-168-6 SCP-168-7 SCP-168-8 SCP-168-9 SCP-168-10 SCP-168-11 SCP-168-12 SCP-168-13 SCP-168-14 SCP-168-15 SCP-168-16 SCP-168-17 SCP-168-18 SCP-168-19 SCP-168-20 SCP-168-21 SCP-168-22 SCP-168-23 SCP-168-24 SCP-168-25 SCP-168-26 SCP-168-27 SCP-168-28 SCP-168-29 SCP-168-30 SCP-168-31 SCP-168-32 SCP-168-33 SCP-168-34 SCP-168-35 SCP-168-36 SCP-168-37 SCP-168-38 SCP-168-39 SCP-168-40 SCP-168-41 SCP-168-42 SCP-168-43 SCP-168-44 SCP-168-45 SCP-168-46 SCP-168-47 SCP-168-48 SCP-168-49 SCP-168-50 SCP-168-51 SCP-168-52 SCP-168-53 SCP-168-54 SCP-168-55 SCP-168-56 SCP-168-57 SCP-168-58 SCP-168-59 SCP-168-60 SCP-168-61 SCP-168-62 SCP-168-63 SCP-168-64 SCP-168-65 SCP-168-66 SCP-168-67 SCP-168-68 SCP-168-69 SCP-168-70 SCP-168-71 SCP-168-72 SCP-168-73 SCP-168-74 SCP-168-75

SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 SCP-168 div

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-168scp-168.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^A specimen of SCP-168^^ || div

Item : SCP-168

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-168 is to be kept in a 20 meter cube End of Transmission 17


Transmission 4 The first of three test subjects to enter SCP-423-1 were "screaming" and "slithering" in a state which rendered them incapable of movement. After four more subjects were captured, containment procedures were revised, and the remaining test subjects were terminated shortly after being exposed to SCP-423-1.

Subject A was a single, single, black male, approximately five (5) meters in height, approximately two (2) meters in weight, and five (5) meters in body mass. Subject B was a single, single, black male, approximately six (6) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately three (3) meters in body mass. Subject C was a single, single, black male, approximately seven (7) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately three (3) meters in body mass. Subject D was a single, single, black male, approximately six (6) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately two (2) meters in body mass. Subject E was a single, single, black male, approximately seven (7) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject F was a single, single, black male, approximately four (4) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subjects H and I were similarly captured, and the remaining two were terminated shortly after being exposed to SCP-423-1.

Subjects D and F were a single, single, black male, approximately three (3) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject E and D were a single, single, black male, approximately seven (7) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject G was a single, single, black male, approximately five (5) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject H was a single, single, black male, approximately three (3) meters in height, approximately two (2) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject I was a single, single, black male, approximately three (3) meters in height, approximately two (2) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject J was a single, single, black male, approximately six (6) meters in height, approximately three (3) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subjects K and L were captured simultaneously, and Subject A was terminated shortly after being exposed to SCP-423-1.

Experiment 473-1: Input: 1 x 9mm Remington 700 Tactical Light Results: Subject A and Subject B were both captured, and released immediately after being exposed to SCP-423-1. Subject D was a single, single, black male, approximately seven (7) meters in height, approximately two (2) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject K was a single, single, black male, approximately two (2) meters in height, approximately six (6) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject L was a single, single, black male, approximately one (1) meters in height, approximately one (1) meter in body mass, and approximately five (5) meters in body mass. Subject M was a single, single, black male, approximately three (3) meters in height, approximately one (1) meter in body mass, and approximately two (2) meters in body mass. Subject O was a single, single, black male, approximately six (6) meters in height, approximately two (2) meters in weight, and approximately one (1) meter in body mass. Subject P was a single, single, black male, approximately one (1) meter in height, approximately one (1) meter in body mass, and approximately five (5) meters in body mass. Subject R was a single, single, black male, approximately one (1) meter in height, approximately one (1) meter in body mass, and approximately five (5) meters in body mass. Subject S was a single, single, black male, approximately seven (7) meters in height, approximately two (2) meters in body mass, and approximately six (6) meters in body mass. Subject T was a single, single, black male, approximately two (2) meters in height, approximately one (1) meter in body mass, and approximately five (5) meters in body mass.

End of Transmission 4


Transmission 23 SCP-752 has been classified as a Class D personnel.

Description: SCP-752 is a large, white box with a small window inside. The box is designed as a standard desktop computer and has an Administrator password. The box has a large window on its edge which appears to be a large screen. The screen is a glossy white screen and appears to be in a landscape. The screen also has a green light which appears to be in a panoramic, high-res image of the Foundation depicted on the screen.

Specimens of SCP-752 have been observed to move through space and time. The size of SCP-752 is approximately 3 meters and its shape resembles a couch. The walls of the box are covered with a layer of black. The reflection of SCP-752 is also visible, although it appears to be translucent.

SCP-752 appears to be a large computer, consisting of a single hard drive located in a large storage unit (SCP-752-1). The hard drive consists of a single hard drive and a single SD card slot. The card slot is labeled in red and contains a hard drive containing the Foundation’s files. The SCP-752-1 is a blank blank disk with no icons.

SCP-752-1 has been severely damaged by the breach of SCP-752-2. The contents of SCP-752-1 have been transferred to the storage unit.

SCP-752-2 has been transferred to SCP-752-1.


SCP-752 was recovered in REDACTED REDACTED A detailed description of SCP-752-1 was found in Doctor REDACTED diary, describing the contents of SCP-752-1.

Addendum 2:

SCP-752-1: A blank, unreadable hard drive.


SCP-752-2: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-3: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-4: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-5: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-6: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-7: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-8: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-9: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-10: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-11: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-12: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-13: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-14: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-15: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-16: A blank hard drive.


SCP-752-17: A blank hard drive.

Doctor REDACTED End of Transmission 23


Transmission 11 This is a function of the "Discovery" difficulty setting. The "Discovery" difficulty setting is mandatory for all Class-D personnel to ever be assigned to SCP-780.

Please be advised that experimentation with SCP-780 may be halted if no further testing is of any concern. -Dr. REDACTED Documentation of SCP-780, also published in the “Discovery” Difficulty Setting:

Addendum 778-01: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of the project.

Addendum 778-02: Due to the nature of SCP-780, Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of the project.

Addendum 778-03: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of the project.

Addendum 778-04: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of the project.

Addendum 778-05: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of the project.

Addendum 778-06: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of the project.

Addendum 778-07: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress to the next stage of Site-██.

Addendum 778-08: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress to the next stage of Site-██.

Addendum 778-09: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress to the next stage of Site-██.

Addendum 778-10: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-11: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-12: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-13: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-14: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-15: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-16: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-17: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-18: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-19: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-20: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring the progress of Site-██.

Addendum 778-21: Doctor REDACTED has been reassigned to “Experiment Log 780” for the purposes of monitoring End of Transmission 11


Transmission 9 "I'm sorry. . ."

“You’re taking a trip, Doctor. I’m not going to be able to go back for a while. I’ll be staying at the sleeping quarters for a while.”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. I know you won’t be allowed to leave for a while. You have a problem. . .”

“You’re taking a trip, Doctor. I’m not going to be able to go back for a while. I’ll be staying at the sleeping quarters for a while.”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry.”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. I know you won’t be allowed to leave for a while. I know you won’t be allowed to leave for a while. I know you won’t be allowed to leave for a while. I know you won’t be allowed to leave for a while. I know you won’t be allowed to leave for a while. I know you won’t be allowed to leave for a while. . .”

“You’re taking a trip, Doctor. I’m not going to be able to leave for a while. I’ll be staying at the sleeping quarters for a while.”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . .”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . .”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . .”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . .”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . .”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . .”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . .”

“…you know that I haven’t seen you since the last time you slept. . .”

“Shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…you’re taking a trip. . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut up, this isn’t the time to cry. . . you’re taking a trip. . . .”

“…shut End of Transmission 9


Transmission 18 The file contains information about a number of SCPs.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-479-dReport.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-479-D (SCP-479-d) in its containment cell.^^ || div

Item : SCP-479

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-479 is stored in a flat room with an air-conditioned airlock, sealed by a hole in one wall. The door is to be locked by a hand-held camera. The camera is to be attached to the wall with electrical tape, and the tape is to be secured to the ceiling with a matching maintenance harness.

A guard is to be stationed outside the door at all times. Should any personnel attempt to enter, the guard is to be immediately shot and treated as a Class D threat.

Any personnel exposed to SCP-479 are to be shot twice during the course of their duty.

Description: This is a photograph of a man in a red lab coat, wearing a lab coat and carrying a stick. The caption on the photo reads: “I just found a specimen of SCP-479. Just hanging out in a corner. I found out this thing had been in my dreams for some time, and I’m just going to need to find it.”

When a subject is exposed to SCP-479, they experience a hallucination similar to anyone with a memory of something they saw. The subject is then immediately drawn to the picture. When the subject sees the picture, the hallucination will manifest as a dream sequence.

If the subject is told to go to the second door, they will immediately feel a strong compulsion to enter the second room. The compulsion is triggered by two other effects:

The first effect will manifest. The subject will feel the compulsion to enter the second room. When this happens, the second room will be completely empty and will be filled with a blank picture of the man. The picture will begin to appear on the wall. The subject will feel a strong compulsion to enter the second room. Their memories will begin to appear on the wall; in one day, they will begin to see the picture on the wall again. The image will reappear on the wall again, with the image of the dead body.

The second effect is triggered by a trigger, a small camera attached to the wall. The trigger will record the image. When the trigger is triggered, the subject will feel a strong compulsion to enter the second room.

Addendum: If a subject is brought into the second room, their memories will begin to appear on the wall. The subject will experience a strong compulsion to go to the third room. This compulsion will manifest when the trigger is activated.

Addendum: If any personnel joins a room where SCP-479 has been inside for the past 12 hours, the trigger will activate again. After the trigger is activated, all personnel who have been exposed to SCP-479 will begin to experience the hallucination. These memories will manifest into any object identified by the trigger.

Addendum: One subject currently exposed to SCP-479 will experience a similar experience.

Addendum: If a subject is brought into a room that has been infected with SCP-479 during the course of its duties, the trigger will activate again. The subject will experience a strong compulsion to go to the third room. The visual effects of the trigger are identical to those of the trigger. When activated, the subject will experience visions of dead bodies, a flash of blood, intense pain, and pain sensations. These effects will cause the trigger to appear on the wall, regardless of the reason for the trigger being activated.

Notes: The visual effects of the trigger are similar to those of the trigger. The visual effects are likely to be temporary. If the trigger is triggered again, the hallucinations will cease.

Addendum: Upon exposure to SCP-479, a series of hallucinations will occur. Each hallucination will manifest as a different image, usually in a different era.

Note: If a subject is exposed to SCP-479, the visual effects will cease. If the trigger is activated, the image will be replaced by the image of the dead body.

Note: If SCP-479 is used for a longer period of time, the visual effects will appear on the wall. An image will be created on the wall and replaced by the image of the dead body.

Note: If SCP-479 is used for a longer period of time, the visual End of Transmission 18


Transmission 23 by Doctor Rights

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Tried and Unsuccessful: Tried and Unsuccessful.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Tried and Unsuccessful: Tried and Unsuccessful.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Tried and Unsuccessful: Tried and Unsuccessful.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Tried and Unsuccessful: Tried and Unsuccessful.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Tried and Unsuccessful: Tried and Unsuccessful.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Tried and Unsuccessful: Tried and Unsuccessful.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.  Also destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.  The rest of the pieces were destroyed by SCP-682-J.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Tried and Unsuccessful: Tried and Unsuccessful.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682-J in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682-J: Current Status: Destroyed by SCP-682 End of Transmission 23


Transmission 15 The Crown is a mythological figure of great power, omnipotence, and omnipotent. It is a golden statue of the sun, with a golden crown on its head.

Its origins lie in a story of the same name, unearthed by the Diamonds, in the month of A.D. 1792, when a priestess of the city of Clef had been imprisoned for witchcraft. She was discovered at the bottom of the ocean at the foot of the bottom of the ocean floor. The man who first brought her to the island dismissed it as a fairy godmother, and when the ocean was turned into a lake, some of the people were drowned.

The legend has been around for centuries, with the exception of the oldest known surviving edition dating to the late 19th century.

The story is told in the following text, extracted from the text of the original Crown:

“A wicked prince had stolen the crown, and had stolen the chaos of her own creation. And she was held in captivity, and the sadistic prince, knowing her well, said to her, “Look, I have seen all the things you can see.”

“You are not to be disarmed. You are to be delivered to Gondor, who will bring you to me.”

“That is all you need to know. I will accomplish your work. I will bring you to me, and you will be my companion.”

“You are not to be disarmed. You are to be delivered to Gondor, who will bring you to me.”

“I cannot tell you what to do. You have no choice. You have no choice.”

“I will deliver you to Gondor, who will bring you to me.”

Following the story, the story is told again in the following text, extracted from the text of the original Crown:

“Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Words will be heard, and the voices of those who will hear will be remembered. The voice of the forest will be heard, and the voice of the lakes will be heard. The voice of the city will be heard. I will deliver you to Gondor, who will bring you to me.

“Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come.Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your joy will come. Your End of Transmission 15


Transmission 19 SCP-732 is a large, black cube approximately three meters in height, with an interior space of approximately five cubic meters. It has a normal body temperature of approximately 95°F and a normal internal temperature of approximately 35°C. The cube is encased in a layer of a gray-brown, polyurethane, and is composed of a mixture of DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED, and DATA EXPUNGED. It is not unusual to find SCP-732 encased in polyurethane.

When placed in the presence of a SCP, the cube will instantly remind the user that it is safe to touch it. This is described as having an almost acoustic effect when placed in the presence of a SCP.

When placed in the presence of a SCP, SCP-732 will become aware of the current state of the object under the influence, even if the subject has not touched the object. This has been observed to occur in some cases, including DATA EXPUNGED, DATA EXPUNGED, and DATA EXPUNGED. In some cases, when given a mild sedative, the subject will become aware of the effects of SCP-732 and will attempt to study it for a period of time before attempting to remove itself. Attempts to remove the subject have been unsuccessful.

SCP-732 will also become aware of the current state of the subject when placed in the presence of a SCP. SCP-732 will become aware of any progress in the subject’s progress, and will attempt to remove it from the presence of the subject, attempting to do so until the subject ceases. This is confirmed when the subject is given a sedative, and begins to attempt to remove itself. When this occurs, SCP-732 will become aware of what progress it has made, and will attempt to influence the subject into removing it.

If a subject is subjected to any form of sensory stimulation, it will become aware of this until the subject ceases. This occurs when this occurs.

SCP-732 is capable of spreading by direct contact with the subject, even when not physically touching the subject.

Note: As SCP-732 has been known to cause harmful effects upon humans, research into the potential of memetic surgery has been initiated.

Incident 732-A: SCP-732 is apparently unable to be removed from the presence of a subject. However, the subject has already become aware of its presence, and has begun to attempt to remove it from the presence of a SCP. This has not been successful. - Agent REDACTED 732-B: The subject’s behavior has already been documented, and has been determined to be a memetic effect. - Agent REDACTED 732-C: SCP-732 appears to be incapable of making any progress in its containment. Further experimentation is necessary. - Agent REDACTED 732-E: SCP-732 has become aware of the presence of a subject. It has also been shown to ‘show’ a form of telekinesis, more commonly known as “the telekinetic ability”. - Agent REDACTED 732-F: SCP-732 is not able to ‘see’ a subject’s presence. However, the subject is aware that it is on the ‘telepath’ that it has been introduced to. There is no way to ‘see’ the entire ‘telepath’ without being telekinetic, and SCP-732 seems to be able to ‘see’ the entire ‘telepath’ as if it were a living being. - Agent REDACTED 732-G: SCP-732 appears to be a memetic phenomenon. It has been shown that being able to see the entire ‘telepath’ is able to ‘see’ the entire ‘telepath’ as if it were a living being. This is in addition to the fact that it can ‘see’ the subject’s state in three ways. First, it can ‘see’ the whole ‘telepath’ as if it were a living being. Second, it can ‘see’ the entire ‘telepath’ as if it were a living being. Third, it can ‘see’ the subject’s state in a way that is more akin to a living being. - Agent REDACTED 732-H: It has been theorized that SCP-732 would have a memetic effect on its host, and that the subject could be killed. However, no research is currently being conducted on this. It seems to be able to ‘see’ End of Transmission 19


Transmission 21 Note: Come on, it's not like she's getting a free ride, is it?

Note: I’ll give you that one.

To Doctor Gears: (To Doctor Gears) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:)

Description: (To Doctor Gears, Agent MUNERIR, Agent KIA, Agent SAW, Agent SEXX) (To Doctor Gears, Agent SAW, Agent SEXX) (To Doctor Gears, Agent SAW, Agent SEXX) (To Doctor Gears, Agent SAW, Agent SEXX) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) (To Doctor Gears:) End of Transmission 21


Transmission 29 SCP-822-1, or SCP-822-2, is a model of a human-like SCP, capable of reacting to human touch. SCP-822-1 is able to passively operate in an environment resembling a human's, with the exception of a single, heavily-armed, humanoid, standing head. SCP-822-1 can be viewed in the following locations, in order of appearance:

on the floor of the room where SCP-822-1 was originally created, where it has been viewed for the first time. on the wall where SCP-822-1 was initially created. on the wall where SCP-822-2 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-1 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-3 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-4 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-5 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-6 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-7 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-8 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-9 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-10 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-11 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-12 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-13 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-14 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-15 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-16 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-17 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-18 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-19 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-20 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-21 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-22 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-23 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-24 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-25 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-26 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-27 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-28 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-29 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-30 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-31 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-32 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-33 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-34 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-35 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-36 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-37 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-38 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-39 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-40 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-41 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-42 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-43 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-44 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-45 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-46 was originally created. on the floor of the room where SCP-822-47 was originally created. End of Transmission 29


Transmission 25 Greatest Hits

The following are just a sampling of the many great hits the team has been working on. You can find more of these in the comments.

Note: This is the second of three books by Doctor Kondraki, originally written for the younger generation. Like the first two, the books have been unexpectedly popular.

Note: This is the third book by Doctor Kondraki, originally written for the older generation. Like the first two, the books have been unexpectedly popular.

Note: This is the second book by Doctor Kondraki, originally written for the younger generation. Like the first two, the books have been unexpectedly popular.

Note: This is the third book by Doctor Kondraki, originally written for the younger generation. Like the first two, the books have been unexpectedly popular.

Note: The following is an excerpt from SCP-1806’s “The School of Medicine.”

“A day of dreaming and self-examination.” “Dr. Kondraki, Doctor Gears, SCP-085, SCP-056, Doctor Gears.” “The mysterious presence that you see around us. I dare you to look, and see the world too.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve wondered what I’m going to be able to do with my life. They’re going to be able to see me. They’re going to be able to see what I’m going to be able to do with my life.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing. They’re going to be able to see what I’m going to be able to do with my life.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing. They’re going to be able to see what I’m going to be able to do with my life.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing. They’re going to be able to see what I’m going to be able to do with my life.” “I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing. They’re going to be able to see what I’m going to be able to do with my life.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “I’ve thought it over. I’ve wondered what they’re going to be seeing.” “It’s not going to be easy. They’re going to be able to see what I’m going to be able to do with my life.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to heaven.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell. They’re going to be able to see what I’m going to be able to do with my life.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to hell.” “It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be going to End of Transmission 25


Transmission 19 http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comdr-jones "Dr. Jones" is no longer considered a member of the Foundation.

Item : SCP-967

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: In case of containment breach, SCP-967 is to be stored in a locked vault at Site 19’s Security Complex, in Room 401. All items within the vault are to be kept in a safe, sealed, and secure environment.

Description: SCP-967 is an unidentified humanoid (3.8 cm in height, 2.2 cm in weight) with a thin beak and a sharp nose.

SCP-967 appears to have been captured by the Containment Unit 805-02 on REDACTED When it was captured, SCP-967 was observed to be in a state of internal movement, mostly along its back. The state of movement was described as violent, with multiple impacts causing the containment unit to collapse.

Upon retrieval, the containment unit was discovered to have lost its containment, and the head and neck were found to have been removed as well.

SCP-967 was recovered from SCP-056 | Doctor Gibbons on REDACTED and was recovered via the SCP-905 | Doctor Gibbons in a manner similar to the one described by Doctor Gibbons in his diary.

After being retrieved, SCP-967 began to sing, apparently in a pre-programmed manner, with several other personnel performing various commands.

Upon being released, SCP-967 was seen to be in a state of shock, with no visible signs of previous trauma. It was later discovered that the music played by the individual who was being treated for injuries sustained in the attack was nothing more than a standard “banging tune” composed by the subject.

SCP-967-1 was found in a locker at the Site 19 Security Facility on REDACTED and was soon followed by SCP-967-2 and a number of other personnel.

Addendum 967-1: Upon being released, SCP-967 was seen to have been in a state of shock. Several individuals in the affected area reported hearing the sound of music in the locker room.

Addendum 967-2: On REDACTED SCP-967 was found in a room, with the head and neck removed, with a hole in the wall and several other areas in the wall. Security personnel were at the door when it was discovered, and were able to recover the object.

SCP-909 was found in DATA EXPUNGED in the locker room. Security personnel were able to recover SCP-967’s contents, and the object was recovered, along with several other items.

SCP-682 was found in DATA EXPUNGED in the SCP-682 locker.

SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by the SCP-682 in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was found in DATA EXPUNGED by the SCP-682 in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by the SCP-682 in DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by DATA EXPUNGED.


SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was recovered in DATA EXPUNGED by DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-682 was End of Transmission 19


Transmission 18 Comic Book Hero: The Dark World

SCP-874 - The Dark World SCP-874-J - The Dark World SCP-882 - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J - The Dark World SCP-882-J End of Transmission 18


Transmission 22 Instruction:









































































































































































End of Transmission 22


Transmission 5 what is the difference between a valid and a non-valid?

It is not the case that the subject is not capable of creating or modifying a non-legitimate existence by accessing a non-legitimate medium.  The subject is capable of creating a non-legitimate existence by accessing a non-legitimate medium.  When the subject creates a non-legitimate existence, the non-legitimate medium becomes available.  Subjects can create a non-legitimate existence by accessing a non-legitimate medium.  However, when the subject creates a non-legitimate existence, the non-legitimate medium becomes unavailable.

Note: Subjects which have created or modified a non-legitimate existence can create and modify a non-legitimate existence by accessing a non-legitimate medium.  However, when the subject creates a non-legitimate existence, the non-legitimate medium becomes unavailable.  Subjects that have created a non-legitimate existence will not create a non-legitimate existence when the non-legitimate medium becomes available.  However, when the subject generates a non-legitimate existence, the non-legitimate medium becomes unavailable.

Note: This is a hypothetical situation.  In order for the non-legitimate medium to become unavailable, it must manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  However, the non-legitimate medium cannot manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  It is important to note that the non-legitimate medium cannot manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  The non-legitimate medium should manifest it as a non-legitimate medium.  After the non-legitimate medium manifests, the non-legitimate medium will become unavailable.

Note: As a hypothetical consideration, the non-legitimate medium should manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  However, the non-legitimate medium should manifest it as a non-legitimate medium.  After the non-legitimate medium manifests, the non-legitimate medium will become unavailable.

Note: This refers to the possible reason for the non-legitimate medium to manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  However, note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.  If the non-legitimate medium manifests as a non-legitimate medium, the non-legitimate medium is unavailable.  Note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.  It is also important to note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.  If the non-legitimate medium manifests as a non-legitimate medium, the non-legitimate medium will become unavailable.

Note: This refers to the possible reason for the non-legitimate medium to manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  However, note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.  It is also important to note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.

Note: This refers to the possible reason for the non-legitimate medium to manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  However, note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.  It is also important to note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.

Note: This refers to the possible reason for the non-legitimate medium to manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  However, note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.  It is also important to note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.

Note: This refers to the possible reason for the non-legitimate medium to manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  However, note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.  It is important to note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.

Note: This refers to the possible reason for the non-legitimate medium to manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium.  However, note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.  It is also important to note that the non-legitimate medium may manifest as a non-legitimate medium.

Note: This refers to the possible reason for the non-legitimate medium to manifest itself as a non-legitimate medium End of Transmission 5


Transmission 21 I've heard rumors that it was originally intended for the development of a superhero character.  I've heard rumors that it was originally intended for the production of a "hero" character.

I’ve heard rumors that it was originally intended for the development of a “scdog” character.

All I can say is that I don’t think it’s going to happen.

Doctor Bright Doctor X Doctor Bright Doctor X Doctor Bright Doctor X Doctor X Doctor X Doctor X Doctor X Doctor X

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End of Transmission 21


Transmission 26 Specification: Clone: SCP-393-A

Date: REDACTED Site-██ Description: SCP-393-A is a miniature DATA EXPUNGED model SCP-393-D, with a view of the North American continent of Canada, New York City, Los Angeles, and REDACTED REDACTED It is mounted on one side of a 065-meter mounted telescope, and can be opened to reveal its contents. The telescope is equipped with a laser array, and is able to create a (very bright) image of the Earth with the ability to “wipe” a chunk of dirt off the object. It is capable of producing a wide range of wavelengths, ranging from infrared to ultraviolet. The object itself is not yet known to the Foundation, though it has been believed to be a terrestrial artifact.

Once open, the telescope reveals a large, unfurnished, and undamaged fragment of the Northern Lights, a cosmic “shadow” that appears to have been created by the sun, and is apparently the product of a black hole created by the sun. The star is a spherical object, and appears to be a partially-transparent object that is composed of light emitting from the sun. The light emitted by the star is capable of emitting several hundred thousand lumens (about 20,000,000,000) of infrared light, which can be filtered to wavelengths that have been detected by telescopes. Although the light emitted by the star is not directly visible to the naked eye, it is sufficient to cause a semi-sentient phenomenon within the object. The phenomenon is completely invisible to the naked eye, and the light emitted by the star can be filtered out of the sky by the solar system’s atmosphere. The data recorded by the telescope show that the star is emitting a standard array of wavelengths of light, although the frequencies are very low.

Description: The Northern Lights appear to be an infinite bright sky, and appear to be partially transparent to the naked eye. The object is composed of a transparent (and possibly indigestible) substance that emits a radiation of wavelengths between 300 nm and 700 nm, which is absorbed by the body. The radiation emitted by the lens of the object is absorbed by the light-absorbing UV rays of the sun, and is absorbed by the wavelengths of the residual UV rays. The wavelengths of the radiation emitted by the lens are absorbed by the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and are absorbed by the human eye, which is absorbed by the ultraviolet light of the sun. The wavelengths of the radiation absorbed by the lens are absorbed by the retina, which is absorbed by the human sight. The retina is responsible for the ability to see through the structure of the light emitted by the star.

Description: The Northern Lights appear to be a large, undifferentiated patch of light. They appear to be completely opaque to the naked eye, hence the lack of visible light. The light emitted by the Northern Lights appears to be absorbed by the retina, and is absorbed by the human eye. The retina is able to see through the structure of the light emitted by the Northern Lights, but it has no vision. The retina is incapable of seeing through the structures of light emitted by the Northern Lights, and the human eye has no vision. In fact, the human eye appears to have been rendered invisible by the ultraviolet light emitted by the Northern Lights. The human eye has yet to be eliminated.

Description: The Northern Lights appear to be a single (or multiple) object, with a single (or multiple) aperture. Each aperture is capable of emitting a wavelength of light that is approximately 1.6 nm across. The wavelengths of the light emitted by the Northern Lights range from 2 nm to 4 nm, depending on the size and composition of the object. The wavelengths emitted by the Northern Lights vary from 1.5 nm to 5 nm. The maximum wavelength produced by the Northern Lights is about 60 nm, depending on the size of the object. The maximum wavelength produced by the Northern Lights is about 400 nm, depending on the size of the object.

Original Specimen: SCP-393-A Addendum: The following specimen was recovered from Site REDACTED in REDACTED REDACTED on REDACTED after an investigation into the anomalous effects of the Northern Lights. Researchers were able to determine that the object was not actually an object and that it is simply a patch of light with a central aperture. The object was first discovered at Site REDACTED during the REDACTED epidemic. It was then discovered and contained in a storage locker at Site REDACTED The locker was destroyed and the object was destroyed. The artifact is unknown.

Description: The Northern Lights appear to be a cloud of translucent, crystalline light, emitting approximately 700 nm of light. The object End of Transmission 26


Transmission 15 "I don't know where I'm going with this. The guy's got a machine gun too?"

“What if?”

“The device is in the right place, you see.”

“We’d better have a report on that before it gets out to the guy.”


“I don’t want to go to war. The guy is going to harm me in the last minutes.”

“They’ll follow him.”

“I know. I’ll get my shit together.”

“It’s not going to happen.”

“You’re right. You’re wrong. You’re not going to be any kind of savior. You’re going to use your powers to destroy and destroy and destroy. There’ll be people who will follow you. There’ll be people who will listen to your voice and revenge. There’ll be people who will follow you and break your heart and use your power to keep you from reaching out to all the other races. You’ll have the tools to destroy the Foundation and make your own people a world free of corruption and hatred and dreams of freedom, but not so much as that.”

“I don’t know. I’m sure I’ve seen it all before.”

“It’s too bad. I think I’m gonna die.”

“How many other races can you have?”

“I’m not sure. I’m sure you’ve never heard of any of them. You’ll see.”

“I know. That’s not a lie. You’ll see. You’ll see.”

“I’m not sure what you want to see. I don’t think I want to see anything that happened, but that’s what I have. That’s what I want. That’s what I want. That’s what I want.”

“I know. You don’t have to believe it. You can’t believe it. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Hundreds of thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. Millions of people have died. End of Transmission 15


Transmission 7 BETTER TEACHER


























































































































End of Transmission 7


Transmission 24 The following is a list of spanking methods that use the most force to produce the most force. These methods are only as effective as the means that have been used to force the subject to use the most force, and should be resisted by at least two armed guards.

Force-based techniques: The use of a rhythmical drum, often used as a spanking method, will cause the subject’s arm to bend in a fashion consistent with the subject’s ability to control other muscles. The subject will then be expected to calm down, and the drum will continue for approximately five (5) minutes. The subject will then be asked to perform any other spanking methods the subject has previously been taught. Finger Puncture: A method that uses the subject’s thumb to damage vital organs while also holding the subject as a weapon. This method has been used in the past, but is not recommended for this purpose. Black Hand: A method that places the subject in a black trenchcoat with the subject’s back and arms extended in a manner consistent with the subject’s ability to control vital organs. The subject will be forced to use the black trenchcoat in order to inflict physical injury to himself or herself. The effect on the body will last for approximately five minutes before the subject will be forced to perform a full scale black trenchcoat strike. Choke: A technique that causes the subject to contract a vicious, poisonous sting from his own hand. The sting will cause the subject to vomit blood. Laceration: A technique that causes the subject to disfigure or dissolve organs. The subject will then be forced to perform the procedure again. The subject will then be forced to perform the procedure again, causing him or herself to be completely dismembered. Massage: DATA EXPUNGED Pain: A technique that causes the subject to resort to various forms of torture, including the use of a scalpel, will cause the subject to bleed to death. Painful Breath: A technique that causes the subject to contract a painful, burning sensation in the chest. This will cause the subject to vomit blood. SCP-082: DATA EXPUNGED Acute Pain: DATA EXPUNGED Sleep: DATA EXPUNGED Physical Pain: DATA EXPUNGED Painful Sentient: DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA EXPUNGED DATA End of Transmission 24


Transmission 22 “Was this what he had your permission to do?”

“The jungles, the rain, the distant mountains…”

“Oh… wow, that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s…that’s”

“Nooooooh, my…oh my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my god, my…oh my End of Transmission 22


Transmission 14 This article is about SCP-024-1. For the rest, see SCP-024-2.

SCP-024-1 is a Caucasian male, approximately 4 years of age, approximately 5'9” and weighing approximately 135 kg. SCP-024-1 is believed to have been born in DATA EXPUNGED. SCP-024-1 has no history of violence or mental illness, and appears to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, I don’t care if it’s a group of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-2 is an African-American female, 25 years of age, approximately 5'11” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-2 is believed to have been born in DATA EXPUNGED. SCP-024-2 has no history of violence or mental illness, and appears to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-3 is an African-American female, approximately 5'10” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-3 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-4 is an African-American female, approximately 5'10” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-4 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-5 is an African-American female, approximately 5'10” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-5 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-6 is an African-American female, approximately 5'10” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-6 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-7 is an African-American female, approximately 5'10” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-7 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-8 is an African-American female, approximately 5'10” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-8 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-9 is an African-American female, approximately 5'10” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-9 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-10 is an African-American female, approximately 5'10” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-10 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-11 is an Asian male, approximately 6'4” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-11 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-12 is an Asian male, approximately 6'4” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-12 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-13 is an Asian male, approximately 6'4” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-13 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-14 is an Asian male, approximately 6'4” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-14 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-15 is an Asian male, approximately 6'4” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-15 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-16 is an Asian male, approximately 6'4” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-16 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-17 is an Asian male, approximately 6'4” and weighing approximately 150 kg. SCP-024-17 is believed to have learned to control his attention on his own, or in groups of three, two, or two.

SCP-024-18 is an Asian male, approximately 6'4” and weighing approximately 150 End of Transmission 14


Transmission 4 Object Class: Safe

Note: SCP-742-A is to be stored in a locked safe in Sector-██, Room REDACTED Site-██.

Description: SCP-742-A is a pair of silver-bladed rhinoplasty tools that are inserted into a human vagina. The instrument’s ability to heal is dependent on the lockpick having no locks. Upon insertion, the patient’s vaginal tissue will heal in a manner similar to the operation that normally heals wounds, but the healing process requires great care. The patient will also heal from any infections, including cancer.

The device is capable of healing itself, but after a period of time the patient will exhibit symptoms consistent with external genitalia. The symptoms of internal genitalia include pain, numbness and numbness in the vulva.

Because the device is capable of healing itself, it is recommended that the patient be treated at least once a week. The procedure will require the patient to be sedated, and the method of treatment is to be prescribed by Doctor REDACTED Due to the severity of the symptoms, Doctor REDACTED has ordered that the device be placed in the SCP-682 containment facility.

Addendum: SCP-742-B is a pair of hand-held devices that are inserted into the vulva of a male child. The child will be given a device that transmits the child’s symptoms to the device. In addition, the device will also be able to relieve pain in the vulva.

Addendum: The device also has a visual effect which may be used to assist in the treatment of internal genitalia. The device will be able to see in the vulva the blood vessel within the vulva. The blood vessel is capable of healing itself instantly.

Addendum: In order to assist in the treatment of external genitalia, Doctor REDACTED has ordered that the device be placed in the SCP-844 containment facility.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

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Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing itself, but is unable to heal internal genitalia.

Addendum: The device is capable of healing End of Transmission 4

Collection 5


Transmission 13 The man's face was still frozen in my mind, but he had a more realistic look than the one that I had before he got killed. He was just a normal human, like himself, and I had no idea what I was going to get into. The only hope I had was a few days of studying before I could go into the part of the world that I didn't normally do. I think I'll be okay.

I was not in the dormitory, so I wasn’t going to have to go through the entire room. I’m sorry.

I found something solid, though. It looked like a cube.

I’m not going to lie, it was awe-inspiring. The room was really small, but I could see a few rooms. It really felt like an apartment.

There was a guy in the bathroom. He seemed to be very, very old. I could see it.

He looked like he was in his late thirties. He was wearing a black lab coat. I assumed he had a beard.

I picked up a pair of scissors and cut them up, showing him his face.

He looked like he was in his late thirties.

I started to cut off his hair.

He looked like he was in his late thirties.

I started to run. He was the oldest man I knew.

I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to leave him here. I didn’t want to be alone. All I had to do was run. I thought I would catch up. I didn’t know what to do.

The room was weird. My eyes were gone. I could have re-activated them. I had to make the room walkable. My eyes were gone.

I was thinking about getting the door open. I didn’t want to go in there. I didn’t want to go in there.

I knew I couldn’t.

I ran towards the door.

Nobody was there.

I ran inside.

I saw a girl.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a boy.

I saw a girl.

I saw a boy.

I saw a girl.

I saw the door open.


I heard the screaming.

I heard the screaming.

I heard the screaming.

I heard something.

I heard the screaming.

I saw the door open.

No one was there.

I heard the screaming.

My eyes were gone.

I saw the crying.

There was a man in the hallway.

He looked like he was in his thirties. A man.

I ran into the room.

I saw a man.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a girl.

A man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a girl.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a girl.

I saw a man.

I saw a man.

It was in the bathroom.

I ran into the bathroom.

There was a guy in the bathroom.

He looked like he was in his thirties.

He was in a lab coat. I thought I saw the door open.

I ran into the room.

There was a girl.

She was in the lab coat.

I walked into the room.

There was a man in the lab coat.

I ran into the room.

There was a man in the lab coat.

I ran into the room.

There was a man in the lab coat.

I End of Transmission 13


Transmission 11 div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;"

|||| image http:i312.photobucket.comalbumskk300CrayvonMcGillCrayvonMcGill_Spartan_4.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-542-C^^ || div

Item : SCP-542-C

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-542-C is to be contained in a 4m x 4m room with an airlock and a bed. The room must be equipped with a television, heating, ventilation, and a cold storage unit. A bed is to be provided in a 5m x 5m room and is to be cleaned and disinfected every three months.

If SCP-542-C is not physically present, it is to be quarantined and kept in a standard room with air conditioning.

Description: SCP-542-C is an adult female human, approximately 6m in height and weighing approximately 195kg. It has a thin skull and a thin, muscular body, resembling a human head. While in a fetal position, it is able to walk freely and is capable of performing complex tasks.

When presented with a choice of food, SCP-542-C will choose either a piece of meat, a piece of meat, or a piece of meat from a variety of species. The meat appears to be edible, and when presented, SCP-542-C will begin to eat the meat.

When presented with food, SCP-542-C will typically choose the meat. When presented with a piece of meat, the SCP-542-C will invariably choose the meat. The meat appears to be picked up and, when presented, will be able to be picked up and eaten.

When presented with a piece of meat, SCP-542-C will eagerly eat it until the meat is consumed.

Addendum: A summary of the contents of SCP-542-C is available to researchers who wish to study it.

Note 1: SCP-542-C is a satin-colored meat described as resembling “a beef stew”.

Note 2: SCP-542-C is a white piece of beef, edible and marked with a small red label reading “Eating meat is good for you”.

Note 3: SCP-542-C is a piece of meat from five species of cattle, with unknown origins.

Note 4: The meat in question is an uncooked piece of meat, classified SCP-542-C.

Note 5: The meat in question is a piece of lamb, as described in the notes in note 2.

Note 6: The meat in question is a piece of chicken breast, as described in note 3.

Note 7: The meat in question is a piece of beef, as described in note 4.

Note 8: The meat in question is a piece of beef, as described in note 5.

Note 9: The meat in question is an uncooked piece of meat, as described in note 6.

Note 10: The meat in question is a piece of chicken breast, as described in note 7.

Note 11: SCP-542-C appears to be a type of steak, with an edible, highly-smelling flavor. The flavor profile is similar to steak, except that the meat is cooked in a large saucepan with a pre-cooked, non-alcoholic base. SCP-542-C has been shown to be highly flexible, even in the face of extreme heat. The meat is able to be pulled into a long-handled handle, and the handle is placed in the center of the meat, exposing the meat to heat up to approximately 1.5C.

Note 12: SCP-542-C has been observed to be able to catch fire.

Note 13: SCP-542-C appears to have the ability to create a flame that burns through any object it touches, producing a high-speed flame that burns through anything it touches. This flame has been observed to burn through anything that might be found in the vicinity of SCP-542-C. SCP-542-C also appears to possess the ability to create a flame that burns through titanium or titanium alloy.

Note 14: SCP-542-C is able to create a flame that converts into a light that burns through anything it touches. It is unknown how SCP- End of Transmission 11


Transmission 24 ERROR: Thank you for voting!

Item : Invisible Cardigan Cardigan - Invisible Cardigan –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown– –cross-reference:Unknown–

Item : Invisible Cardigan Cardigan - Invisible Cardigan

This is not a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is not a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan. This is a cardigan.

Note: Request made 10-24-10. Request approved 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request redirected. Request redirected. Note: Request made 10-25-10. Request approved 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Note: Request made 10-25-10. Request approved 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Note: Request made 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Note: Request made 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Note: Request made 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Note: Request made 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Note: Request made 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Note: Request made 10-25-10. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied. Request denied End of Transmission 24


Transmission 5 When asked why he chose to go to a college, he said that he was bored and wanted to get some sleep.

“Why, if I was going to go to college, I’d go to a place that was different from an American university.”

“You know, the University of Toronto is a different kind of institution.”

“I wouldn’t want to go to a university that was different from a University of Chicago.”

“I was in college, but outside of the university, it’s just different. It’s a different kind of place.”

“I think the University of Toronto has something to offer.”

“It’s not exactly the same as a University of Chicago.”

“Not that I can tell you.”

The following is a transcript of a conversation between Doctor William Shiller and Doctor Samson.

Samson: So, I’m going back to the first question. Doctor Shiller: What did you see, in 19██? Doctor Shiller: “Inspector-General” Doctor Samson: What did you see? Doctor Shiller: “Inspector-General” Doctor Samson: What do you see, in 19██? Doctor Shiller: “Inspector-General” Doctor Samson: “Inspector-General” Doctor Shiller: “Inspector-General” Doctor Samson: “Inspector-General” Doctor Samson: “Inspector-General” Doctor Shiller: “Inspector-General” Doctor Samson: “Inspector-General” Doctor Shiller: “Inspector-General” Doctor Samson: “Inspector-General” Doctor Shiller: “Inspector-General”

“I know. I know. It’s scary. I’m going to try to get out of here, but I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“I don’t even want to leave. I don’t want to go back. I want to get out.”

“I’m going to stay here. I want to get out.”

“I’m not leaving. I feel like I’m being watched.”

“I’m not. Not. Not. Not.”

“I don’t want to stay here. I don’t want to stay inside.”

“I don’t want to leave. I want to get out.”

“I feel like I’m being watched.” title:Undercover Agent

module Rate

Agent REDACTED Hello?

Agent REDACTED Yeah, I’m Agent REDACTED Agent REDACTED What are you doing?

Agent REDACTED I’m not here to talk.

Agent REDACTED Oh, come on, I don’t want to go on the outside alone. I’m here to talk to you.

Agent REDACTED You’re not here to talk, are you?

Agent REDACTED No, I’m here to talk to you.

Agent REDACTED What is it?

Agent REDACTED I’m Agent REDACTED Agent REDACTED What do you want?

Agent REDACTED I’m going to be getting out of here, then. Let’s go get some sleep.

Agent REDACTED What do you want?

Agent REDACTED You want to talk to me?

Agent REDACTED I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. Please. Please.

Agent REDACTED What are you doing?

Agent REDACTED I’m going to be getting out of here. I want to get out. Please. Please.

Agent REDACTED Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. End of Transmission 5


Transmission 7 Description: SCP-101 is a small, tiny brain structure that remains inert after it is severed. It is capable of reading the words and phrases on the person performing the surgery. Any person who has performed an operation on this brain will experience the same phenomenon.

The operation itself takes no more than thirty-seven (37) minutes to complete. SCP-101 is capable of functions that are unknown to the average surgeon. It can also be used to perform other tasks, such as swallowing and swallowing out of mouth. The operation is performed with the aid of a screwdriver and a pulley.

When the surgeon reaches the end of the brain stem, his larynx will open, revealing a large, green, seperate brain stem. These structures have been observed to heal with regularity, but they are extremely weak and tend to allow the brain stem to recuperate.

The operation itself is extremely painful, but is somewhat effective. When a person is successfully removed from the surgery, the subject will experience the same effects. When the surgery is performed, the brain stem will open and become a single, slightly amorphous brain. The brain stem will be reabsorbed into the body, allowing the subject to experience the effects of the operation.

SCP-101 is basically a magnified version of the brain stem. It is composed of tiny, void-like particles of matter. It is capable of becoming extremely useful when it is used for the purpose of teaching the patient to reestablish a higher moral order. This may be useful if the patient is severely mentally compromised. It is theorized that this may be the reason SCP-101 is able to become extremely useful for this purpose.

SCP-101 is capable of forming a cycle of two separate, overlapping brain stem structures. When the brain stem goes into a state of disarray, the two brain stem structures will re-open. This cycle has been observed to last for a period of approximately three (3) minutes. During this time, the patient will receive a large amount of negative stimuli, but this has not been observed to last longer. It is theorized that this decrease in negative stimuli causes the patient to reestablish a higher moral order.

If a person is reattached to SCP-101 for a period of three (3) hours, the brain stem will not open. However, if the patient has been reattached for a period of three (3) hours and reattached for another three (3) hours, the cycle will continue.

http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comscp-101 Anecdotal reports confirm that SCP-101 was once used to teach a patient to reestablish a higher moral order. - Doctor REDACTED Rate

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-102jugs.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-102^^ || div

Item : SCP-102

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: At no time are any personnel or equipment being allowed to enter SCP-102 without the permission of at least two (2) Level 2 personnel. No personnel are allowed to enter SCP-102 on foot. All personnel are to be equipped with a pair of armed security guards before entering SCP-102.



Transmission 4 Contact Information

: Site Map

Date: 051620██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was discovered in the middle of Site 17. The pool was instantly flooded, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained; however, the source of the gas was unknown.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 051720██ Location: Site 15 Description: A large smelting plant was discovered in Site 15, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline being found.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 051920██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was discovered in the middle of Site 17, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was immediately flooded, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 052020██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was discovered in the middle of Site 17, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was immediately flooded, and several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 052020██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was found in Site 17. The pool was immediately flooded, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 052020██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was found in Site 17. The pool was immediately flooded, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 052020██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was found in Site 17. The pool was immediately flooded, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 052020██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was found in Site 17. The pool was immediately flooded, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 052020██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was found in Site 17. The pool was immediately flooded, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 052020██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-toxic pool of gas was found in Site 17. The pool was immediately flooded, with several hundred cubic meters of gasoline and a large amount of chlorine gas. The pool was then contained.

Site: A series of large underground structures, all of which appear to be abandoned, in the middle of Site 17.

Date: 052020██ Location: Site 17 Description: A large, heavily-t End of Transmission 4


Transmission 25 …

End of Transmission 25


Transmission 4 Omega-6










































































































































































Omega- End of Transmission 4


Transmission 19 SCP-914-J-01-7 - Extra extra copy of SCP-914-J-01-7

Item: SCP-914-J-01 Cannot be moved from room to room.

Cannot be changed into anything, it has been placed there by the owner.

Cannot be used again.

Cannot be removed from room.

Cannot be changed into anything, it has been placed there by the owner.

Item: SCP-914-J-01 Description: SCP-914-J-01 is a duplicate of SCP-914-J-01, the recently deceased SCP-914-J-01, who had been installed in Room REDACTED SCP-914-J-01 was found in Room REDACTED door, having been removed from its original state by Foundation personnel after a routine check.

SCP-914-J-01 was found at the door of Room REDACTED with a large note inside it reading “Thank you for your time. You are welcome to come in and out of Room REDACTED You are in great need. Please come in and out. I can’t wait to talk to you.” He was later found to be in a coma, with a clear suicide note on his neck.

SCP-914-J-01-7 was found inside Room REDACTED room, with a note wrapped around his neck reading “Come in, I’m sure you’ll be happy. I’ll be leaving soon.”

SCP-914-J-01-7 was found to have been installed in Room REDACTED room, where it was found to be in a coma.

SCP-914-J-01-7 was found to have been installed in Room REDACTED room, where he was found to have been in a coma.

SCP-914-J-01-7 could be moved from room to room, but was apparently not to be changed by the owner.

SCP-914-J-01-7 resides in Room REDACTED room, with a note reading “I’m going to be gone in less than a week. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you.”

SCP-914-J-01-7 is located in Room REDACTED room, with a note reading “My name’s Doctor Bright. I’m going to be leaving soon. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you.

Incident Report SCP-914-J-02-01

This is SCP-914-J-02-01. We have been investigating this case to find out where SCP-914-J-02-01 was located. Please consider issuing an order immediately. Please see attached file.

End of Transmission 19


Transmission 10 The following is a list of the most frequently used and tested SCP objects in Foundation custody.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-904-3.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-904-4.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="300px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="100px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="100px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="100px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Olympia1-2.png width="100px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Quadroc–Experiment-Log-904-23.jpg width="250px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Quadroc–Experiment-Log-904-23.png width="250px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Quadroc–Experiment-Log-904-23.png width="250px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Quadroc–Experiment-Log-904-23.png width="250px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Quadroc–Experiment-Log-904-23.png width="250px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Quadroc–Experiment-Log-904-23.png width="250px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Quadroc–Experiment-Log-904-23.png width="250px” || |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-904Quadroc–Experiment-Log-904-23.png width="250 End of Transmission 10


Transmission 19 Re: DATA EXPUNGED

I think we should start with this one.  Once the site is secured, we can begin our investigation towards the Foundation’s activities.  It’s a dangerous place, from what I hear.

D-14896-1: I’m getting ready to go down to the basement.  I think we can find some more clues.  I’m not sure if it’s a remote controlled vehicle, or something more dangerous.  None of us are immune.  I’m really not sure what’s going on here, but I think it’s a local computer that’s been infected with SCP-███.

I’m feeling kinda bad for D-14896-1.  He’s been looking at the computer, and I think he’s been infected for the last few days.  You know, he’s been getting a little sick.  It’s not like he’s getting any more rest.  

D-14896-1:  He’s got what looks like a voice that’s been on it for a while.  He just got sick.  He’s gotten an infection.  I’m not sure if it’s a virus or a virus.  It’s just a faint buzzing sound.  He’s got a little bit of a headache.

He’s got a hard time talking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  You can hear him speaking.  You can hear him saying, “I will not allow this to happen to my children!”  He’s talking about it, saying things that are horrifying.  It’s very disturbing.  He’s saying something that isn’t in the best interest of the children.

D-14896-1: “Abort him fast.  You don’t have to.  You can’t do it.  You’ll die.  I’m not sure if this is right.”

He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  It’s a very disturbing thing, to say the least.

D-14896-1: “No.  He doesn’t want it to happen to my children.  I’m not going to allow this to happen to my children.  He’s not going to do it.  He’s not going to do it either.”

He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  He’s got a hard time speaking.  It’s a very disturbing thing to say the least.

–SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 –SCP-069-1 – End of Transmission 19


Transmission 16 ===

Item : SCP-139

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: In case of containment breach, all personnel in containment should be immediately screened for SCP-139. Only personnel who have been in contact with SCP-139 should be exposed to SCP-139. SCP-139 should be stored in a secure center in Site-██ and must be kept in a four (4) Keter-level secured room.

Description: SCP-139 is a large brown, human-sized fish. The face is human and the bottom is a giant, blue-eyed, inky black fish with an elongated mouth. The fish has no apparent intelligence other than that of their size. When it is caught, it will attempt to bite the victim, at which point it will bite the small of its back, killing it. It is also known to be able to eat in a way that is similar to squid.

SCP-139 appears to have a normal digestive system, and appears to be able to digest squid.

Those who feed on SCP-139 will develop a severe stomach pain. The pain will last from one to two hours. After two weeks, the pain will completely stop. After four weeks, the pain will complete.

SCP-139 does not appear to be able to communicate with any other creatures. It displays no signs of psychic activity, although there are two species of SCP-139 that communicate with it. SCP-139 is highly intelligent, and does not seem to be affected by any biological processes. SCP-139 appears to be able to communicate with other creatures in the same way that it does with any other insects.

SCP-139 is able to communicate with humans by means of a single tongue. When spoken, SCP-139 will speak, often with a low growl. When speaking, SCP-139 will speak in a human tone, although these are usually inaudible.

Consult the following entry for further information:

SCP-097 - Oceanic Song SCP-097 - Take Care of The Serpent SCP-097 - Dark Light SCP-097 - Daydream SCP-097 - Dimensional Chameleon SCP-097 - Callaway SCP-097 - The Hard Will SCP-097 - Hungry Eye SCP-097 - The Eternally Lonely Monster SCP-097 - The Evil Eye SCP-097 - The Black Eye SCP-097 - The Red Eye SCP-097 - The Deadly Eye SCP-097 - The Water Eater SCP-097 - The Host SCP-097 - The Strain SCP-097 - The Glass Object SCP-097 - The Last Laugh SCP-097 - The Nightingale SCP-097 - The Dark Heart SCP-097 - The Dimensional Mirror SCP-097 - The Deathstalker SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dreamer SCP-097 - The Dream End of Transmission 16


Transmission 15 A bill to restrict the quantity of cash that can be discharged into the bank violates the Bank's control over the site and the requirements of the Foundation, and must be approved by a Security Council vote.

Addendum 2:  No such vote has been taken.  The conditions on which this is to be carried out are:  Cash transfers must be made from local banks without authorization from the relevant Security Council.  Money transfers must be deposited into a bank account approved by the relevant Security Council.  Money transfers must be made between a bank and a facility authorized to handle accounts of international bank accounts.  Money transfers must be made between a bank and a facility authorized to handle accounts of international bank accounts.  Money transfers should be made in a cash envelope with a large enough diameter that the envelope can be opened and closed without difficulty.  Money transfers should be made in a magnetic stripe that will not be detectable by any electronic or magnetic device.  Money transfers should be made in a paper envelope with a thick black plastic wrapping that has a blue border.

Addendum 3:  The following comments have been made by Doctor REDACTED –Please verify the contents of the envelope and the contents of the envelope– Doctor REDACTED My name is REDACTED REDACTED and I am a Researcher at SCP-408.  My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED and DATA EXPUNGED.  My research is in the field of DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently research assistant to Doctor REDACTED and I am currently supervising research on SCP-408 and SCP-408.

My name is Doctor REDACTED REDACTED am a Researcher at SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED and DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408 and DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408 and DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP-408.

My research interests include DATA EXPUNGED.  I am currently supervising research on SCP End of Transmission 15


Transmission 21 SCP-108

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:www.vivianhaxx.comimagesshelf-muse.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-108^^ || div

Item : SCP-108

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-108 is to be kept in a normal brick storage locker at Site-██.  At this time, all items must be placed in a secure area and kept in a locked stone chamber.  Any attempt to secure the locker will be met with immediate dismissal.

Required for use of SCP-108.

Description: SCP-108 is a cube of exceptionally sharp and thin steel.  It is capable of extremely high strength and hardness, with the exception of a very sharp edge.  It has a number of special properties that are not currently known.  One of which is its ability to affect physical properties.

SCP-108 is able to affect physical objects, including the brain, heart, and muscles.  It has also been observed to affect physical substances.

It has been observed to be capable of altering the composition of several metals, including platinum, iron, zinc, copper, and DATA EXPUNGED.  However, this has not been observed to affect its ability to affect physical substances.

SCP-108’s effect varies according to the physical properties of the object.  It will affect any metal that it affects, including iron.  However, it has shown to affect metals that are not currently known.  For example, SCP-108 has shown to affect DATA EXPUNGED.  However, DATA EXPUNGED has shown to be capable of forming a metal with REDACTED less hardness.

SCP-108 is capable of using any metallic object.  However, when it is cast on an object, it will react to the mechanical properties of the object.  However, SCP-108 will not react to any other metal, even steel or DATA EXPUNGED.

SCP-108 can also affect DATA EXPUNGED.  However, it is not yet capable of creating any metal that would be capable of creating metal with REDACTED less hardness.

Addendum 108-A: SCP-108 appears to be able to alter the composition of a metal that it is able to affect, including DATA EXPUNGED.

Addendum 108-B: After the discovery of DATA EXPUNGED.  SCP-108 was discovered in a storage locker at Site-██.  SCP-108 was found in a pile of rubble.  The locker was found empty, with the contents of the pile still in the locker.  The contents of the locker were partially DATA EXPUNGED.

Addendum 108-C: SCP-108 has been seen to be capable of DATA EXPUNGED.

Addendum 108-D: SCP-108 has been observed to be capable of DATA EXPUNGED.  However, DATA EXPUNGED.

Addendum 108-E: SCP-108 has been shown to be able to change the composition of any metal that it affects.

Addendum 108-F: SCP-108 has been discovered in DATA EXPUNGED.  The item was found in a vein of DATA EXPUNGED.  The item was removed from the vein and DATA EXPUNGED was found in its place.

Addendum 108-G: In light of the discovery of DATA EXPUNGED and DATA EXPUNGED, the Foundation has decided to inform all personnel that SCP-108 has been found.  The Foundation is requesting that all personnel that have been assigned to SCP-108’s care be assigned to SCP-086.

Addendum 108-H: The following comments have been made by Doctor REDACTED REDACTED has asked that all personnel who have been assigned to SCP-108’s care be given a Class A amnesiac before releasing them to the care of Doctor REDACTED 108-I: Doctor REDACTED is requesting that all personnel that have been assigned to SCP-108’s care be given a Class B amnesiac before releasing them to the care of Doctor REDACTED 108-J: Doctor REDACTED has been given a Class B am End of Transmission 21


Transmission 3 Please allow 2-3 minutes for your pets to return.

Name: Doctor Gears Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was placed in a room with an opaque bathtub. SCP-547-1 was instructed to sit in a chair and remain still for the duration of the experiment.  In the following days, the bed was changed to one with a window, and the door closed.

Result: On REDACTED the experiment was terminated and the door was re-opened.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was placed on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: After approximately 3-4 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was placed on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: After approximately 3 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was placed on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: During the following 4-5 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was left on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: During the following 4-5 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was placed on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: During the following 4-5 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was placed on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: During the following 4-5 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was placed on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: During the following 4-5 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was placed on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: During the following 4-5 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547-1 was given a small plastic shower curtain, and was instructed to remove it. After showering, the curtain was placed on top of the curtain, and left the room.

Result: During the following 4-5 hours, the curtain was removed. The curtain was positively identified as having been removed by a person identified as Doctor Gears.

Date: REDACTED SCP-547- End of Transmission 3


Transmission 29 Is it possible to know what is right and wrong when you're asked about it? It is possible. But it's not possible in this world. Maybe you've heard of it. Maybe it's not a problem anymore. Maybe it's just a reminder. Maybe you can see the real you.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to talk to anyone. I’ve been living with a roommate who’s been on the inside for 20 years.

I’ve been getting calls from people whose names I can’t remember. They’re talking about the same things I’ve been hearing all over the world, like the same people who have been talking about the same things for 20 years. They want to know what’s wrong.

I can’t tell them what I know. I can’t tell them what I want to know.

I’m trying to figure out what I can hear.

I’m having a hard time.

It’s not the same.

I can hear the world around me.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

I can’t hear it.

I do hear the world around me.

You could hear it.

Can’t you hear the world around you?

It’s not the same.

I can’t hear it.

I can hear it.

I can’t hear it.

If I were to know what I can hear, I would know what I want to hear.

I can’t hear it.

I can’t hear it.

I can’t hear it.

I can’t hear it.

What if I could hear it?

What if…

What if…

What if I could hear it?

What if…

What if I could hear it?

What if…

What if…

What if I could hear it?

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

If I could be…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if      

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

How long would it take me?

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

What if…

Who would believe me?

Who would believe me?

I see the world around me.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

it’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

It’s not the same.

End of Transmission 29


Transmission 3 In addition to its ability to mimic human speech, SCP-298 has also shown to be able to gain the capacity to produce human language. In addition, if a human is spoken, the ability is given a "voice" and given a "voice" of their own, as well as a "voice" of others speaking with their own voice. This can only be used to speak with humans, and in effect, SCP-298 is able to speak with anyone who has ever been "presented" to it.

SCP-298’s ability allows for the use of any and all forms of communication to be communicated without fear of being detected. This can be used to communicate with anyone who is not already present via a standard mediaeval communication device, such as a computer, mobile phone, or a television.

SCP-298 has also shown to be able to speak with anything that is not human. For example, SCP-298 can speak with the human form of a human, but only with the human voice. This will allow for the normal communication to be made by SCP-298. The effects of this on the human form will have a noticeable effect on any and all communication that is not spoken by SCP-298.

SCP-298 may also be spoken with the voice of a human being, however its effect is limited to this. However, the human voice is capable of speaking with the human form of a human, and so will only be used by SCP-298. This will only be used by SCP-298 if it is able to speak with a human that is available to speak with SCP-298. This is accomplished by either using the human voice to communicate with a human that has been present at the time SCP-298 is spoken with, or by using the human voice to communicate with a human that is available to speak with SCP-298.

SCP-298 can be either spoken or spoken with the human form of a human. For example, if a human is spoken with, a human can be spoken with. If the human is not available to speak with, the human will be spoken. This is a secondary effect of SCP-298.

In addition, if a human is spoken with, the human will be spoken. This is a secondary effect of SCP-298.

Description: SCP-298 is a form of vocal communication that can be made via any and all forms of communication, including video. This has been noted to work with any and all forms of video communication.


















































































Input: End of Transmission 3


Transmission 14 SCP-262 is a set of eight hundred (158) sheets of paper, bound on a black plastic cover. Analysis of the contents of SCP-262 has shown it to have a flexible, flexible, and sturdy structure. The paper itself has been stained with a strong, unknown ink stain. The paper contains several hundred (158) pages of handwritten notes that were written by Doctor REDACTED notes are composed of four (4) pages of blank paper, each labeled by a different number. The notes are divided into two (2) pages, each containing a separate page of handwritten notes. The notes are divided into sections and each section is written in a different language. The sections are numbered and assigned to different pages of the paper.

Each section of the paper contains a handwritten note similar to that of SCP-262, and there is a brief transcript of the note. The note is written in the standard English alphabet.

The notes are divided into sections, arranged as follows:

  1. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

  2. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, End of Transmission 14


Transmission 15 The original "Schedule One" proposal introduced a more severe state of mind for SCP-927. It has been hypothesized that it would be difficult to change minds. However, SCP-927 must first be terminated, and the life of SCP-927 is of great importance to SCP-927.

In order to cure SCP-927, the subjects must undergo a variety of psychological tests, including: a prior history of violent behavior, such as alcohol, drug abuse, or pornography a prior history of controlling other people or, in the case of pornography, controlling children an irregularity in the brain that causes or intensifies the thought processes of SCP-927 an abnormal state of consciousness physical alterations to SCP-927

Addendum 927-A:

SCP-927 is a highly unusual SCP, and has been seen to manifest itself in a number of different ways. There is a high rate of correlation between SCP-927’s appearance and general behavior. However, the probability of SCP-927 manifesting is very low, and it is estimated that it is only a matter of time before the researcher begins to cause SCP-927 to manifest.

SCP-927 is known to be a dangerous entity, and consequently a high-risk subject. However, SCP-927 could actually be a useful threat. The situation is particularly critical, as SCP-927 is capable of inflicting great harm on the Foundation. Research on its nature and capabilities is ongoing.

Although this is on the subject of how SCP-927 manifests, this is a very serious matter. It is not too surprising that the Foundation would find the appearance of SCP-927 to be dangerous, given the nature of SCP-927. A more sensible course would be to target its physical form.

The SCP-927 manifest was discovered during a REDACTED REDACTED of a house on the outskirts of REDACTED Australia. The DATA EXPUNGED was discovered in the basement of a house on the outskirts of REDACTED Australia. It was discovered that SCP-927 was in the basement of the house, and the house collapsed shortly after. The house was located in a house on the outskirts of REDACTED Australia, and SCP-927 was found in the basement. It is believed that the house was attacked by the entity, and it was subsequently neutralized by a single set of security, but no information was recovered.

After the Foundation was able to neutralize SCP-927, the SCP-927 manifests appeared to the Foundation. However, the manifestation would only manifest once every forty (40) hours, and was observed to manifest when SCP-927 was in a state of extreme distress. This could be explained by the fact that SCP-927 is extremely sensitive to the effects of SCP-927.

If SCP-927 manifests, the effects of SCP-927 are clearly visible. However, if it does not manifest, it will manifest in a state of extreme distress. The easiest way to mitigate this is to destroy the artifact, and then destroy SCP-927 at once.

SCP-927 manifests very quickly, and will manifest in a variety of ways. At no time has SCP-927 manifested more than once a day. The manifestation of SCP-927 is not contagious, and has not been observed to cause any serious damage to the Foundation. It is believed that it will manifest in a similar fashion to Agent REDACTED on SCP-927 has been inconclusive, and is recommended against.

The SCP-927 manifesting process is a massive fraud. It is extremely dangerous, and can inflict great harm on the Foundation if it is not destroyed.

Test subject 927-A was tested in isolation. It would manifest multiple times a day, each time with a different appearance. The most obvious manifestation of SCP-927 was the appearance of a soldier wearing a tactical vest. The vest had a design of a shotgun shell in the center, with a red dot on the barrel. The soldier had very high white phosphorous levels in his blood, and he was unable to damage the vest or the ammunition. Testing showed that he had been exposed to a high level of radiation, and was unaffected by it. The effects of SCP-927 were felt by the subject, as well as his body, and the vest had been destroyed.

A security team was dispatched to the house, and SCP-927 was successfully destroyed. The DATA EXPUNGED was found in the basement. The necessary components were recovered.

SCP-927 is highly contagious, and is extremely dangerous. It can inflict End of Transmission 15


Transmission 1 Cause of death: None.

Cause of death: Unknown.

SCP-882 was brought to the attention of the Foundation after a series of reports of burning and skinned bodies were found in a REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED REDACTED hours after exposure. The Foundation was unable to ascertain whether they were DATA EXPUNGED.

When exposed to the burning body parts, SCP-882 exhibited no unusual behavior.

SCP-882 was later found to have been engaged in an altercation with a female acquaintance of his wife, resulting in the death of both the acquaintance and SCP-882. Foundation resources were quickly mobilized, and the assailant was apprehended.

Subject was later discovered to have been engaging in a series of armed robberies, with the victim and SCP-882 resulting in the death of both parties. Foundation resources were subsequently mobilized, and the assailant was apprehended.

Upon being apprehended, SCP-882 was transported to Site-██, where he was apprehended and released. SCP-882 was later recovered, and he is believed to have been the source of the deaths of the two other civilians involved.

Addendum 1: Please see DATA EXPUNGED for further information.

Note: The Foundation has been forced to create the following database as a way of identifying the missing persons. collapsible show="+ Document 1: Incident Report 1-██-██-███” hide=”- Document 1: Incident Report 1-██-███” SCP-882-1 SCP-882-1 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 SCP-882 End of Transmission 1


Transmission 2 SCP-229



Transmission 16 Forum Jump:





AARP, D-3573, D-35252, D-35274, D-35256, D-35384, D-35456, D-35459

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(Level 4 Personnel and D-35294)

End of Transmission 16


Transmission 0 If you missed the news, you should have seen it in the news.  There are many more stories to be found about the Foundation, but I've put a lot of them on here so that you can skip ahead to the very first. 

Addendum 4: The following article is a rough outline of all the men involved, with a possible exception of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED following is a list of people who have worked with SCP-███:



Transmission 0 For the record, I'm going to be playing "Left Behind" tomorrow, and I'm going to be in a room where all the editors are recording.

1:00 PM: I need to get out, and I need to get out to see what is going on. 1:01 PM: The other day, I was working on a game.  One of the key people I mentioned had a big idea, and I said, ‘Hey, can you make this a game?’ and he said, ‘yeah, I’d like to see a video of it.’  I went in to the video and I saw a picture of it on the screen, and I said, ‘Hey, this is going to be a totally different world.’  He said, ‘It’s going to be a entirely different world, but it’s going to look a lot different than what you see.  It’s going to be different in every aspect, and it’s going to be totally different in every aspect, and I told him about the video, and he said, ‘Just tell me what you’re doing.’  He said, ‘What are you doing?’  He said, ‘I’m going to go into the room, and I’ll tell you what I’m doing.  They’ll have an idea, and I’ll tell them what I’m doing, and they’ll have a video of it.’  I said, ‘Okay, so, I’m going to take this video and tell you what I’m doing, and you’ll be able to tell me what you’re in when you walk in.’ 1:02 PM: One of the key people I mentioned was a guy who I’ve never met, and he said, ‘Hey, can you make a video like this?’  He said, ‘Yeah, I like it.’  He said, ‘I don’t know about you, but I have a different idea.’  He said, ‘Hey, would you be interested in it?’  He said, ‘Yeah, I’d be interested too, but I don’t know about you, so I’m just not interested.’  He said, ‘Okay, so, the thing about you is that you’re going to be kinda boring, but that’s ok.  You’re going to have a lot of things going on that you don’t have to worry about.  You’re going to have a lot of fun.  I’m going to be making this a game.  I’m going to be playing this video, and I’m going to be going back to my room, and I’m going to go into the room, and I’ll have a video and a video and a video, and I’m going to go back to my room, and I’m going to do a video and a video and a video, and I’ll be telling you what I’m doing.  My friends may remember the one time I got drunk, and I was drinking, and it’s like this is going to be my life, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and it’s going to be like this, and it’s going to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and I want to be like this, and End of Transmission 0


Transmission 26 The Office of the President is a secure database of top secret documents. It is not to be accessed by anyone without the Foundation's permission.

SCP-148 and SCP-79 are related entities. SCP-148 is a young, handsome woman who has become a popular teacher at a prestigious high school. SCP-79 is a Caucasian female of mixed race. SCP-148 was entrusted with the construction of the high school, which was originally constructed for the purpose of producing students of all races.

SCP-148 is a male, roughly thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148’s former handler, REDACTED REDACTED is currently in the custody of the Foundation’s research arm.

SCP-148 is a male, roughly thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams.

SCP-148 is a female, roughly thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams.

SCP-148’s anomalous properties have attracted the Foundation’s attention. It is not possible to remove the anomalous properties without violating the Foundation’s protocol.

SCP-148 and SCP-199 are related entities. SCP-148 is a young, blond female with a slightly older appearance, who apparently has a significantly higher IQ than the average human. SCP-148 is possibly a member of the Foundation’s future project, as she is believed to have been involved in the construction of the school and a project to create a new SCP class for her.

SCP-148 is a male, roughly thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a female, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, roughly thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a female, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a female, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, roughly thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a female, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a female, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a female, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a female, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a female, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, approximately thirty years old. SCP-148 is currently in the control of one of the Foundation’s containment teams. SCP-148 is a male, End of Transmission 26


Transmission 2 Note: We've been hearing about a number of corresponding viruses for some time now, and we've been seeing more about SCP-182. -Dr. REDACTED REDACTED : SCP-182

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-182 is contained in a room at Sector Command, at the REDACTED Sector.  SCP-182 is to be stored in a secure containment cell at Site REDACTED personnel are to be present at all times to observe SCP-182’s behaviour.

Description: SCP-182 is a REDACTED virus (SCP-182-P) which is primarily infecting human beings via a series of repeated viral infections.  The first infection is a form of measles, with the virus infecting approximately 39% of infected subjects.  The second infection is a form of D-class measles, infecting approximately 30% of infected subjects.  The third infection is a form of genital herpes, infecting approximately 10% of infected subjects.  The fourth infection is a form of chauvinococcal herpes, infecting approximately 10% of infected subjects.  The fifth infection occurs in two subtypes of human immunodeficiency virus.  The sixth infection occurs in a form of non-viral herpes, infecting approximately 5% of infected subjects.

History:  SCP-182 first surfaced in the early 1990s, following the discovery of a REDACTED virus infecting approximately REDACTED of infected subjects.  It was identified by security personnel as a form of herpes simplex, with approximately REDACTED of infected subjects infected.  SCP-182 was detected in REDACTED REDACTED Australia following a series of unrelated outbreaks.

Addendum: SCP-182-1, upon being detected, was transferred to the containment cell of Site REDACTED and was infected with a form of herpes simplex, infecting approximately REDACTED of infected subjects.  The virus isolated from SCP-182-1 was transmitted to SCPs which had no known effect.  SCP-182-1 was able to infect approximately 60% of infected subjects, infecting approximately 65% of infected subjects.  SCP-182-2 was deposited into Site REDACTED infecting approximately 25% of infected subjects.  SCP-182-2 was found in the vicinity of the REDACTED Sector Command facility, infecting approximately 20% of infected subjects.

Addendum: Containment cells are to be equipped with a computer with a fully encrypted password (as of REDACTED and a password recovery tool.  Site REDACTED is to be equipped with a biometric scanner for all personnel.  Security personnel must be in the highest security position possible to follow their orders and adhere to all standard operating procedures.  Examination of SCP-182-1, however, will only reveal the virus’s pathogen, SCP-182.

Current Status: Safe.  SCP-182-1 has been contained in Site REDACTED and is to be kept under observation.

Experiment Log

Date: REDACTED Subject: SCP-182-1

Procedure: A sample of SCP-182-1 was taken and circulated through the containment cell.  The sample was then chemically extracted from the sample.  SCP-182-1 was observed to be in the middle of the containment cell.  SCP-182-1 was then observed to be emitting several small bursts of radio waves, that appeared to be emitted by SCP-182-1.

Result: SCP-182-1 emitted a single burst of radio waves, approximately 0.5 m in length, approximately 0.5 m in height, approximately 10 x 0.5 m in width, approximately REDACTED cm in height.

Additional Results: The source code of SCP-182-1 was discovered by researchers from the REDACTED Sector Command Research Facility.  This resulted in the discovery of SCP-182.

Subject: SCP-182-1

Procedure: A sample of SCP-182-1 was taken and circulated through the containment cell.  SCP-182 was then observed to be in the center of the cell.  SCP-182-1 was observed to be emitting a single burst of radio waves, approximately 0.5 m in length, approximately 0.5 m in height, approximately REDACTED cm in height.  SCP-182-1 was observed to be emitting a single burst of radio waves End of Transmission 2


Transmission 18 Things have become more disturbing lately.

He’s been getting aggressive, taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way from room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

It was like he was being separated from the rest of us.

It’s like he’s been in a parallel universe.

It’s like he’s been in a parallel universe.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to a room where he can get some rest.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been getting aggressive, taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have got more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

He’s gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been taking out his flimsy armor, and making his way to room to room, taking out every single thing in sight.

He’s done that before.

Things have gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s been moving too quickly.

He’s gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s gotten more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately.

He’s got more disturbing lately. End of Transmission 18


Transmission 17  Notes - SCP-148

Note: Assigned by Doctor REDACTED Subject D-148

Addendum: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes - SCP-148

Note: Notes End of Transmission 17


Transmission 7 SCP-122 has been transferred to Site-██, for study and study of SCP-122's effects on Foundation personnel. The teleportation method is currently under investigation.

Description: SCP-122 is a single, double-blind experiment conducted by Doctor Hall in order to determine the effects of SCP-122 on Foundation personnel. This technique does not show any effects on Foundation personnel.

Experiment Log: Experiment Description: Subject was placed in an MRI scanner and was instructed to place her hand on the floor, one side facing the same direction as the other. After several minutes, the subject could not see the floor. Subject was instructed to place her hand on the floor and was instructed to continue to the floor. Result: Subject’s hand was removed from the MRI scanner. Upon removal, Subject’s hand was covered with a thin layer of cloth. Subject was instructed to continue to the floor. Resistance was found to be present in the subject’s hand. Subject’s hand was observed to be active for several minutes before it was dislocated. Subject was instructed to place her hand on the floor. Result: Subject’s hand moved one step forward, revealing a large, open area on the floor. Subject placed her hand on the floor, revealing a large, red, carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the floor, removed the carpet and placed her hand on the carpet, the carpet being covered in a thin layer of cloth. The carpet was then removed and the subject was instructed to continue on to the floor. Resistance was found in the subject’s hand. Subject’s hand was found to be active for several minutes before it was dislocated. Subject was instructed to continue on to the floor. Result: Subject’s hand was found to have a thin layer of cloth covering it. Subject placed her hand on the floor. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, covering her hand with an open, transparent cloth. The cloth was then placed on the carpet and the subject was instructed to continue to the floor. Resistance was found in the subject’s hand. Subject’s hand was found to be active for several minutes before it was dislocated. Result: Subject’s hand was found to have a thin layer of cloth covering it. Subject placed her hand on the floor, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, white open door. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, white door and a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room with a door opening onto the floor. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room with a door opening into the large room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room and a large, red carpeted door, in which an unknown intruder entered and proceeded to open the door. Resistance was found in the subject’s hand. Subject’s hand was found to be active for several minutes before it was dislocated. Result: Subject’s hand was found to have a thick layer of cloth covering it. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room on the floor. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted door. Resistance was found in the subject’s hand. Subject’s hand was found to be active for several minutes before it was dislocated. Result: Subject’s hand was found to have a thick layer of cloth covering it. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large, red carpeted room. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large red carpeted room. Resistance was found in the subject’s hand. Subject’s hand was found to have a thick layer of cloth covering it. Subject placed her hand on the carpet, revealing a large End of Transmission 7


Transmission 1 Your browser does not support HTML5 video tag.Click here to view original GIF

The exterior of a plane is typically not very visually appealing, but when it’s folded up and folded up, it’s a very, very interesting sight. And when you look at it, it’s not particularly interesting.

That’s where the camera comes in. Camera.

It’s part of the plane. It’s part of the plane. You can see it in the distance. It’s part of the plane. It’s part of the plane.

You can see it in some places. You can see it in some places. It’s part of the plane. You can see it in some places.

It’s part of the plane. It’s part of the plane. It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane. it’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

If you look at it, you can see it in some places, in some places. You can see it in some places. It’s part of the plane. It’s part of the plane. You can see it in some places. You can see it in some places.

You can see it in some places.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

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It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

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It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It’s part of the plane.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

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It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

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It has wings.

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It has wings.

It has wings.

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It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings.

It has wings. End of Transmission 1


Transmission 6 My name is Lorenzo, and I am a small business owner. I have been extremely successful in the past few years, owning and running a variety of businesses. My son, I would say, has little to no knowledge of business, but he is very knowledgeable. I am proud of my son. I am also very proud of his success.

I’m not a lawyer, but my son is a very good one. He really wants to know how to do business, so he’s going to be a good business man… He’s going to be the first to know how to do business.

I’m very excited about my son’s business, and the prospects. Lorenzo is fully self-funded. I’m also working on a couple of other projects.

The website is currently running without interruption.

Lorenzo’s main business is the little company called Lorenzo’s Club. I have been very successful in this business as well. I’ve had a lot of friends in the business, and a lot of sales. Lorenzo’s Club is a very good deal, and I’ve had a lot of friends in the business too. It has been a lot of fun, and I’ve also had a lot of friends in the business too.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen the website, but I’ve been seeing it every day for now.

What are you doing?

I’m going to finish up a book.

Have you ever read an article?

No. I don’t have.

Where did you hear about Lorenzo?

I heard about it from…

…My friend, Ben, who runs a number of businesses. He’s the CEO, and he’s very knowledgeable about business.

You’re really going to be a big business?

I’m going to be a big business, and I’m going to write about it.

What do you do now?

I’m going to be a lawyer.

Are you a lawyer?

Yes, but I’m also a business owner.

What do you do?

I don’t know.

You’ve been working on a couple of other projects.

Yes, but you’ve also been dealing with a lot of other people.

I’ve got a lot of friends I have friends with.

What do you do?

I’m working on a couple of other projects.

You’ve been doing this business for a long time.

Yes, but it’s been a lot longer than I would have imagined.

You’re a lawyer?

No, I’m a business owner.

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer… I’m a lawyer… I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m going to start a business.

Have you heard about Lorenzo?

I’ve heard about it from…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do?

I’m a lawyer…

What do you do End of Transmission 6


Transmission 8 "I'm sorry, but that's not what I meant."

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You don’t see the state of your little children.”

“You don’t see the state of yours.”

“You see the state of the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“Your eyes see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.”

“You see the world.” End of Transmission 8


Transmission 9 SCP-847-2 is a pair of SCP-158 in a khaki, leather-stained room. The head of SCP-847-2 is in a seated position, reading the inscription "Abandon and keep your eyes on the prize". SCP-847-2 is in a sitting position, reading "The Idea". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Problem". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Solution". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Enemy". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Solution". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Solution". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Enemy". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Solution". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Enemy". SCP-847-2 is in an upright position, reading "The Solution".

When SCP-847-2 is not reading, the text appears in a hard-to-reach location, on the wall next to the bed in front of it. To date, the only inscription in its possession is one of a philosopher or philosopher’s stone, inscribed on it. There is no record of the philosopher or philosopher’s stone reading the inscription in its stead.

SCP-847-3 has been observed to take the form of a set of letters, with the words “Oriental Greek” printed on the front of the letterhead. However, this is completely independent of the text of the inscription.

SCP-847-3 is a set of letters, written in a Khali script. The letters are inscribed with a stylized Latin letter, dated from the fifth century BCE. The letters seem to be a form of writing, usually written in the style of a poet or poet laureate. The style of the writing is varied, with some of the letters appearing to be Greek, while others appear to be Latin. The Latin letter “R”.

SCP-847-4 was discovered in the city of Rome, Italy. Its owner was an Italian nobleman. Upon learning of the inscription, he was summoned to the city with the intent to recover the lost treasure. However, he was forced to leave the city of Rome due to the threat of being drawn into the monster. SCP-847-4 was found in a small room, where it was found to have been written on the walls. SCP-847-4 has been recovered.

SCP-847-5 is another set of letters, written in a Latin script. The letters are entirely unmarked. The latter are written in a Latin script, though the former has been flipped to read “Latin”. The Latin script has been found on the walls of the room in question.

SCP-847-6 is a set of letters, written in a Greek script. The letters are marked with stylized Greek letters. The writing is in Greek, while the letters are in English. The writing is in English, while the writing is in Greek. The script has been recovered.

SCP-847-7 is a set of letters, written in a Latin script. The letters are marked with stylized Latin letters. The writing is in Latin. The writing is in English, as the text has been flipped to read “Latin” in the Latin script. The writing is in English, while the writing is in Greek. The writing is in Latin, while the writing is in Greek. The writing is in Greek, while the writing is in Latin.

SCP-847-8 is a set of letters, written in Latin script. The letters are marked with stylized Latin letters. The writing in Latin is in Latin, while the writing in Greek is in Greek.

SCP-847-9 is a set of letters, written in a Greek script. The letters are unmarked. The writing is in Greek. The writing in Greek is in Latin. The writing in Latin is in Latin, while the writing in Latin is in Latin.

SCP-900 is a set of letters, written in a Greek script. The letters are marked with stylized Latin letters. The writing in Greek is in Latin. The writing in Latin is in Latin, while the writing in Latin reads “Latin”. The writing is in Latin, while the writing in Latin reads “Latin”. The writing in Latin reads “Latin”.

SCP-900 is a set of letters, written in a Greek script. The letters are unmarked. The writing in Greek is in Latin. The writing in Latin reads “Latin End of Transmission 9


Transmission 11 SCP-962-1 is to be contained in an airtight container in a secure eco-system until shipment.  The container is to be kept in a secure greenhouse for one year before being returned to the Foundation as a Class B or higher asset.  SCP-962-1 is to be brought into Foundation custody pending the outcome of the investigation.



Transmission 17 Notes

In light of recent events, I’ve decided to test the effects of SCP-010’s ability on SCP-013, and I’ve decided that using the object to deal with SCP-244 will be a useful way to prepare for SCP-963.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

Note WARNING: The following is a comment made by Doctor REDACTED who is now testing SCP-010. The comment is direct, and Doctor REDACTED is the only person who is aware of this.

End of Transmission 17


Transmission 13 What's in a name?

Name: Jack Snow

Date: REDACTED REDACTED A pair of identical Gephart clocks, approximately REDACTED cm in length and REDACTED cm in width.

Setting: 0°C




Setting: ~███°C




Transmission 9 SCP-542-1 is an anomalous object, native to the human body, constructed from a large tree trunk and having been found in REDACTED REDACTED trunk is presumably charred to a degree that it resembles human flesh, but has apparently been removed and reattached with a flexible nail.  The tree trunk appears to be a series of large, thin, built-in supports.  The construction of the tree is apparently very simple, and has been replaced with a series of small, curved, and warped branches.  The branches appear to have been cut in half, and the most recent tree is apparently composed of a heavy, rusty chain.

The tree is approximately the size of a walnut, and has been identified as a seed of sheep.  A growth of a human-like creature is constantly moving through the tree, and is capable of moving about in a manner similar to a human.  It has been observed to be able to move through the tree, and appears to have a running time of approximately twenty (20) meters.  The growth has been observed to cover the entire tree at once, and the growth has been observed to move about in a random manner.  The growth is capable of moving through the tree at speeds approximately equal to that of a human, and has been observed to constantly move through it.  The growth is also capable of moving through several branches at once, including those of a human, with the greatest speed at the end of each branch.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:img.photobucket.comalbumsv407Leo_GearsFlowering_Flowering_Flowering%20%20Creek.png width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-542-1 in its original state^^ || div

SCP-542-1 was discovered at DATA EXPUNGED.  It has been theorized that SCP-542-1 was the original recipient of SCP-542.  SCP-542 was deemed to be “toxic” and the explosion of SCP-542-1 was found to be the result of a large number of explosive devices.  SCP-542 was brought in and destroyed, and its remains were found in an abandoned house in REDACTED REDACTED house became the site of the DATA EXPUNGED.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:img.photobucket.comalbumsv407Leo_GearsFlowering_Flowering%20%20Cactus.png width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-542-1 in its original state^^ || div

Item : SCP-542

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-542-1 is to be kept in its containment cell at Site-██.  It is to be kept in a secure locker at Site-██, in order to limit the chances of SCP-542-1 becoming a mass-transporting device.

Any individuals with knowledge of SCP-542-1 that are found in the vicinity of or near SCP-542-1 may be brought in to the containment chamber.  SCP-542-1 is to be removed from its containment chamber, placed in a small vial in the center of the locker, and then immediately disposed of.  Any individuals with direct knowledge of SCP-542-1 that are in the vicinity of SCP-542-1 are to be exposed to SCP-542-1.

Description:  SCP-542 is a large, white tree trunk with a thin, hollowed out sphincter.  When SCP-542-1 is inserted into a living, breathing, human being, the spinal cord will expand, producing a series of tiny tubes, known as the spinal column.  They adhere to and attach to the spine, causing the spinal column to exhibit various signs of instability.  These signs are known as aneurysm, and are common in those suffering from heart failure, injury, or DATA EXPUNGED.  However, no instructions on how to remove anything from the spinal column have been found.

When SCP-542-1 is brought into a living human being, the spinal column will contract, and the spinal column will immediately begin to pull down End of Transmission 9


Transmission 8 SCP-831-1 is to be kept in a standard cage, to be kept in a standard room, and kept in a secure room with only the bare minimum of electronic security. The cage must be monitored by a team of at least three personnel (with a minimum of two mandatory and one mandatory) and kept unlocked at all times during the experiment.

Any object or person that enters SCP-831-1’s containment chamber or attempts to affect SCP-831-1’s interaction with it. Any person within two (2) meters of SCP-831-1’s containment chamber is to be immediately quarantined, and subjected to a Class A amnesiac.

Description: SCP-831 was found in the REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED area of REDACTED The walls of the containment chamber resemble those of a typical REDACTED house, with large windows, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

SCP-831 appears to be a single, large, Caucasian male, approximately 12 cm tall and weighing approximately 300 kg. Although SCP-831 is clearly male, the differences in appearance and behavior of SCP-831-1 are most apparent when viewed from the side. The room appears to be a standard REDACTED kitchen with a refrigerator, microwave, off-site laundry, and a large sink. The refrigerator has no door or outlet, and is armed with a large hammer and stainless steel door.

The refrigerator contains 4 kg of water, 2 kg of corn flour, 1 kg of sugar, and 1 kg of corn syrup. The corn flour and sugar are contained in a small burst plastic container with a plastic lid. The corn syrup is contained in a small plastic container with a plastic lid, containing 1 kg of corn flour.

The corn flour contains 0.83 kcal of sugar. The corn syrup contains 0.45 kcal of sugar. The corn syrup contains 0.83 kcal of sugar. The corn syrup contains 0.15 kcal of sugar.

The entire room appears to be filled with corn flour, corn syrup, corn syrup, and corn syrup.

When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty.

When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for the food appears empty.

Addendum 831-1: When DATA EXPUNGED, the container for SCP-831-1 was opened and SCP-831-1 was immediately quarantined. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for SCP-831-1 appears empty. When a person tries to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for SCP-831-1 appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for SCP-831-1 appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for SCP-831-1 appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP-831-1, the container for SCP-831-1 appears empty. The container for the food appears empty. When a person attempts to interact with SCP End of Transmission 8


Transmission 23 SCP-988-1 is a 10,000-gram, 1.5-ounce jar of REDACTED cotton REDACTED REDACTED containing SCP-909. The jar was discovered in the office of REDACTED REDACTED the father of the Foundation's new science project, "The Technological Revolution".

It was recovered by Agent REDACTED REDACTED who was subsequently terminated by Doctor REDACTED REDACTED was recovered from a storage facility in REDACTED REDACTED with the intent to use it to engineer the Technological Revolution. The facility was abandoned several years later, due to its poor security, lack of supplies, and possible failure to properly contain SCP-909.

It is theorized that SCP-909 was a product of the SCP-909-infested REDACTED who were specifically designed to combat the Technological Revolution. The highly contagious virus was introduced to the Foundation, allowing agents to infiltrate the Foundation’s base facility via SCP-909 in order to infect civilians, drive out the Foundation’s spies and agents, and then enter the Foundation’s labs.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-909SCP-909 width="300px” link="http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-909SCP-909” || ||||~ ^^SCP-909 in containment^^ || div

Item : SCP-909

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-909 is contained in a standard, three-room, five-story, biotic containment cell, in Site-76. The cells are equipped with a wide variety of medical equipment, including a wide range of radiation-resistant, biotic, and repellent health-protective devices. The cell is to be guarded by two guards, one of whom is to become comatose for at least thirty-eight hours upon the first occurrence of SCP-909. At least thirty-eight hours after a breach, the guard will return and begin to clean the cell.

Description: SCP-909 is a front door to a large, underground facility located in REDACTED REDACTED The facility is constructed entirely of standard-issue clothing, including black surgical gloves, a pair of surgical gloves, and a pair of surgical gloves. The facility’s main entrance is unremarkable at all other points. As the door opens itself, a number of human facilities, including the medical equipment room, SCP-909, are visible, and are designated SCP-909-1.

The room contains a single bed, one (1) meter by three (3) meter by two (2) meters of floor-mounted, oxygen-free static electricity. The bed is a variety of different colors, ranging from navy blue to pink. In addition to its furnishings, the bed is equipped with a set of life-support systems that will reactivate after a period of no less than three (3) minutes.

The bed is staffed by a series of weekly, unannounced alarms, which are activated by the head of the containment unit. The alarm system will automatically activate, and the personnel assigned to the containment unit will be given a security briefing on their status. When no personnel are assigned, the alarm will be sounded. A single button is to be pressed at the time of alarm, in case anyone is unable to respond.

If any personnel are observed to be attempting to exit the containment unit, the warning will be activated. This will trigger the alarm and, if the person attempts to exit the containment unit, will immediately be called back to SCP-909. The person who was originally in contact with SCP-909 is to be terminated and transferred to a secure facility, with the order to use SCP-909 to avoid detection.

Note: The original containment room was described as a cafeteria, with a menu of foods, including various snacks, beverages, and liquors. The cafeteria was eventually discovered to be empty, having been abandoned by the Foundation in the REDACTED Massacre of REDACTED When the lockdown was lifted, guards reported that they heard a voice saying, “How can we destroy this?” The presence of the voice was confirmed by a series of small metallic spheres that quickly dissipated inside the containment unit, before being replaced by an eerie glow.

Note: SCP-909 was recovered from an abandoned REDACTED factory, in REDACTED The owner of that factory was later convicted of embezzlement of over REDACTED End of Transmission 23


Transmission 12 GOODDAY!

Okay. This was good.

It’s time for us to get back to work.

Jules, watch your back.

I’m sorry.

Don’t you want to go out with your wife?

I’m sorry.

Go home.

Oh, I don’t know. Did you make it before?

Yes. Did? Did you have a child before?

Yes. Did. Did. Did.

I don’t know. Do you?

I don’t know. I don’t know.

I’m going to need you.


Oh, no.

It’s fine. I’ll be fine.

Oh, I don’t know. Don’t you have anything to say?

I’m sorry.

I don’t know.

I can’t do it.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

You’ve been paying me attention.


I don’t know.

I don’t know.


I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I don’t have anything else to say.

I’m sorry.

I don’t want to go out.

I don’t want to go out.

I don’t want to go out.

I don’t want to go out.

You had a child before?


I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

I don’t want to leave.

My wife.


I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

My wife.


I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.


I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.


End of Transmission 12


Transmission 12 A man moaned. "I'm sorry!"

A man laughed. “I’m sorry. I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry, son.” The man stood up, and he pulled out a box of old-fashioned cigarettes from his pocket. “I’m sorry, son.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell.

“I’m sorry, son. I can’t spell. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

“I’m sorry, you can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell. I cannot spell.

“I’m sorry, I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“I’m sorry. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell. I can’t spell.

“It’s okay. I can’t say anything more. I can’t say anything more.

“I’m sorry. I can’t say anything more. I can’t say anything more.

“It’s okay. I can’t say anything more. I can’t say anything more.

“It’s End of Transmission 12


Transmission 21 SCP-149-1 was unearthed by Agent REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED in a cave REDACTED REDACTED The bones were struck by an unknown force, and the skull was found to have been shattered and partially filled with its contents.

SCP-149-1 was discovered under a bed in the REDACTED REDACTED cave. None of the bones have been recovered.

collapsible show="+ Report on SCP-149-1” hide=”- Report on SCP-149-1”

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-149-1Crab.png width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-149-1^^ || div

Item : SCP-149

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-149 is to be contained at Site-99, under the supervision of Doctor REDACTED To date, Doctor REDACTED has been unable to access SCP-149. The Foundation has been unable to determine the nature of Doctor REDACTED involvement in the SCP Foundation, or how Doctor REDACTED has acquired the artifact.

Description: SCP-149 is a large, dark cave in the REDACTED Mountains, about 150 km from REDACTED National Park. The cave is surrounded by a small section of rock, with an extremely steep curve.

When the cave is reached, the cave does not appear to exist, and seems to be a house made of rock. The walls are lined with obsidian, with the exception of a small mound of obsidian, which is covered with a translucent black substance. These materials are located above the cave’s interior, in a section of the cave that is known as the “Crab.”

The rock that encircles the cave is extremely brittle, with the pieces easily breaking, and having a very high melting point. The obsidian is present, as well, in all bones of the cave, with the exception of the skull, which has been observed to exhibit a very high melting point.

The structure of the cave itself is unremarkable, mostly unchanged, except for the numerous obsidian fragments that are present.

When the artifact is brought in contact with SCP-149, the objects in contact with it will not react to the artifact. It is unknown whether the artifact is contained within the cave, or in another location.

When the artifact is brought into contact with the artifact, in one of the three ways, it will likely become a kind of “crab” and walk on its own. This behavior is a direct result of its shape.

SCP-149 will not respond to contact with a artifact of its own.


It has been observed that SCP-149 appears to be capable of creating “crabs” that appear to be “falling” on contact. This behavior has been observed to occur when the artifact is brought into contact with a living creature, such as a lemur, which will “jump” from the cave. If SCP-149 is brought into contact with an animal that has been captured by SCP-149, it will immediately become a “crab” and attempt to escape. However, if the artifact is brought into contact with an insect, it will “attack” it, increasing in size until it is an inch in length and weighing approximately 45 kg. When the artifact is brought into contact with a human, it will immediately become an “crab” and attempt to escape. However, if the artifact is brought into contact with a “human” it will “attack” it, increasing in size until it is an inch in length and weighing approximately 45 kg. If the artifact is brought into contact with a “man” it will “attack” it, increasing in size until it is an inch in length and weighing approximately 45 kg.


SCP-149 has been observed to appear to have a slightly higher melting point than Earth’s crust, producing an “antiquated” crystalline substance. This substance is hidden in deposits of granite, quartz, iron, and granite. The substance appears to be a monolith.

Addendum: collapsible show="+ Report on SCP-149” hide=”- Report on SCP-149”

Addendum: collapsible show="+ Report on SCP-149” hide=”- Report on SCP-149”

Addendum: collapsible show="+ Report on SCP-149” hide=” End of Transmission 21


Transmission 14 In the past, SCP-682-A, which has not been officially classified as a human being, has been present in Foundation history. Whether this is due to SCP-682's cause or a non-containable effect on individuals remains unknown.

SCP-682 is a human male of average build, approximately 6'6”. SCP-682-A is currently located in a room where he is currently being held by Kondraki. Kondraki has attempted to use SCP-682 to harm SCP-682 in an attempt to sabotage the Foundation. SCP-682-A is currently in the room of Kondraki, with SCP-682-A on his left side, surrounded by a small whiteboard and drawing pen. Kondraki and SCP-682-A are both approaching SCP-682’s room, in a manner similar to an attempt to kill him.

SCP-682-A is in the middle of a corridor in a factory in REDACTED REDACTED The room is empty except for a single chair, with an empty seat in the middle. The corridor is lit on fire with a single lamp. SCP-682-A stands in the same room, and is in the middle of a hallway in the factory. A small pile of paper is placed in front of SCP-682-A. The paper contains a list of all the current events that have taken place, and SCP-682-A is reading the list.

SCP-682-A is in the middle of the hallway in the factory. All the items on the front of SCP-682-A are in his possession. SCP-682-A is carrying a bottle of whiskey, with a glass of water in his hand. The water in the bottle appears to be liquid gold, and has a silver lining. The whiskey in the bottle is of unknown origin, and appears to be of unknown origin.

SCP-682-A has not been seen since the death of SCP-682-1, who was found drowned in a pool of blood in a pool of blood.

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Transmission 6 Replacement:  A common form of microchip implanted into the skin and implanted in the brains of infected individuals.  The chip is thought to be capable of causing multiple memories andor limbic structures to malfunction, possibly causing a "death sentence."

SCP-127 is a highly contagious and highly contagious disease.  SCP-127 is often transmitted to persons with multiple sclerosis.  The disease is spread through contact with blood, through blood transfusions, or through infectious agents.

SCP-127 is often present in the general population, however, it is generally harmless and can be contained within a small area.  SCP-127 can cause slight to moderate symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, depression, anxiety, and others.  SCP-127 is a self-replicating virus.  SCP-127 is highly contagious, and is highly contagious when placed within a human host.

Note:  SCP-127 is not to be exposed to blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  SCP-127 is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluid from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Dr. REDACTED REDACTED is not to be exposed to bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.

Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is not to be infected by blood, blood, or other bodily fluids from anyone with multiple sclerosis.

Note:  Both Doctor REDACTED and Doctor REDACTED are suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis and Doctor REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note:  Dr. REDACTED is suffering from multiple sclerosis.  Note: End of Transmission 6


Transmission 20 In response to this, the Foundation established a Task Force, composed of Level 4 personnel, to investigate and exploit SCP-334-2.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:300px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wdfiles.comlocal–filesscp-334scp-334.jpg width="300px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-334-2 in its original state^^ || div

Item : SCP-334

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-334 is contained in a 2m x 2m cell at Site-34, an observation room at Site-35. The device is to be kept in a secure vault at all times to prevent the spread of potential infections. Access is required whenever SCP-334 is being used for research purposes.

Description: SCP-334 is a rotary magnetic device in a glass case. When activated, the device will generate a magnetic field that will cause an object to be drawn from the object. When activated, the object is drawn into the device. Upon activation, the object will disappear without leaving behind any trace of its original state.

When activated, the device appears to be a single magnet that will magnetize any human-readable material. When the device is turned on, the resultant magnetic field will appear to be a single magnet on a magnetic field-like field.

When the device is turned on with no magnetic field, the resultant magnetic field will appear to be a single magnetic field. When the device is turned off with no magnetic field, the resultant magnetic field will appear to be another magnetic field.

When the device is turned on, the resulting magnetic field will appear to be three separate magnetic fields. When the device is turned on, the resultant magnetic field will appear to be a single magnetic field. When the device is turned off, the resulting magnetic field will appear to be a single magnetic field.

When the device is turned on, the result will be a force field that is strong enough to be applied to any human body. When the device is turned on, the resultant magnetic field will appear to be a force field that has a force equivalent to that of a fist. When the device is turned off, the resultant magnetic field will immediately appear to be a force field.

Addendum 335-1: The current state of research on SCP-334 is currently under review.

Addendum 334-2: Proposed test to test any magnetic field produced by SCP-334.

Addendum 334-3: TEST2 subject is a Caucasian male, between the ages of 18 and 27. Upon activation, the device will generate an unknown magnetic field, initially similar to a pheromone. When the device is turned on, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. When the device is turned off, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. When the device is turned on, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone.

Addendum 334-4: TEST2 subject is an African-American male, between the ages of 18 and 27. Upon activation, the device will generate a strong magnetic field, initially similar to a pheromone. When the device is turned on, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. When the device is turned on, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. If the device is turned on, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone.

Addendum 334-5: Testing on a variety of subjects to determine the effects of SCP-334.

Addendum 334-6: TEST2 subject is a Caucasian male, between the ages of 18 and 27, who has experienced several severe psychological issues. Upon activation, the device will generate a magnetic field, initially similar to a pheromone. When the device is turned on, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. Upon activation, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. When the device is turned off, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. When the device is turned off, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. When the device is turned on, the magnetic field will appear to be a very strong pheromone. When the device is turned on, the magnetic field will appear to be an extremely strong magnetic field. When the device is turned off, the magnetic field will appear to be an extremely strong magnetic field.

Addendum 334-7: TEST2 End of Transmission 20


Transmission 10 SCP-043-1-J is a pair of glasses made from the same material as SCP-043-1, with a plastic handle, one glass being a black, one a white, and one a grey. The handle is supplied with a soft cloth to attach the lenses to. Control of SCP-043-1-J is performed via the use of a pair of plastic safety goggles.

SCP-043-1-J is capable of producing the optic fibers of a standard human eye, when presented with a subject’s eye, they will instead produce these fibers of a type of high-grade glass. This allows the subject to see in a natural way. These fibers are visible when the subject is wearing glasses, but only through the lens. The fibers are visible when the subject is wearing a full-length thick-tissue, full-body medical suit. The fibers will slowly grow in size, stretching beyond their original size of approximately a millimeter.

SCP-043-1-J is capable of producing a maximum of 700 nm of light per second when presented with a subject’s eye. This light produces wavelengths of light that range from 2 to 4 meters. The wavelength range is approximately one hundred and fifty (150) meter.

The optic fibers of SCP-043-1-J produce a circular effect, which causes the subject to see in a manner similar to a human eye. The effect is felt when the subject is wearing glasses over the optic fibers. This effect is felt even if the subject is not wearing a full-body medical suit.

Any subject attempting to use SCP-043-1-J to feel the effect will suffer a mild mental breakdown. The effects are temporary and it is recommended that the subject take immediate psychological counseling.


A study on the effect of SCP-043-1-J on the visual process is underway. The study is being carried out by Doctor REDACTED in collaboration with Doctor REDACTED who is recovering from her second-degree burn. title:SCP-044

module Rate

Item : SCP-044

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-044 is currently kept in a locked container at Site-██. Subject is to be buried in a natural grave, and is to be fed according to protocol. When not eating, subject is to be fed a diet consisting of basic meat, fish, and vegetables.

Subject is to be fed a diet comprised of bread and fruit, with no artificial coloring or flavor.

Description: SCP-044 is a large black metal container with a handle that is approximately two meters in length and two meters in width. The handle is a black metal container that is approximately five meters in width and five meters in length. A standard metal casket is attached to the handle, and it is to be kept in a climate-controlled room.

The container is filled with coal and canola oil, and is stored in a locked container in Site-██. The canola oil is stored in a locked container at Site-██.

When subject is starved, subject is to be contained in a metal casket and fed according to protocol. Once per year, subject is to be fed a diet consisting of meat, fish, and vegetables.

Addendum: SCP-044 is to be kept in an iron casket at Site-██. Subject is to be fed a diet consisting of beef, lima beans, and rice.

Addendum: -If subject is to be fed a diet consisting of beef, lima beans, and rice, subject is to be buried in a natural grave, and not be fed.

Addendum: -If subject is to be fed a diet consisting of beef, lima beans, and rice, subject is to be buried in a natural grave, and not be fed.

Addendum: -If subject is to be fed a diet consisting of beef, lima beans, and rice, subject is to be buried in a natural grave, and not be fed.

Addendum: -If subject is to be fed a diet consisting of beef, lima beans, and rice, subject is to be buried in a natural grave, and not fed.

Addendum: -If subject is to be fed a diet consisting of beef, lima beans, and rice, subject is to be buried in a natural grave, and not fed.

Addendum: -If subject is to be fed a diet consisting of beef, lima beans, and rice, subject is to be buried in a natural grave, and not fed.

Addendum: -If subject is to be fed a diet consisting of beef, lima beans, and rice, subject is End of Transmission 10


Transmission 22 The artist who painted the structures on the walls has been found dead by a bullet fired into the temple.

Note: As I was reading a story about a man who always had a good time, I remembered someone who had a lot of tattoos. It was a guy who was a very funny guy, if pretty, and he had a really bad time. He would make a giant mess of anything, but he didn’t always have to. He was always smart and funny, and loved to find a way to make a lot of things look lovely. I was already thinking about putting him in the future, watching what he did with his tattoos.

Note: He worked at a electronics store, and he was always very artistic. He was a kind and kind-hearted guy, but he always had a lot of work to do.

Note: I’ve never seen a man like this before. He was just a guy, a really good guy, and he always had a lot of work to do. It was around this time that I started to notice that he was getting older. He started wearing the same clothes as me, but it was just the glasses. He was a really funny guy, and was always doing a lot of things. It was around this time that I started to notice that he was getting older, and I started to notice that he was getting more and more active. He started getting older, and I started to notice more and more things. He seemed to get more active, and started suggesting new things. He started to ask me every time I was around, and I started to ask him questions about anything I was doing, and it got funny. He made me ask him about his tattoos, and he said he didn’t like them, but he always had a lot of work to do.

Note: It was around this time that I started to notice that he was getting more and more active, and I got more and more curious. He started asking me questions about everything, and I started to notice more and more things. He started asking me questions about things that I was doing, and it got funny. My curiosity got bigger, and I started to notice more and more things. He started asking questions about things that I was doing, and I started to see more and more things. He started asking questions about things that I was doing, and I started to see more and more things. He started asking questions about things that I was doing, and he started to see more and more things. I started to see a lot more and more things. He started to see a lot more and more things, and I started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things.

Note: I wasn’t surprised. He would always ask questions about everything, and it got weird. He was always asking questions about things that I was doing, and I started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things, and I started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things, and I started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things.

Note: I didn’t really have a clue what I was seeing, so I didn’t notice it. He noticed me, and he started saying things about the things I was doing, and I was seeing more and more things. He started to see more and more things, and I started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things. I started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things, and I started to see more and more things. He stopped seeing things, and I started to see more and more things. I started to see more and more things, and I started to see more and more things. He stopped seeing everything, and I started to see more and more things. He stopped seeing everything, and I started to see more and more things. He stopped seeing everything, and I started to see more and more things. I started to see more and more things.

Note: I didn’t really have a clue what I was seeing, so I didn’t notice it. He noticed me, and he started saying things about the things I was seeing, and I started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things. He stopped seeing everything, and I started to see more and more things. He stopped seeing everything, and I started to see more and more things. He started to see more and more things, and I started to see more and more things. He started seeing more and more things, and I started to see more and more things. He stopped seeing things, and I started to End of Transmission 22


Transmission 5 O5-█: Is there any information on what is your personal style of music?

SCP-█████████: Speaking I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: You’re right.

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What do you want to know?

SCP-█████████: exits conversation I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: Do you have any important news?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you looking forward to?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news do you want?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What news are you excited about?

SCP-█████████: continuing I’m not sure. That’s a bit of a personal choice.

O5-█: What End of Transmission 5


Transmission 18 Note: The following is an excerpt from the SCP-642 interview log, recorded on-site for the last several months.

Doctor REDACTED Are you observing SCP-642? And what is it doing there? SCP-642: Oh, that’s it! I’m a psychic. I’m observing it! SCP-642: Oh, my. That’s a psychic. Doctor REDACTED How do you like it? SCP-642: It’s very annoying. For one of the reasons I’ve read your work on this subject, I thought it might be useful. Doctor REDACTED How do you like it? SCP-642: Oh. That’s really annoying. It’s so…. annoying. Doctor REDACTED What’s the other reason? SCP-642: It’s very annoying. Doctor REDACTED you’ve just been dismissed. SCP-642: Ha. Doctor REDACTED do you feel? SCP-642: I don’t know, but I don’t like it. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed.  How do you feel about that? SCP-642: I don’t like it. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Oh. That’s horrible.  It makes me feel so… sick.  I’m… disgusted. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed.  How do you feel? SCP-642: I don’t like it. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: No.  I don’t want to hear about it. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed.  How do you feel? SCP-642: I don’t like it. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Ha. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Ha. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Oh.  That’s horrible. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Oh, that’s horrible. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Ha. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Ha. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Ha. Doctor REDACTED you have been dismissed. SCP-642: Ha.

Interview 642-026-23-18-02 Interviewer:  Dr. REDACTED Doctor REDACTED Interviewee:  SCP-642 Doctor REDACTED you talked about it.  Does it make you feel bad for saying it?   Dr. REDACTED don’t you feel bad for saying it?   Dr. REDACTED bad. Doctor REDACTED you say it makes you feel bad.  Is it painful?   Dr. REDACTED don’t you feel bad for saying it?   Dr. REDACTED don’t you feel bad for saying it?   Dr. REDACTED are you wondering?  No, what are you wondering?   Dr. REDACTED you ask me.  What do you mean by asking me?   Dr. REDACTED you ask me what do you mean by asking me?   Dr. REDACTED you ask me what do you mean by asking me?   Dr. REDACTED don’t know.  Then you ask me what do you mean by asking me?   Dr. REDACTED you ask me what do you mean by asking me?   Dr. REDACTED you have said it makes you feel bad.  Is it painful?   Dr. REDACTED End of Transmission 18


Transmission 20 Here, I've got you covered. - Mr. Bright

Did you know that SCPs are actually on a separate site? - Doctor Bright I’m sorry, but it’s hard to tell, but I don’t have time to waste. - Doctor Bright I’m sorry, but your board is… not the only thing you need to be on. - Doctor Bright I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to waste. - Doctor Bright You’re not going to be making a big deal about it. - Doctor Bright Not at all, really.

Before I get to the real question, I must say, my little test is going to be my last. - Doctor Bright I’ve been called upon for a test, sir, to get me to talk about my experiences. I’m not exactly a strong believer in the supernatural, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy the interview. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, let’s get started. - Doctor Bright

Alright, time to start. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, let’s get ready for the real test. - Doctor Bright

Hey, you’re not going to be making a big deal about it. - Doctor Bright

Oh, and I’m going to tell you one thing, however important. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, let’s go for a walk. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

Yeah, what? I found a place to camp. It’s big, but small. We walked into a room. There was a campfire. I asked the guy who made the fire what he found. He said something like, “There’s something out there that makes campfire and fire in the sky. It’s hot right now.” That was in a room with a fire pit and some climbing walls. I told him the fire was really cool, and he told me the room was actually on fire. It’s not that. - Doctor Bright

Now, I know that you’re going to be doing some of this interview on your own. - Doctor Bright

Ok, so, you’ve just found out that SCP-682 is still on the same site. How did that get you there? - Doctor Bright

Well, it was found in a cave. That’s where the demons were. They didn’t come from the cave, but they came from the cave town. So, they came in, and found a group of them. They took out the camera and put it in the place where they found SCP-682. I think they were all coming in, to see what was out there. Okay, so, now you’re going to be doing some of this interview for me. - Doctor Bright

Okay, then tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright I don’t think I can tell you that, but tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

I don’t know. - Doctor Bright

Okay, let’s get started. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

I don’t know, but tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, you’re going to be doing this on your own. - Doctor Bright

Now, tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

I can’t tell you what you found, but I can tell you what you found. - Doctor Bright

You found a campfire on fire, and you’ve found a fire pit. Tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

I don’t know, but you found a campfire on fire. Tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

I don’t know, but I can tell you what you found. - Doctor Bright

Ok, now, tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

Okay, now, tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

You found a campfire on fire. Tell me what you found. - Doctor Bright

I don’t know, but you found a firepit on fire. Tell me what you found. End of Transmission 20

Collection 6


Transmission 9 The Commanding Officer of SCP-768-1, Doctor REDACTED is assigned to SCP-768-2.

Date: REDACTED REDACTED and SCP-768-2 are engaged in a game of cat and mouse. SCP-768-2 is blind, and SCP-768-1 is blind. SCP-768-1 reports a strange sensation when playing with SCP-768-1. Doctor REDACTED begins to rub his eyes, and he begins to talk.

Dr. REDACTED orders SCP-768-1 to attack SCP-768-1. Doctor REDACTED is surprised to find SCP-768-2 is disguised as a dog. Doctor REDACTED orders SCP-768-1 to attack SCP-768-1, but SCP-768-2 is defeated.

Dr. REDACTED begins to cry, and SCP-768-1 is overcome by his rage. After a period of time, SCP-768-1 stops crying. The pain in his eyes becomes so great that Doctor REDACTED has to wear the blindfold, and he is unable to see. SCP-768-1 is able to tell the difference between the two, and it is this effect that Doctor REDACTED has been dealing with.

SCP-768-1 begins to cry, and Doctor REDACTED puts on a mask. He is able to see SCP-768-1’s eyes, and he is able to see a gap in the wall. He asks Doctor REDACTED if he can go back to the room.

Dr. REDACTED says that he is glad to see SCP-768-1’s eyes, and that he has a good chance of getting his hands on a copy of SCP-768-1.

Dr. REDACTED states that he is going to try and kill SCP-768-1, and that it is a good way to do it. He tells SCP-768-1 to attack it, and Doctor REDACTED orders SCP-768-1 to attack Doctor REDACTED SCP-768-1 recovers, and Doctor REDACTED orders SCP-768-1 to attack Doctor REDACTED SCP-768-1 begins to attack Doctor REDACTED but Doctor REDACTED is defeated. SCP-768-1 is able to communicate with Doctor REDACTED and he is able to tell him that it is a cat. Doctor REDACTED is able to tell SCP-768-1 that it is a dog, and that it is a dog.

Dr. REDACTED states that he is going to try and kill SCP-768-1. He is able to communicate with SCP-768-2, and he is able to tell it that it is a cat. Doctor REDACTED is able to tell SCP-768-2 that it is a dog, and it has been attacking him. SCP-768-2 grows agitated, and Doctor REDACTED takes out his gun, and shoots SCP-768-1.

Dr. REDACTED asks Doctor REDACTED to let him die, and he says that he didn’t know how to do it.

SCP-768-1 responds by cutting Doctor REDACTED off with a knife, and Doctor REDACTED is able to see SCP-768-1’s brain. Doctor REDACTED is able to see the brain, and he feels intense pain in the center of his skull, and he screams for his life.

Dr. REDACTED is able to see what the brain is thinking. Doctor REDACTED is able to see the brain, and he becomes very angry. Doctor REDACTED dies instantly, and Doctor REDACTED is able to hear Doctor REDACTED voice. Doctor REDACTED is able to hear Doctor REDACTED voice, and he is able to talk with it.

Dr. REDACTED asked Doctor REDACTED to let him die, and he said that he did not know how to do it.

Dr. REDACTED had to take Doctor REDACTED gun, and he killed him by slicing his head open with a knife. Doctor REDACTED became very angry and started cutting him. Doctor REDACTED was able to see Doctor REDACTED brain, and he felt intense pain in the center of his skull. Doctor REDACTED was able to hear Doctor REDACTED voice, and he was able to walk away from Doctor REDACTED Doctor REDACTED is able to hear him speaking, and he is able to feel the pain in his skull. Doctor REDACTED is able to see what End of Transmission 9


Transmission 0 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 0


Transmission 1 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 1


Transmission 13  

Note: I was wondering if you could please tell us the reason behind your behavior.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes.

Subject: I’m not entirely sure what you’ve been doing here, but I’ve been taking care of your nerves, and your eyes. End of Transmission 13


Transmission 8 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 8


Transmission 10 “Is this a formality?"

“No, it’s not. It’s not like you and I ever practiced together, or anything, or anything like that. We’re still friends.” “You don’t want to give me a sword?” “I’m not a sword.” “I’m just a sword.” “I’m not a sword.” “If I’m going to be observed, I’m going to be observed.” “If you want to talk to me, “go ahead.” “No, you want to talk to me?” “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s not.” “The sword’s your friend.” “No, it’s not.” “I’ll show you.” “No, but it’s going to be extra-long.” “I’m going to show the sword.” “There’s a difference.” “Yes, but it’s not going to be a sword.” “No, but it’s going to be a sword.” “Look, it’s not going to be an extra-long sword.” “I’ll show it to you.” “No, it’s not.” “No.” “It’s not.” “I’ll show it to you.” “It’s not.” “I’m going to show you.” “It’s not a sword. It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “It’s not.” “They’re not.” “They’re.” “No, it’s not.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “No.” “ End of Transmission 10


Transmission 1 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 1


Transmission 12 The Foundation has carried out several tests on SCP-347-1, which have been inconclusive, and have revealed that SCP-347-1 is capable of consuming any medium containing solid materials, including wood, paper, glass, metal, glass, metal, and wood.

In addition, the Foundation has proven capable of conducting experiments on SCP-347-1, as well as research on other SCP-347 components.

div style="float:right; margin:0 2em 1em 2em; width:200px; border:0;” |||| image http:scp-wiki.wikidot.comlocal–filesscp-347-1scp347-1.jpg width="200px” || ||||~ ^^SCP-347-1 hunting a member of the Foundation^^ || div

Item : SCP-347

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-347 is to be kept in a standard-issue vial, kept in a locked safe-deposit box at Site-19, in accordance with the code of conduct for SCP-347-1.

Description: SCP-347 is a mannequin that resembles the face of a stereotypical African-American male, dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans, with a black belt in black arts. The mannequin is a Caucasian male of average physical build, approximately 7 feet 9 inches in height, with brown hair and brown eyes. SCP-347 is capable of speech, and is capable of speech patterns that are consistent with human speech.

A black dress that appears to be a wedding dress is worn on the mannequin’s head. The dress is as worn as the mannequin’s body, and appears to have been worn by the couple for millions of years. The dress is presumably a type of wedding dress, but the mannequin’s speech patterns are consistent with human speech. The mannequin appears to have no facial features, which may be a reflection of the mannequin’s reduced mental capacity for speech.

SCP-347 has shown itself capable of the use of any medium capable of producing speech. It has been able to work with it to speak, as well as with it to communicate. The mannequin has shown to be able to speak in any language capable of reading and writing, and has demonstrated the ability to communicate with it directly.

Addendum 347-1: As of REDACTED SCP-347 has been acquired by the Foundation, and is retained by the Foundation as part of a covert project.

Addendum 347-2: SCP-347 has been recovered during a mass murder investigation in REDACTED California, wherein a suspected serial killer had been executed. SCP-347 was found in a locked box of a pharmaceutical store in REDACTED California, during this investigation. It was later discovered in a storage unit at Site-19. As a result of this investigation, SCP-347 has been reclassified Euclid.

Addendum 347-3: On REDACTED a single sample of SCP-347 was recovered by Foundation agents from a warehouse in REDACTED California. SCP-347 was found in a box of several bottles of a T-shirt brand specialty brand, and one of the bottles contained a type of heart medicine called “voodoo” that had been prescribed by Doctor Blanco. The agents were trained to administer the medicine on various subjects, but the patient refused. SCP-347 was recovered, and after further investigation, was excised from the body.

Addendum 347-4: On REDACTED a single sample of SCP-347 was found in a locked box of a pharmaceutical store in REDACTED California. It was later discovered in a storage unit at Site-19. It was later found in a box of several bottles of white liquid. SCP-347 was recovered, and while personnel were unsuccessful in retrieving the bottle, Doctor Blanco was able to force it to the surface of Doctor REDACTED possession, preventing further contamination.

Addendum 347-5: On REDACTED SCP-347 was found in a plastic funnel in REDACTED California. The funnel had been transported to Site-19, and had been removed from its container and placed in Doctor REDACTED office. The funnel was modified to resemble a water bottle, and the bottle was reattached with other components. The bottle was found in Doctor REDACTED possession, and Doctor REDACTED office was searched. There was no sign of Doctor REDACTED presence, and no action was taken.

End of Transmission 12


Transmission 6 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 6


Transmission 1 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 1


Transmission 5 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 5


Transmission 7 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 7


Transmission 0 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 0


Transmission 2 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 2


Transmission 0 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 0


Transmission 14 "Hello there!"

“Salting! Thank you.”

“And I won’t touch you again! I’m sorry.”

“Oh, yes.”

“How about this one?”

“Two, three, four. I’m going to take my shoes off.”

“I know how to do this?”

“You’re a good girl, don’t you?”

“Ah, yes. I know. I know what you do. This is going to be different.”

“I’m guessing you don’t know your new job. This is going to be different.”

“Ah, yes. I’m guessing you don’t know what you do. This is going to be different.”

“Ah, yes.”

“Ah, yes. That’s right. These days, I’m going to take my shoes off. I’m going to take them off my back. I’m going to fuck my ass all over again, like I did when I was a kid. I’m going to eat my ass off, and then I’m going to go home. I’m going to eat my ass off again, like I did when I was a kid. I’m going to find a new girlfriend, and I’m going to find a new boyfriend. I’m going to find a new lover. I’m going to find a new birth mother. I’m going to find a new lover in my heart. I’m going to find a new lover in my mind. I’m going to find a new lover in my heart. I’m going to find a new lover in my mind. I’m going to find a new lover in my heart. I’m going to find a new lover in my mind. You’re going to find this.

“Now, you’re going to play with my shoes. I’m going to play with your shoes. I’m going to make you wear my shoes.

“And now, you’re going to experiment with my shoes. I’m going to try to make you wear my shoes.

“And now, you’re going to experiment with my breasts. I’m going to try to make your breasts.

“And now, you’re going to eat with my breasts. You won’t stop until I make my breasts. You won’t stop until I make your breasts.

“And now, you’re going to try to make your breasts. You won’t stop until I make your breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until I make your breasts.

“And now, you’re going to eat with my breasts. You won’t stop until I make your breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

“And now, you’re going to be naked with my breasts. You won’t stop until my breasts.

" End of Transmission 14


Transmission 15 The real question is how do you trust your skin to the sun when you have to keep track of your skin's pH?

I don’t know.

One thing is certain: that the sun is not the source of all the evil in the world.

The only way to stop it is to have a proper sunburn and a proper skin wash.


I’ve received a lot of requests from people asking me to do a skin wash.

I’ve gone through a lot of stuff, but I can’t heat a room with a cast-iron pan. I can’t turn a light on a lamp. I can’t get my hair on to a bright wall.

I can’t get my eyes open to see a smile on a face.

I wasn’t a good student. I didn’t have the guts to ask for a skin wash.

The only way to stop it is to have a proper sunburn and a proper skin wash.


Yes, that’s right. You can ask.



































Of course.










































































































shrug End of Transmission 15


Transmission 4 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 4


Transmission 3 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 3


Transmission 11 A group of soldiers came into the room, looking at the door. They were wearing fatigues and carrying assault rifles.

The soldiers introduced themselves as Colonel REDACTED REDACTED an officer with the REDACTED REDACTED Group. They said that they were a team of REDACTED REDACTED who were working on a project to investigate the effects of SCP-███.

The group proceeded into the room. The people inside were armed with assault rifles, very accurate rounds of ammunition. The group was initially armed with assault rifles, but were destroyed by Agent REDACTED when they were brought into the room.

The group did not immediately begin to talk. After several minutes, the group showed signs of fatigue.

The group was able to discuss the incident with each other, while Agent REDACTED recovered SCP-███. Agent REDACTED met with the other members of the group, who said that they were all quite pleased with their performance during the incident.

The group was surprised when Agent REDACTED broke free of the restraints. The group saw what appeared to be a large army of SCP-███ in the room. Agent REDACTED then placed SCP-███ in a large locker. The group then walked out of the locker and into the room.

The group had noticed a large amount of blood. The blood turned out to be SCP-███, a blood-borne virus. It was then that Agent REDACTED noticed a small pile of blood on the floor. Next to the blood was a piece of paper with the words “SCP-███.” A few minutes later, the paper was found on SCP-███.

Agent REDACTED reported that the paper was a piece of paper that he claimed was a “strange combination of religious themes and a large amount of blood.” He then took the paper to a room with several more SCP-███.

Agent REDACTED was surprised to find that the blood appeared to be a mixture of SCP-███, blood, and SCP-███. The blood was indistinguishable from normal blood. When he began to draw the blood samples, the blood turned out to be a mixture of SCP-███, blood, and SCP-███.

After the group had started to draw more blood samples, Agent REDACTED noticed that SCP-███ had a dark, circular mass in front of his eye. The mass appeared to be the blood mass of a human being, but Agent REDACTED noted that it looked different. The mass was obviously blood.

Agent REDACTED was able to draw SCP-███ onto the blood and observe the effect. The mass was completely devoid of blood. Agent REDACTED reported that the blood turned out to be SCP-███. When he drew SCP-███ onto the SCP, the blood turned into a large, brightly coloured blob of SCP-███.

After several minutes, Agent REDACTED heard voices speaking in his ear. When he looked up, he saw several small children playing on the floor. When he looked closer, he saw one of the children being covered in blood. Agent REDACTED discovered that the child was wearing a lab coat.

Agent REDACTED later awoke to find the group wearing lab coats, but no clothes. He was able to draw SCP-███ onto SCP, and saw it distort. He immediately began to draw blood samples from the blood mass, and the blood samples turned out to be SCP-███.

Agent REDACTED was able to draw SCP-███ onto a large table, which was covered with several blood samples. The table was covered with SCP-407, a blood-borne virus, and Agent REDACTED noted that the table contained several SCP-███.

Agent REDACTED was able to draw SCP-███ onto SCP, and saw SCP-███ in his eye. Agent REDACTED stated that the blood appeared to be a mixture of SCP-███, blood, and SCP-███. Agent REDACTED was able to draw SCP-███ onto SCP, and the blood turned into a large piece of SCP-███.

Agent REDACTED reported that the blood resembled a piece of wood, but covered in SCP-███. Agent REDACTED was able to draw SCP-███ onto SCP, and the blood turned into the piece of SCP-███. After several minutes, Agent REDACTED heard a voice calling out in his ear.

Agent REDACTED reported seeing a large group of soldiers, wearing military fatigues, carrying assault rifles. Agent REDACTED reported seeing seven black figures with dark uniforms. Agents REDACTED reported hearing a voice calling out in his ear, “Oh, we’re here for you.”

Three minutes later, the group of soldiers began to walk out of the End of Transmission 11


Transmission 9 SCP-682-1 was first called up to the Foundation following the disappearance of Doctor REDACTED REDACTED of REDACTED REDACTED and REDACTED End of Transmission 9